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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Any of you ladies use facebook? I'm usually on their more & post more pictures because you can't delete them on here anymore If you do & want to exchange shoot me a PM


im already your facebook friend

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Any of you ladies use facebook? I'm usually on their more & post more pictures because you can't delete them on here anymore If you do & want to exchange shoot me a PM


I'm PMing you! I've wanted to post my facebook on here since i'm only on ENA when i'm at work..and if I go into labor or have baby Hayden I wouldn't have any way of updating anyone besides facebook on my phone, lol!


So this goes for me too - if any of you have facebook and want to exchange PM me!

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I'm PMing you! I've wanted to post my facebook on here since i'm only on ENA when i'm at work..and if I go into labor or have baby Hayden I wouldn't have any way of updating anyone besides facebook on my phone, lol!


So this goes for me too - if any of you have facebook and want to exchange PM me!


dang! add me I'm too lazy to do a PM...send me one if you want haha

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You have a very cute baby, lovely pic x


Aww thank you!


I'm PMing you! I've wanted to post my facebook on here since i'm only on ENA when i'm at work..and if I go into labor or have baby Hayden I wouldn't have any way of updating anyone besides facebook on my phone, lol!


So this goes for me too - if any of you have facebook and want to exchange PM me!


Dang I added you

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I totally get being tired of being pregnant at the end, it's difficult, especially in the heat of summer. You aren't sleeping well, you are huge and swollen and uncomfortable, you can't breathe, your heartburn is killing you, you pee every 15 minutes.... but still, not a reason for an induction (not saying anyone is jumping to induction, just saying that for some women, "I'm sick of being pregnant" is a reason for an unnecessary induction.)


Hopefully when your body is ready to have the baby it will- before you allow any interventions that may lead to an unplanned c-section and a longer and potentially more complicated recovery.

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Oh and in addition. Please don't have any romantic ideas about inductions. I was not induced, but they 'transduced' me. I did have the same oxytocin shots you have when you're induced, on top of my own labour, because my dilation didn't progress. If the shots didn't help, I was up for an emergency C-section. The oxytocin caused a labour-storm, I had contractions/labour without any pause at the end. I thought it would never pass, it was horrible. The epidural was no longer effective, so I just had full-blown non-stop pain. Luckily it worked and I could start pushing two hours later.


Really, your little one will come out when ready

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Yeah, i've already told my doctor I want to avoid being induced as long as possible. I've heard contractions are worse and my doctor also said chance of c section is higher if I were to be induced.


I guess it's just kind of discouraging when my body is progressing at all..but I still have 2 weeks till my due date and a lot can change in two weeks.


hahaha -Hope you and little man are doing okay! Update us when you can!

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Oh and in addition. Please don't have any romantic ideas about inductions. I was not induced, but they 'transduced' me. I did have the same oxytocin shots you have when you're induced, on top of my own labour, because my dilation didn't progress. If the shots didn't help, I was up for an emergency C-section. The oxytocin caused a labour-storm, I had contractions/labour without any pause at the end. I thought it would never pass, it was horrible. The epidural was no longer effective, so I just had full-blown non-stop pain. Luckily it worked and I could start pushing two hours later.


Really, your little one will come out when ready


awww crap. i am so sorry arwen. I knew you had a rough labor but this sounds awful.


In the movie "The Business of Being Born" they talk about how sometimes the drugs can slow down labor actually and make it worse.

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aww, he's so precious! I'm so glad they're doing great! I can't wait to hear all the details.. (:



I had my 38 week appointment yesterday with my OB and still nothing! No dialation, thinning or even a sign of the baby dropping yet..he is head down which is a good thing but he's been head down for the last few months. I'm definitely feeling a ton of more pressure and pain in my pelvic area..and I can't sleep worth a crap since i'm getting up 5+ times a night to pee and rearrange my position, I feel bad because I wake up Trey everytime I have to get out of bed. I have a really short torso so I wonder if maybe he has dropped some..the doctor just can't tell? I doubt that's the case though since when he was doing my cervix check he said his head was still on the high side. The checks are definitely getting more uncomfortable with each week that goes by..my cervix seems extremely tender.


He estimated Hayden's weight to be near 8lbs if he isn't already..and I talked to him about wanting to avoid induction as much as possible which he agreed with but won't let me go over a week past my due date since Hayden is rather large and this is my first baby. So, he told me that when the 21st rolls around..and if nothing has happened..he'll schedule my induction for the 27th, 28th or 29th. Crossing my fingers that we won't have to do that!

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