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Confusion and Desire


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Hey everyone,

I recently met this waitress who I find very, very attractive. I have seen her with her boyfriend a few times and the relationship seems pretty strong. The other day I saw her with a couple of guys and decided to say hi. About 20 minutes later she came up to me and asked what i was doing the next day, she then asked me to watch her sing somewhere. I did. During her love song, she walked up to me while singing, and looking directly into my eyes. I caught her looking at me a couple more times throughout the evening as well. I saw her tonight and asked her if she was still dating that one guy... yes. hmmm. Before I left I told her this, "I dont mean to be mean, but if anything was to happen between you two, I would be more than happy to take you out sometime."

-Do you think that comment was too much? Should I leave it alone?

Comments please. I also realize that this post is far less serious than most. Just wanted feedback. Any ideas on winning her?

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Hi Persoconfide,


I think it does come down to "phrasing" here.


What you have said to her is not totally wrong. But your good intentions might seem a little harsh though. You probably could have said something like "If he ever mistreats you, just remember that I am here for ya". Same intentions, but without insinuating that you are "just waiting for something to happen and take her out".


Be cool about it. Try to approach this relationship as a friend would. Nothing more. It is not easy I know, but you do not want to scare her off too right?


Patience is the key. Chill. 8)

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