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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Any of you ladies stay at home moms? Or plan on being 1 when the baby arrives?


Right now, our decision is I will stay home with the baby until he/she goes to pre-k. I am soooo excited to be a stay at home mom! I never thought I wanted that until I became pregnant.


I have a great job right now..great benefits, etc. I'm currently in the decision process of deciding what I want to do..I'm for sure taking off for the first 3 months of the babies life..and instead of going back full time, I may just go back part time. I would love to be a stay at home mom but it would drive me crazy just staying at home all the time.

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I have a great job & benefits too & will miss all my co-workers a lot, but I'm so done with it as well lol. I guess I'm at a point in my life that I just want to raise my baby, take care of the house etc... & I dont want anyone else raising it for me, not even family. ha

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We planned on me being a stay at home mom for 2 years. But after being unemployed my entire pregnancy I would really like to go back to work sooner - but feel like it will be better for the baby to have me here taking care of him. So, in a nutshell - I'm not real sure for how long I will stay home.


We can make it financially with me being home but of course would have a lot more income if I worked which would allow us to buy a home instead of living in an apartment sooner instead of later. The biggest financial concern for us is affording healthcare (premium on hubby's plan for me and baby is $1000 a month! eck!) But there are options we will be looking into & we'll have to see how healthcare reform affects the insurance markets.


The plan right now is for me to stay home and we will continue to evaluate the situation - b/c then there is also the question of more children - ideally I would not like my baby to go to daycare under 2 years of age, but I would also like to have another child in 2-3 years. We'll just have to see how my hubby's career continues to progress and how my sanity holds up being a stay at home mom to find the right answer for us.


I'm not sure what will happen but I know that our hearts and minds are in the right place and we will make it work. I can't imagine going back to work for at least 6 months, probably a year. We'll just have to play it by ear, ya know?

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Molly - that's pretty much our plan too, take it day by day. I dont want to go right back to work & dont want my kid in day care unless its 100% necessary. Right now we are in a very good spot where I can stay home & not worry about the bills, so I figure I should take advantage of it since they are only babies once. My main concern was being bored but with a newborn and then infant I doubt I will have time to get bored lol.

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Im at stay at home mom now as it is to our 5 yr old. I was working full time up til May of this year then we moved way down south so I had to quit my job. Due to recession I just haven't been able to get work. I've really settled into being a stay at home mom now though. Didn't think I would but I love being able to take my son to school and pick him up, plus with the pregnancy now being in 6th month I really do need those afternoon naps so Im grateful to be at home. Will prob find part time job when baby is a year old. But I also want to go back to school by doing a online course at home so will prob do that when I get into a routine with baby.

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Any of you ladies stay at home moms? Or plan on being 1 when the baby arrives?


Right now, our decision is I will stay home with the baby until he/she goes to pre-k. I am soooo excited to be a stay at home mom! I never thought I wanted that until I became pregnant.


I dropped my hours down to per diem when I went back to work, so I work every other weekend, and some holidays, when my husband can be with our daughter. So, I am home most days with her. It works out well for us. I never thought I would want to be a SAHM, but once she came, I just couldn't leave her. We knew that day care wasn't an option for us, and I am happy with my decision.

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Dang I hope the zofran helps you. Must be really hard not being able to keep anything down.


Had my appt with consultant today to check my cervix and everything looks good so no need for stitches 'down there' thank goodness. He checked my bp and that was good, baby is in a good position and we listened to his heartbeat again.

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People don't realize that 9 months is a long time.


Question! For those working mamas..[who were/are pregnant while still working]..when did you decide to stop working? Right before the labor..? A month before..?


If nothing serious happens, i'm thinking i'll turn in my scrubs at the end of June..about a month before my due date.

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People don't realize that 9 months is a long time.


Question! For those working mamas..[who were/are pregnant while still working]..when did you decide to stop working? Right before the labor..? A month before..?


If nothing serious happens, i'm thinking i'll turn in my scrubs at the end of June..about a month before my due date.


I planned on working up until I gave birth. But my blood pressure shot up and they put me on bedrest for the last 6 weeks of my pregnancy, then I took 6 more weeks off after I had the baby.


I was actually thinking of taking off the week before my due date, if things went smoothly. It was good advice from a friend, that I'd want to put the finishing touches on the nursery and get the house ready for baby.

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I feel like I would've been fine working until about now - a month before my due date, if I was working and could I would take off 2-4 weeks before my due date. Don't want to mess up any Short Term Disability or piss off my work either! I think at any of my jobs taking off a whole month before my due date and then spending another 6-8 weeks home would not be appreciated.

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Dang - I planned with my first pregnancy to work right on up til 3 weeks before, just so i could have that time to myself to prepare and relax and get ready. But I ended up finishing 2 months before as my sciatica was really bad and I kept getting bad cramps accross my belly. Im glad I did though as I read somewhere that some doctors think the fact some women work right up to their due date and dont rest is why they sometimes get baby blues so bad, they didn't have time to rest and take time for themselves before baby arrived. But y'know different strokes for different folks.


Hey girls thought i'd include a few pics in my post. Seeing as we're all moma's here, there is side view and a front view.

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baby bumps are sooooo cute.


When did you girls start showing with your first? The reason i'm saying first is because i've heard you get bigger sooner with your second baby..


I started showing around 16-17 weeks. I had a little bump around 14 weeks but it really popped out at 17 weeks.

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People don't realize that 9 months is a long time.


Question! For those working mamas..[who were/are pregnant while still working]..when did you decide to stop working? Right before the labor..? A month before..?


If nothing serious happens, i'm thinking i'll turn in my scrubs at the end of June..about a month before my due date.


I had planned to work up until a week before my due date as we only get 12 weeks unpaid leave and I wanted most of that time with my baby. I am a nurse and am on my feet for 12+ hour shifts lifting and moving people, and by the time I was 30+ weeks that got very hard. My OB took me out of work at 34 weeks because of pre E, and I was induced 3 weeks after that and had her just before 37 weeks.


I think it depends on what kind of work you do. My sister works at a desk and so she worked right up until her due date, and her son ended up being 11 days overdue.

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