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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Hope, I am so glad you and the baby are doing ok. Now take it easy and just rest. How many weeks are you?


Thanks! I'm just 7 1/2 weeks. So much drama for such a little person! At first I thought it was a boy but with all this drama now I'm wondering if it isn't a little girl. (my daughter gave me a lot of drama during pregnancy too.)

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A first step would be to call your gyn (if they do OB) and set up an appt to confirm.


And, start taking prenatal and DHA vitamins starting today since this is the critical time of development of the brain and spine and you need plenty of folic acid.


As far as weight gain there is a great book out there called "eating well while you are expecting" and it has plenty of tips of what to eat that is nutritious and not overly fattening, including some great recipes for meals and snacks. Weight gain is important during pregnancy, but slow and steady weight gain is key.


Talk to your OB about exercising, you shouldn't raise your heart rate above a certain point or your body temperature above 101F. If you are in shape to begin with you can probably exercise a little more than someone who is not but still need to take it somewhat easy.

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Hi Mamas!


Great news. The baby is FINE. Heartbeat is strong 154 BPM, he or she is measuring right on schedule for dates, and the bleed is smaller. They think that the bleeding I had was part of the clot evacuating.


My amniotic fluid is a little low so I'm going back next Wed. for another ultrasound but otherwise everything is looking better.


Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!


What a relief!!! I hope you continue to receive only good news from now on.

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Thanks! I'm just 7 1/2 weeks. So much drama for such a little person! At first I thought it was a boy but with all this drama now I'm wondering if it isn't a little girl. (my daughter gave me a lot of drama during pregnancy too.)


I'm very glad to hear things are okay!

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My daughter had her appt with the ob yesterday. He said that Nathan's head is right there and it's really just any day now. He did tell her that if she hasn't delivered by next Wednesday, he will induce her.


I am really very suprised that Nathan stayed put all the way to the end. I bet he's gonna be huge.

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Trey's sister had her baby on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning..she gained a total of 80lbs, had gestational diabetes and started to have really high blood pressure towards the end of her pregnancy..so she's had it pretty rough! Her precious little [err, not little] baby girl, Brooklyn, was a whopping 9lbs 11.5 ounces and 20 inches long. She looks like a little buddha baby, haha.


I'm not even really scared or nervous about labor anymore though..honestly the only thing that looked absolutely horrible was when the nurses/doctor were 'checking' her to monitor her dialating. Omggg, seriously..I know that probably sounds ridiculous but when I saw the nurse shove her whole damn hand in there..I was like "


I have my first baby shower this Sunday, my next doctor's appointment next Tuesday..and i'm finishing my hospital bag this weekend so i'll have that prepared for when Hayden decides to make his appearance! I can't believe i'm 33 weeks, it's so close!

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They shoved their whole hand in there? I thought they only put their fingers?


when I was watching..the nurse definitely shoved her hand in there..she did have her epidural in but I was still in a state of shock..but i'm so inexperienced with all of this anyway, lol.

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when I was watching..the nurse definitely shoved her hand in there..she did have her epidural in but I was still in a state of shock..but i'm so inexperienced with all of this anyway, lol.

Wow! So i wonder if they shoved their hand in me when i was having the other 2 babies. Now im gonna be thinking about that.

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My daughter was 9 lb 6 oz and she got stuck at the cheek! I think my wife gained 60 lbs with her.


I can see how some guys actually pass out seeing all the blood, the screaming and everything ounce of emotion that go along with it...

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My daughter was 9 lb 6 oz and she got stuck at the cheek! I think my wife gained 60 lbs with her.


I can see how some guys actually pass out seeing all the blood, the screaming and everything ounce of emotion that go along with it...


My ex husband almost fainted from the smell of burning flesh when I was having my c-section.


Ex husband ~ something smells like it's burning


Doctor~ that would be your wife


I laughed....

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My ex husband almost fainted from the smell of burning flesh when I was having my c-section.


Ex husband ~ something smells like it's burning


Doctor~ that would be your wife


I laughed....


Oh man I would freak too lol

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LOL Good `ol labor stories!!!


The nurses warned me that Longpants WAS NOT allowed to pass out during any part of my delivery. He is 6'5" and about 350 lbs, and they didn't have anyone big enough to move him if he did crash and burn.


He actually did really great through the whole thing, even went to take a nap while I was in the birthing tub during transition... loser! LOL I was a little concerned when he wanted to come into the operating room with me for the emergency c-sec, but he was either so shell-shocked at that point, or it really didn't bother him at all. He kept peeking around the sheet and at one point told me, "Shortpants, they have your guts on your chest! It's so cool!" Then a few minutes later, "You remember the scene in Braveheart when they disembowel the guy? It looks like that!!" I'm looking at him like: O.o Do you mind?!?! hahaha That's MY hubby!

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I remember when my daughter had her 2nd baby. Me and the baby's father were in the delivery room. He has never been one to tolerate blood or any kind of bad smell. I was keeping an eye on him when she was pushing the baby out. He actually got through that part virtually unscathed until he walked by the plastic basin that they put her placenta in and then he started gagging and his eyes started to roll to the back of his head. LMAO....................Oh my god, i'm dying just thinking about it.


Luckily we were able to get him seated otherwise it would have been lights out for him.

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Then a few minutes later, "You remember the scene in Braveheart when they disembowel the guy? It looks like that!!" I'm looking at him like: O.o Do you mind?!?! hahaha That's MY hubby!


The place was a blood bath!


I honestly gained so much respect for mothers giving birth that day.


AND the family doctor at the time who was between her legs stitching her back up as if it were another day sewing together a pair of old jeans. OMG...I could never do that

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