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Life Is like??


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Okay, I just got this english assignment today: It's to make a metaphor poem comparing any 2 things. Like life is like a journey, or whatever. Well I love to write poetry and usually these things come easy, but this one didn't. I want to compare me or my life to something. I thought about life is a jail, or my life is like a game of hide and seek..but I just don't know..any ideas??? PLEASE I Need HELP!



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Hmmm. You could have something like: Life is like a long winding path.


Personally i would use: Life is like a dream - short, you make your own choices, doesn't always go how you would like, you have bad days (nightmares) and a lot is possible.


I hope this could of some use to you, im not too good at poetry but im great at writing stories.

Make sure that you post here what you come up with in the end, id love to hear it.



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I posted a messge in the poetry section saying I would write a poem on any subject so I wrote one for you. You can nick it for your assignment if you wish.


Life is like a picture.

Colours hues and tones

Its flat and square.

Not always there.


But when you look

And when you seek

What lies within the frame

You find a story

Filled with love

And with exquisite pain


It is so much,

Much more than flat

(The way you see my life)

For me its rich and meaningful

So precious, full

Ans so much mine.


In every line there is my path

In every colour feeling

In every shape there is my past

My family, my rearing

In each corner are my secrets hdidng from your gaze

In the centre is my chutzpah

Braving out the pain.


There you see my childhood games

And here my childhood pains

Here there is my true love

With my enemy entwined.


So look upon my picture,

Smile and turn away,

Offer up a trite response,

A witty summary.

But as you look,

As you pass,

Remember this my friend.

Your own life is a picture

And not as fine as mine.



Or just bin it


Good luck



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well since it's your life it's kinda hard for us to give you ideas about YOUR life...but...here's one for me.


Life is a race,

at first it seems like a good idea

then after about 15 miles it gets tough.

I began to realize that I am competing against people that are faster and stronger than me, people that have more resolve and more training.

so I try to put myself ahead of every one anyway I can. I'd do practically anything to try to win.

Then it's as if all of my competitors are gone and I realized that all this time the struggle wasn't with others, the struggle I had was with myself.


It's free verse (no rhyming scheme) and kinda cheesy, but it's 100% original so feel free to use or modify it if you want. Just remember it's a metaphor NOT a simile so you can't use LIKE or AS when doing the comparison.


As a bonus here's a lymrick that I'm doing for a creative anthology project. It's about my ex. who left me for HER ex. It's called, "Katie's lymrick"


Maybe he's the one I should thank

He gave all your heart strings a crank

maybe he is the one

his partying all done

but nah, you're just a dumb skank

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Well, I want to thank you for all your replies...and this one is kinda different but I like it.


life is a sucker

you may never know how many licks

it will take to be finished

if it will be sweet or sour

it might break and fall apart or

stay in perfect form until it is gone

Sometimes it might gag you


there will always be someone

you are willing to trade with

but all in all, it is yours,

keep it


enjoy it

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Life is a like a scientific experiment. You have the choice to decide how the experiment should be done. The results are sometimes not what we want or expect. It is possible though that there can be good results. Sometimes, it takes a lot of experiments to do so. People are given different backgrounds on how the whole experiment should run. And finally, at the end, something happens. Life is not static. Too dynamic for anyone to give it any kind of static qualities.

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I have another idea!


Its from the movie Forrest Gump and im very surprised that it hasn't come up already.


"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."


I think that is also somebody's quote on here but i think its really good, you would have to think of more lines for it though.


Also, you could do a mix of a lot of different ideas.



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