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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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These stories are too funny, esp. Shortpants!


Meh, I'm feeling really down. I'm having more bleeding and losing more clots. I called the on call OB again and she said that although bleeding is very abnormal for my diagnosis it is expected, and that the amount doesn't indicate whether I am losing the baby as she has seen some very large bleeds turn out fine and smaller ones where the pregnancy was lost. I've been doing some reading and joined a support group for SCH and it seems this is a L-O-N-G road and for the most part it seems to linger for a long time and cause drama like this, getting smaller and then bigger.


The worst part is reading about the later losses, at 21 weeks, 24 weeks.... ugh. I guess I just have to take this one day at a time.


I just wish I could have a drama free pregnancy.


(sorry to be a Debbie Downer, ladies...)

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Oh my, you girls shouldn't have all these horror-birth-talks when you're so close to due date


My thoughts exactly. When I was pregnant with my son I actually left a baby shower that my workplace had for me. I was due in a week and didn't need the stress. I took off early and left them all sitting there at the restaurant, saying I was tired and needed to go home and lay down. They had started with "birth stories" over lunch and I was all set with it. I was getting nauseated. TMI.


I didn't want to hear it, or have to have the visual of my co-workers' vaginas and birth processes so I took off.


The day of my child's birth was totally peaceful and everything went fine. I felt absolutely nothing with my c-section, and he was born in 10 minutes. It was nothing but joy that day. No terifying incidents to report.

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Aww I'm sorry to hear that you are still contending with the bleeding. Do you think they will give you weekly or biweekly unltrasounds? Things looked good on your ultrasound yesterday, so hold on to that.


It does seem that you will have to take this one day at a time and each passing week will be a step in the right direction. I am glad that you found a support group. Try to steer clear of the negative stories if you can though.


I know the uncertaintly must be very hard, but your doc has seen cases with more bleeding, that still resulted in healthy babies so keep going back to the positive stories.


You're not Debbie Downer. I am amazed at how well you are holding it together, and you are an inspiration to any mom or mom-to-be. The love you have for your little girl and your unborn child shine through in your posts and you have given all of us your advice and wisdom on pregnancy and motherhood when we needed it the most. Now we are here for you.

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I think I am losing the baby.


I've been having terrible cramps and really heavy bleeding with huge clots for several hours now. I called the OB on call earlier and if it gets dangerously heavy I'll have to go to the ER. DH is checking my blood pressure at home and I'm drinking a lot of fluids. I'll call the clinic and go in tomorrow to confirm. I am absolutely crushed and totally numb right now.


And to make matters worse... DH has a critical meeting at work tomorrow (that if he misses he could lose his job) at 9 am and at 10 we have the home appraiser coming to do the appraisal for our refi.


I can't take this. I have never felt so sad.

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oh my hope. i am so sorry. you are in my thoughts. I'm sorry you have a really busy day tomorrow. please try not to stress (as hard as that is, i know). try to get your mind off of things and relax, watch some TV. hang in there. i am thinking of you.

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I think I am losing the baby.


I've been having terrible cramps and really heavy bleeding with huge clots for several hours now. I called the OB on call earlier and if it gets dangerously heavy I'll have to go to the ER. DH is checking my blood pressure at home and I'm drinking a lot of fluids. I'll call the clinic and go in tomorrow to confirm. I am absolutely crushed and totally numb right now.


And to make matters worse... DH has a critical meeting at work tomorrow (that if he misses he could lose his job) at 9 am and at 10 we have the home appraiser coming to do the appraisal for our refi.


I can't take this. I have never felt so sad.


Oh Hope I am SO sorry!!!


It's awful that your husband has this crucial meeting now. If only I lived closer, I'd go with you to the hospital... can your sister go with you? Is someone with you now?



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Oh Hope I am SO sorry!!!


It's awful that your husband has this crucial meeting now. If only I lived closer, I'd go with you to the hospital... can your sister go with you? Is someone with you now?




Thanks Friends.


Honestly unless it was absolutely necessary for my safety the last place I wanted to be was the ER. My husband and I wanted to say our goodbyes in the privacy and comfort of our home.


He is going to tell his colleague what has happened and stay home with me today, and his mother is going to come and watch our baby and handle the appraiser who is coming at 10.


I'm just waiting for the clinic to open so I can be seen today and confirm....I don't think I have ever been so sad.

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Hi Everyone,


Just wanted to pop in quick to say we had the ultrasound this morning and it confirmed that the baby had passed, there was no heartbeat. I will be taking medication this weekend to complete the miscarriage and laying low for awhile. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.



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Thank you for the update Hope, and I'm so amazingly sorry. I really can't imagine how you are feeling. If I could take some of the pain and sadness, I would. Hold your husband and baby girl close and know that your angel will be watching over you and your family. Take care of yourself.

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Hi Everyone,


Just wanted to pop in quick to say we had the ultrasound this morning and it confirmed that the baby had passed, there was no heartbeat. I will be taking medication this weekend to complete the miscarriage and laying low for awhile. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.




Oh hope I am so sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family. I can't even begint to feel the pain you feel right now and I with there was something I could do. All I can do is be here as all of us are. I know this is a difficult time for you...please try to rest and stay strong. I know that is hard but I keep you in my thoughts and prayers and I pray that you will overcome this huge loss. Again you are in my thoughts and prayers....


You now have a little angel who is watching over your family, I know that little baby will always be with all of you.


Thank you for keeping us updated.



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Hi Everyone,


Just wanted to pop in quick to say we had the ultrasound this morning and it confirmed that the baby had passed, there was no heartbeat. I will be taking medication this weekend to complete the miscarriage and laying low for awhile. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.




omg, i am so sorry hope. you and your husband are such great parents, i am sorry this baby passed. big hugs. you guys are in my thoughts right now and i'm sending you all my love.

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