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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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I talked to my daughter today. She had a complication after the birth. I guess they allowed her walk to the restroom and she said that she fainted in the bathroom. Her boyfriend actually caught her and noticed there was blood all over the floor. He yelled for the nurses, they had to wake her up with one of those ammonia sticks.


She said they didn't give her any blood, they just gave her some meds in her IV. She said she was super pale. Poor thing.


I didn't know hospitals let you walk around unassisted so soon after giving birth but then again I haven't had a baby in almost 18 years.


She said "mom, it looked like a crime scene in there"




Oh no I hope she's okay.

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She's feeling good and the baby is doing well.


She told me that he came out screaming and kept at it for a bit and then daddy went to talk to him and he started wailing even louder. LOL When he was finally left alone, he was quiet.


I guess he's not a people person. *shrugs*

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Hayden, this is your mother speaking..get your big feet [thanks to trey] out of my rib cage.


Thank you.


Ladies, question..


My doctor mentioned something about evening primrose oil to aid in the softening of my cervix since his head is down so low..he said we would discuss it at my next appointment more when i'll be 36 weeks. I did a little online research, thanks to my mommy forum i'm a part of..and went ahead and bought a bottle from GNC of evening primrose capsules - 1300mg per capsule. I haven't taken anything yet..but i've heard you take the capsules orally as well as poking a hole in one and inserting it vaginally before bed.


I'm not doing it until my doctor gives me the okay but has anyone had any success with this? I'm not trying to induce labor or anything..just simply help soften the cervix..but i'm so clueless with this stuff!

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I did the EPO the last week of my pregnancy and to be honest it did nothing. I was still only dialed a fingertip at 41 weeks. In all truthfulness, I only did the oral for about a week and they were about to have me start the insertion, but then decided to induce instead. I do know of other women that HAVE had results with the EPO though, seems to make the most difference when inserted rather than taken orally. It isn't known to induce, just soften the cervix and get it ready for labor. Honestly, walking and sex are the standard best practices for inducing / prepping for labor. Semen softens the cervix also and walking helps keep everything limber and uses gravity to help the LO work his way down. Good luck!! Sooooo close!!

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MG - Glad your daughter is doing ok!!


DANG - I been taking the EPO since week 36 but only orally & from what my dr told me I have a very soft cervix lol...so maybe its doing something or maybe I just have a soft cervix lol...IDK. I heard it was suppose to help with delivery too.. I guess taking it can't hurt, but I wouldn't expect anything else from it.

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MG - Glad your daughter is doing ok!!


DANG - I been taking the EPO since week 36 but only orally & from what my dr told me I have a very soft cervix lol...so maybe its doing something or maybe I just have a soft cervix lol...IDK. I heard it was suppose to help with delivery too.. I guess taking it can't hurt, but I wouldn't expect anything else from it.


Thanks, ac. How many milligrams are you taking?

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On another note - I lost some of my mucus plus this morning, I know it doesn't mean I'll go into labor today or tomorrow, but with the membrane stripping and being dilated alittle bit I have some hope lol. Maybe this weekend I'll be lucky!!

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Thanks, ac. How many milligrams are you taking?


I started taking 1000mg pills once a day at week 36 then upped it to 2 pills at week 37 & that's what I stayed at but I know women who take a lot more plus vaginally.

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On another note - I lost some of my mucus plus this morning, I know it doesn't mean I'll go into labor today or tomorrow, but with the membrane stripping and being dilated alittle bit I have some hope lol. Maybe this weekend I'll be lucky!!

How exciting. Any time now she'll be coming out.

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On another note - I lost some of my mucus plus this morning, I know it doesn't mean I'll go into labor today or tomorrow, but with the membrane stripping and being dilated alittle bit I have some hope lol. Maybe this weekend I'll be lucky!!


Have you tried having sex or walking? Maybe that could help get things moving, lol.


Trey can forget the sex thing..I have no interest at ALL, I feel sorry for him.

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Have you tried having sex or walking? Maybe that could help get things moving, lol.


Trey can forget the sex thing..I have no interest at ALL, I feel sorry for him.

Im with you on that one. No interest in sex at all. I thought something was wrong with me. lol

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Have you tried having sex or walking? Maybe that could help get things moving, lol.


Trey can forget the sex thing..I have no interest at ALL, I feel sorry for him.


Nope, sex is out...I have zero interest in it too plus my hubby is freaked out thinking he will poke her head hahaha...he's such a dork


I am walking & bouncing on my birth ball though, but probably not enough to make things move quicker. I'm way to lazy nowadays.

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Like before I go home at 10:00pm?? LOL


LOL I wish


I just went for a long long walk & now going to bounce on my birth ball something better happen SOON


I dont want to be induced which is scheduled for next Wednesday so she needs to hurry up!

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Where are my pregnant girls this morning? Mama Metro doing a baby check here.


I finally spent a few minutes with Nathan yesterday. I picked them up from the hospital. He's a little cutie, I have to admit. His sister was just gushing over him. She waited anxiously for his arrival and now that he is here, she is just the best biggest sister ever. LOL

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