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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Well ladies, I have exactly 1 week to go kinda starting to freak out!!


You and my daughter are going to be neck in neck.


The doctor said he would induce her wednesday or thursday if she hasn't gone into labor before then.

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ahhh. I can't believe how fast this has gone by..ac, can't believe you're already about to have your angel!


My belly got sunburned this weekend..it's horrible, it makes me want to sleep 24/7 so I don't have to feel it..haha.


Please be careful. Your skin is more sensitive during pregnancy.


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Try to avoid any further unprotected sun exposure. Aside from having more sensitive skin at this time, you risk dehydration and also fevers from severe sunburn.


All that aside, if you belly got burned does that mean you were wearing a bikini? If so that is pretty cool! You are a braver woman than I. When I was pregnant I hid under a black skirted bathing suit, plus covered myself with a giant white towel lol

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bella, I put sunscreen on and everything..I just didn't reapply because I was only out in the water/sun for about 2 hours..my doctor got on to me today..so I will be limiting time in the sun from now on. I've been putting tons of cocoa butter lotion on it and it seems to be healing nicely..but I definitely learned my lesson.


Yeah, I wore a bikini..lol. I feel kind of awkward because people gawk at my belly and I felt like covering up sometimes but I might as well enjoy baring all while I can..i'm sure after pregnancy is done with me i'll never want to show my belly again..haha.

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Oh..two updates.


I had my first baby shower on Sunday that my mom's coworkers threw for me..I wasn't thrilled about a baby shower to begin with but it turned out great and I'm thankful for everything I got for mr. Hayden. I have everything I need for him so there's really no point in another one..but Trey's mom is insisting on it. My next one is on June 19th.


I saw the baby doc today for my 34 week appointment and got pretty good news. I'm measuring 36 weeks and Hayden's head is all the way down on my cervix..getting ready to come out! So, that explains all the painful pressure and constant urge to pee. He starts checking my cervix on June 22 and we'll start discussing the delivery at that appointment.

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Oh..two updates.


I had my first baby shower on Sunday that my mom's coworkers threw for me..I wasn't thrilled about a baby shower to begin with but it turned out great and I'm thankful for everything I got for mr. Hayden. I have everything I need for him so there's really no point in another one..but Trey's mom is insisting on it. My next one is on June 19th.


I saw the baby doc today for my 34 week appointment and got pretty good news. I'm measuring 36 weeks and Hayden's head is all the way down on my cervix..getting ready to come out! So, that explains all the painful pressure and constant urge to pee. He starts checking my cervix on June 22 and we'll start discussing the delivery at that appointment.

OMG....So maybe you'll have the baby early. Around the time I have my lil guy.

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Ok, a quick question for you moms and moms to be. When did you suspect you were pregnant? No, I am not pregnant (or even close). I guess I'm curious because I heard from a friend that she knew she got pregnant on her honeymoon and when she came home (2 weeks later) she knew and so did her husband. I've heard from friends and relatives that some even knew they were pregnant the night of conception.

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Actually, I had no idea I was pregnant. I thought I had just missed my period since I have an abnormal cycle. Then on new years weekend I was feeling overly tired more than usual and my breasts were hurting really bad. I still had no idea but my sister was the one who was sure. So I went to the store and got myself a pregnancy test just to make her be quiet, because I was SURE I was NOT pregnant. I took the test and voila it came out positive. I took two more and they were both positive. So I went to the doctors office the next day and then confirmed I was 7 weeks along.


I am assuming for me it happened Halloween weekend of last year since that was that was the last time I had intercourse before I got my period in Novemeber 2009.

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Ok, a quick question for you moms and moms to be. When did you suspect you were pregnant? No, I am not pregnant (or even close). I guess I'm curious because I heard from a friend that she knew she got pregnant on her honeymoon and when she came home (2 weeks later) she knew and so did her husband. I've heard from friends and relatives that some even knew they were pregnant the night of conception.


Seriously? That's impossible to know you're pregnant the night of conception..sure you can know the night you concieved..but there's no way you would know right then and there that the sperm and egg met.


I was having a spell of abnormal periods..i'd be 6 weeks late..or have a period after only 3 weeks..I was a few days 'late'..and I figured it was just my periods acting up again so I didn't really think anything of it. I had a pregnancy left over from a scare a few months prior so I just decided to do it for the hell of it. I fully expected to get a negative response..I almost fell off the toilet when I saw that it was positive. The only symptoms I had very early in the pregnancy were symptoms that could've been for my period..just tiredness and sore breasts. The horrible morning sickness didn't come until I was 6 weeks pregnant.

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