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am i chasing him? is he interested? should i just let it go or ask him over one more time?


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Im so confused, i recently met a guy through a friend and we hit it off! He asked me out on a date but we ended up finding out that he was going to be near my area that tuesday so i told him to drop by then...and so he did...we ended up getting along really well and spending an awesome time together just relaxin, goin to beach etc.


he was very affectionate and was talking about wanting to see me again but was asking if he could see me again like he wasnt sure if i was wanting to see him again or if he was just some fling....


anyways i told him i would hang with him again for sure...so when he got home he ended up txting me that he had an awesome time with me, how lovely i am and said hopefully he could see me again? and put the q mark on end....i said i would def see him again and for him to just let me know whenever he wanted to hang.....that was a wed night...


come the monday i txt him and asked him if he wanted to come visit...he works weekends and lives a long way away so its not like we can just randomly meet up here n there....he wrote back saying he was working and put a sad face and said hopefully see me soon....


he txt me again later that night saying he could see me maybe the next week and he would check his roster n let me know...i said ok...


he didnt let me know...anyways come this weekend he had his kids so i knew i wouldnt see him...anyways he comes online today and msgs me and says he was going to call as he was nearby where i was but didnt want to make me feel like he was only calling because it was convenient for him...


anyways i wrote on my fb to a friends post that i would have to tempt her with banana bread to get her to come visit me...and he added a comment to it saying that hje lieks banana bread....i took that to mean he wanted me to invite him over but im not sure if that is what he meant...


he said he would love to see me and wished he had of called cos he did want to visit me....


why is he not persuing me? does he not really like me? he doesnt seem to be making that much effort does he....why not if he does want to see me like he says he does and we get alongs o well and he seemed into me so i dont get it...


is he just not interested?


anyways i was thinking about just sending hgim a msg to ask if he had any days off this week and if he would like to come over....but i kinda feel like it should be him making this effort seems i did last time...


should i just let it go and assume he doesnt really like me cos if he did surely he would asked to come over or something at least...not just say he wants to see me.....


would i be chasing him too much?


what should i do? ask him over or let it go?

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Well I had same situation ... my guy lives also like an hour driving from my place and he's busy working all the time. He's a pilot with a very busy schedule flying this month. So I have to be patient. I hate being patient. Anyway one day we were chatting on messenger and I just asked: Hey, when will I see you again?

And he followed up with a date right away. Will see him in 10 day's.


But you did ask him already and he didn't follow with a date .. so in this situation, let him make the plans with you! You don't want to beg for a date!

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It's "desperate" for a girl to chase a guy because that's the standards women set for themselves. Women insist on maintaining gender roles even in these days of equality. Overall, women prefer to be asked, and you'll just have to live with it because the girls prefer it that way and would rather not face the risk of direct rejection in asking.


Believe me, if women thought it was to their advantage to ask for dates like men have to they'd ask. The fact that they don't speaks volumes.

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