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My husband I had a feeling it was 'the time' when we got pregnant with my daughter. The second time we got pregnant we had no idea what night it was. I think it's possible to have a good idea of what night it is if you know your body and when you ovulate and when you had sex.

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My husband I had a feeling it was 'the time' when we got pregnant with my daughter. The second time we got pregnant we had no idea what night it was. I think it's possible to have a good idea of what night it is if you know your body and when you ovulate and when you had sex.


Hope! It is nice to see you. How have you been doing?

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I have my 39 week appt today, actually I only have 5 days until my due date & I'm going to ask him to strip my membranes. Have any of you ladies had that done? I wonder if it will help induce labor?? I'm hoping it really does, I'm so over this! lol

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Oh my! Sooooo close Ac143! How exciting!


Personally, I opted out of the membrane stripping. I had heard from more than one person that it can be very painful and may not always induce labor. My Midwives gave me the option of stripping or EPO (evening primrose oil) to try and induce labor. I took the EPO orally and inserted one caplet vaginally to soften and prime my cervix. No difference whatsoever. I still got induced with cervadil at 41 weeks and ended up having a c-sec after 12 hours of hard labor. I've just heard such mixed things about the stripping, I decided it was not for me.


Good luck mama!!

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Oh my! Sooooo close Ac143! How exciting!


Personally, I opted out of the membrane stripping. I had heard from more than one person that it can be very painful and may not always induce labor. My Midwives gave me the option of stripping or EPO (evening primrose oil) to try and induce labor. I took the EPO orally and inserted one caplet vaginally to soften and prime my cervix. No difference whatsoever. I still got induced with cervadil at 41 weeks and ended up having a c-sec after 12 hours of hard labor. I've just heard such mixed things about the stripping, I decided it was not for me.


Good luck mama!!


I have been doing the EPO for 2 weeks now & it hasn't changed my cervix one bit lol. So I am really hoping the stripping helps! I really dont want to get induced or have a c-section

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LOL Yeah, nothing happening with the EPO! When they induced me I was still only dialated like a fingertip. So much for that. They only induced me at 41 weeks because my blood pressure was through the roof, I had Bell's Palsy and severe swelling. And if it wasn't for a stinkin' lip on my cervix that Littlepants got stuck on, I would have not had the c-sec. I don't see any harm with the stripping, other than the discomfort. I go to another birth/baby forum and have read there of many mommies that did have good results from the stripping. No matter what, do what feels right for you.

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I have been doing the EPO for 2 weeks now & it hasn't changed my cervix one bit lol. So I am really hoping the stripping helps! I really dont want to get induced or have a c-section


Don't forget lots of sex! Prostaglandins in semen may help get things going (yeah I know how awkward sex is when you are 9 months pregnant.... just sayin'). And rolling on a large yoga ball/birth ball may help also.

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Don't forget lots of sex! Prostaglandins in semen may help get things going (yeah I know how awkward sex is when you are 9 months pregnant.... just sayin'). And rolling on a large yoga ball/birth ball may help also.


I have one of those big balls but my daughter is really such a big girl that she can really manuver it too well....LOL

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Well ladies this is it. My daughter just called me, she's dilated at a 2 and she is going into the hospital tonight to be induced so Nathan will likely be here tomorrow.

How exciting. I hope everything goes well. Keep us updated and yes we want lots of pics. Im so jealous! I want my baby out!! lol

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Well ladies this is it. My daughter just called me, she's dilated at a 2 and she is going into the hospital tonight to be induced so Nathan will likely be here tomorrow.


Mama Metro!! I am so excited for you. I hope nothing but the best for your daughter and little Nathan. I pray for a smooth delivery Keep us updated....

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Well ladies this is it. My daughter just called me, she's dilated at a 2 and she is going into the hospital tonight to be induced so Nathan will likely be here tomorrow.


Oh good luck! Can't wait to hear!

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Hey girls, I just got back from the dr not too long ago, I am 2cm dilated & 50% effaced & she has dropped even more...he also stripped my membranes - which didn't hurt as bad as I thought they would! Thank goodness. Since my due date isn't for another 5 days - he will induce next Wednesday if she doesn't come on her own - so a week from now I will definitely have my baby no matter what. YAY!


MG - Good luck!!! Maybe me & your daughter will have babies on the same day! Keep us posted!

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