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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Ac, thanks for your response. What i'm feeling is normal I guess..I just feel ridiculous sometimes, lol! BTW, you look AMAZING for just giving birth..good lord, woman..i'm gonna look like death, I just know it.


Obviously Hayden is still in my belly..


BUT I have been have a few contractions here and there throughout the day..not close but at least that's progress, right?! I'm taking what I can freakin' get! I'm hoping my doctor has more to say tomorrow than "your cervix has some work to do!"


My belly is getting bigger by the day, it's ridiculous..and I haven't felt overly hot this whole pregnancy..and now i'm in an air conditioned room that's at 70 degrees..and i'm sweating..? Really?


I'm so antsy it's ridiculous...if you all can't tell, lol!

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Hello haha.....im doing good I am 33 weeks this week so almost there. My due date is one month exactly after Dang.


So I've been wondering if it's normal to feel like no matter how much you sleep it's never enough. I've been feeling super sleepy even though I get plenty of sleep.....

Lol. Yes totally normal. All I wanna do is sleep all day. I took lots of naps this past weekend.

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Hahaha - I hope your lil man comes soon, I didn't want Alicia coming on anyone's birthday (which we have a lot of in June) luckily she didn't or on a holiday. I wanted her to have her own day. You are already at 3cm he can be here any day!!


Luna - I know when I was getting a lot of sleep but still tired the dr told me that's usually when baby has a growth spur so maybe that's why? IDK but I had those days too. Ugh hip pain was the worse, sorry you are going thru this but it will be over soon!!


Dang - hang in there, you only have a few more weeks!! He will be here before you know it!


My baby is already 2 weeks old today!!! Time really does fly by

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Looks like i'm probably gonna end up being induced..Doctor said cervix is still thick and closed..and doesn't look like it's gonna budge but he said don't take that to heart since I still have 3 weeks till my due date.


Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, can I break my own water? LOL! Just kidding, i'm really not that desperate..I still have a few things to do to be 100% prepared anyway.


It's still kind of discouraging..

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Looks like i'm probably gonna end up being induced..Doctor said cervix is still thick and closed..and doesn't look like it's gonna budge but he said don't take that to heart since I still have 3 weeks till my due date.


Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, can I break my own water? LOL! Just kidding, i'm really not that desperate..I still have a few things to do to be 100% prepared anyway.


It's still kind of discouraging..


Dang I wasnt dilated & was thick and closed until 39w3d so dont get discouraged especially since this is your first. You can dilate & progress in a few hours. Your chances aren't any higher to get induced then someone that has progressed. My friend was dilated at 3cm for 3 weeks and was induced....you still have plenty of time!

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Looks like i'm probably gonna end up being induced..Doctor said cervix is still thick and closed..and doesn't look like it's gonna budge but he said don't take that to heart since I still have 3 weeks till my due date.


Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, can I break my own water? LOL! Just kidding, i'm really not that desperate..I still have a few things to do to be 100% prepared anyway.


It's still kind of discouraging..


It is still really early and this is your first baby, I am surprised he even said that to you. I would decline an induction until you are 42 weeks if there is no cervical change, since you are basically setting yourself up for a c-section with induction.


The average first time mom goes into labor at 41w 2d so you have another 4 weeks until you reach that point.

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I know, girls..i'm just being impatient and hormonal. I really want to avoid being induced as much as I can..I really would love to go into labor on my own but my doctor said he wouldn't let me go more than a week past my due date.


I just feel like i'm on a steady decline in regards to how i'm feeling..I mean, really, i'm so thankful and blessed to have had such a healthy pregnancy..but i'm just feeling like dirt on the bottom of someone's shoe the past week, which is normal I guess. My hips just feel horrible and i'm not even gonna start on the list, lol!..I commend all of you ladies who have been through this more than once..I know pregnancy is a normal thing that has been going on for a very very long time but it really takes a lot out of you! or maybe i'm just a wimp, hahaha.

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Oh Dang what you are feeling is completely normal. Towards the end I was miserable!! I can't even describe how badly I felt, my hips were killing me, I couldn't stop peeing, my back hurt, I barely waddled around lol...the list is so long, it gets worse as the weeks go on...that's why I wasn't even scared of labor towards the end, I just wanted it to be over no matter how bad labor was lol, which it wasn't (at least not for me)


Hang in there, I know its hard but you will get thru it. You will have your good days & bad days.

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Oh Dang what you are feeling is completely normal. Towards the end I was miserable!! I can't even describe how badly I felt, my hips were killing me, I couldn't stop peeing, my back hurt, I barely waddled around lol...the list is so long, it gets worse as the weeks go on...that's why I wasn't even scared of labor towards the end, I just wanted it to be over no matter how bad labor was lol, which it wasn't (at least not for me)


Hang in there, I know its hard but you will get thru it. You will have your good days & bad days.


Thanks, ac..I know i'll make it through..I'll just rant and rave about it until I have something else to rant about, lol!

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Hey guys......well I went to the hospital the other day cuz I was having contractions every 5 min apart.....Im almost dilated to 4 but the contractions weren't strong enough so they sent me home....he should be here any day though...

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Looks like i'm probably gonna end up being induced..Doctor said cervix is still thick and closed..and doesn't look like it's gonna budge but he said don't take that to heart since I still have 3 weeks till my due date.


Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, can I break my own water? LOL! Just kidding, i'm really not that desperate..I still have a few things to do to be 100% prepared anyway.


It's still kind of discouraging..


Why is it discouraging? You're still so far from due date, it's completely normal to not have any progress in terms of softening/dilating at this stage. Lol, at that time I was simply enjoying my pregnancy leave and resting. I was in fact hoping she'd stay inside for a while, I kinda enjoyed that. My advise is to rest as much as possible now. Because you won't have the opportunity after your baby arrives, believe me

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Hey guys......well I went to the hospital the other day cuz I was having contractions every 5 min apart.....Im almost dilated to 4 but the contractions weren't strong enough so they sent me home....he should be here any day though...


yay! I was thinking about you this morning! Keep us updated!

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Hey guys......well I went to the hospital the other day cuz I was having contractions every 5 min apart.....Im almost dilated to 4 but the contractions weren't strong enough so they sent me home....he should be here any day though...


Any day now, I'm super excited for you!! I was just there & now its your turn YAY!

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