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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Hey girls, I just got back from the dr not too long ago, I am 2cm dilated & 50% effaced & she has dropped even more...he also stripped my membranes - which didn't hurt as bad as I thought they would! Thank goodness. Since my due date isn't for another 5 days - he will induce next Wednesday if she doesn't come on her own - so a week from now I will definitely have my baby no matter what. YAY!


MG - Good luck!!! Maybe me & your daughter will have babies on the same day! Keep us posted!


Oh my gosh AC! Wow she is almost here. I am so happy for you and your baby. I can't wait to hear the good news. How are you feeling besides excited mama to be?

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A quick update..


She's 3-4 centimeters now and the doctor thinks Nathan will be here tonite. I'm at home with the little ones and getting ready for bed. Hopefully I will have some news for you gals in the morning.


Thanks everyone, for your support. I love you all.


AC143, you are almost there girl! I can't wait for you to have her already. I feel like I have been pregnant with you gals. This is so exciting!

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after over 1900 posts, I'm going to jump in on this thread finally, not to say that I am pregnant or becoming a mom, but to offer a big congrats and best wishes to all the new moms, the upcoming moms, the 2nd (and counting!) time moms, and grandmoms. i love reading this thread and i wish you all the best of luck!! i'm so happy for you.


And I can't wait to see pics

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A quick update..


She's 3-4 centimeters now and the doctor thinks Nathan will be here tonite. I'm at home with the little ones and getting ready for bed. Hopefully I will have some news for you gals in the morning.


Thanks everyone, for your support. I love you all.


AC143, you are almost there girl! I can't wait for you to have her already. I feel like I have been pregnant with you gals. This is so exciting!


Mama metro!! I am so excited can't wait to see little Nathan

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Oh my gosh AC! Wow she is almost here. I am so happy for you and your baby. I can't wait to hear the good news. How are you feeling besides excited mama to be?


I'm feeling pretty good just really tired lately! What about you?


A quick update..


She's 3-4 centimeters now and the doctor thinks Nathan will be here tonite. I'm at home with the little ones and getting ready for bed. Hopefully I will have some news for you gals in the morning.


Thanks everyone, for your support. I love you all.


AC143, you are almost there girl! I can't wait for you to have her already. I feel like I have been pregnant with you gals. This is so exciting!


Omg - I'm sure you are waking up to a new baby today!! Congrats Metro!!

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Nathan was born at 12:37am. 7lbs 8oz 19 inches long


Such a cutie.....


aww!!! He looks mad. I can just picture him screaming "put me back in!!!!". lol


More pics! More pics!!!


Look at all that beautiful dark hair. Wow! He is a cutie Mama Metro. Tell your daughter that she makes beautiful babies!!!!!

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AWWW!! congrats!!! He's so cute. I am glad that mom and baby are doing well.


LOL it is always so funny to see the faces they make when they are first born, isnt it?. They never look too pleased about it. My son looked like he was fed a lemon as soon he he was born. He had the biggest sour puss face on & look like Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid movies.

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I think they took the camera to the hospital so there should be more pics in the next day or so. He does look mad doesn't he?


I think he liked it in there. He was the only one that ever stayed in the whole time and even now, I don't think he was quite done baking.

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Oh congratulations! He is adorable. How is your daughter doing?


Thank you. I haven't talked to her since last night at about 9:00pm when she was a 3-4. I was in the middle of a conversation with her when she had a contraction and she hung up on me. LOL


She said the doctor had given her some pitocin to speed things up. I guess things really sped up after that.

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OMG!! So much has happened since last time I checked this thread!!


CONGRATS to Metro and your daughter, what a gorgeous little boy!! He does look pretty peeved, doesn't he? LOL


Great picture Arwen, she is just lovely! Gotta love what boob-juice does for a baby!


Ac143 definitely keep us posted, sounds like your little one will be here soon. I'm so happy for you!


Arrrgh, I'm so busy at work this week, it sucks! Otherwise I'd be refreshing this thread every minute for updates! hehe I'm going to be living vicariously though all you other mommies for a while... at least until I can talk papa into another baby! hehe

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OMG!! So much has happened since last time I checked this thread!!


CONGRATS to Metro and your daughter, what a gorgeous little boy!! He does look pretty peeved, doesn't he? LOL


Great picture Arwen, she is just lovely! Gotta love what boob-juice does for a baby!


Ac143 definitely keep us posted, sounds like your little one will be here soon. I'm so happy for you!


Arrrgh, I'm so busy at work this week, it sucks! Otherwise I'd be refreshing this thread every minute for updates! hehe I'm going to be living vicariously though all you other mommies for a while... at least until I can talk papa into another baby! hehe


Well how do you plan on making a baby pants if you are always working? Come on now ladybug, you have to work your magic on daddy trousers so we can have a baby knickers. LOL I crack myself up.

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awwwwwww, my heart is melting with all the baby pictures. *swoons*


-sigh- I just want my baby, lol.


My goodness, this time next month we will all be swooning over Hayden and baby Aaron.....


The boys are gonna rule the roost here. HAHA

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And we also have baby Gabriel coming soon.....Well I guess he's coming in August.


Oh I haven't forgotten about Gabriel.....I was just thinking about the boys that are going to invade next month.


Gabriel's gonna be on his own in August unless someone else pops up in the thread expecting in August.


I just thought about something, Lunar will have the spotlight on her after the first week of July.. LOL

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