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No military for me


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Went and spoke with an Air Force recruiter today. I have been unemployed since January and am in desperate need of a job, figured hey why not!


I guess I am too short, too fat and too dumb. I am 5'7" and 145lbs but somehow they measured me at barely 5'3". She claimed I was too short but if they fudge the numbers they could make something happen. The thing that disappointed me the most was that they wanted me to lose 56 pounds before they would even consider me. My ribs already show as it is


I took the practice Asvab they have and scored a 37, I guess I needed a 50. The thing I don't get is what is with all of these letters in the math? I graduated high school at the top of my class not even 4 years ago and just earned my associates degree, I've never seen math with letters. Call me stupid or whatever but * * * ? I was under the impression that the military was desperate for new people, I guess not.

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I don't really know what to say other than start working out and take some classes? That's a seriously bad practive asvab score, you were top of your class you say? I'm not even top 20% and I got a 91 on the practice thingy (99 is max). I dont know what else to say other than maybe get an algebra tutor...


I also find it odd that they measured you at 5'3" and you said you were 5'7", and they said to lost 56 pounds and you say that you're 145lbs. Are you being truthful?

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The math with numbers is called algebra, sweety. It is not only required in life, I don't think you can get out of 8th grade without it. You never took it? You're kidding, right? It is one of the Federal Standards for education that in order to enter high school, you have to pass Algebra. It's not hard at all, it's fun. Now Calc, that's hard!

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Yeah, never took it in high school or college. Graduated 10th of 380 from high school and 900th or so out of 5000 in college. I'm being honest in regards to height and weight. A friend works in a doctor's office and I measured out at 5'7" I just want to know how they got 5'3" ???



Apparently the test I took had a maximum score of 50 so I don't feel as bad now.

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