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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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That is so good to hear I am doing well just feeling so hot, must be the pregnancy hormones or something....


Feeling good so far....I have the 3D ultrasound coming up on June 14th and I have a regular doctors appointment on June 2. He has been kicking a lot harder now and it seems his favorite position is to put his feet on my ribs....can hurt sometimes.


Also, was realizing I have about 10 weeks to go, man time seems like it flew by.


Oh Im hot all the time now too, especially going to bed. I use to have a blanket all the way up to my nose now I dont even use one lol.


The 3D ultrasounds are awesome, you are having yours on my due date!! You have to share those pictures when you get them, I love looking at those


Time certainly is flying by, we will all have our babies here before we know it & then there will be the next round of preggos!!

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Oh Im hot all the time now too, especially going to bed. I use to have a blanket all the way up to my nose now I dont even use one lol.


The 3D ultrasounds are awesome, you are having yours on my due date!! You have to share those pictures when you get them, I love looking at those


Time certainly is flying by, we will all have our babies here before we know it & then there will be the next round of preggos!!


I just realized that!! Awww I am so excited for you Another beautiful little girl I am sure


I will be sure to post my pictures up when I get them....in fact I also have to post a belly pic. I have some I have just not uploaded them I am incredibly shy....


I know what you mean about feeling hot, shoot I don't even use blankets anymore. I love it when it is cold, I have no idea how I will deal with the heat in these next coming months.

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I just realized that!! Awww I am so excited for you Another beautiful little girl I am sure


I will be sure to post my pictures up when I get them....in fact I also have to post a belly pic. I have some I have just not uploaded them I am incredibly shy....


I know what you mean about feeling hot, shoot I don't even use blankets anymore. I love it when it is cold, I have no idea how I will deal with the heat in these next coming months.


Dont be shy, post a belly pic!!

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So mamas I need a little support and some prayers if you are a praying person.


I went to the doctor today for some spotting and cramping the last 24 hours and the baby was doing well (they saw a heart beat, I was measuring on time, and baby was implanted in the uterus) but I have a bleed in my uterus next to the baby (called a subchorionic hemorrhage/hematoma) and because of the size and location the OB said there is a 50% chance I will lose the baby. The only treatment at this point is rest and I'm going back next thursday for a repeat ultrasound to see what the bleed is doing, if I don't miscarry before then. I'm so heartsick that we got to see the baby and he or she looks good but there is a 50/50 chance we will lose him or her.


Oh honey I am so sorry. I will keep you in my prayers. Be strong.

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So mamas I need a little support and some prayers if you are a praying person.


I went to the doctor today for some spotting and cramping the last 24 hours and the baby was doing well (they saw a heart beat, I was measuring on time, and baby was implanted in the uterus) but I have a bleed in my uterus next to the baby (called a subchorionic hemorrhage/hematoma) and because of the size and location the OB said there is a 50% chance I will lose the baby. The only treatment at this point is rest and I'm going back next thursday for a repeat ultrasound to see what the bleed is doing, if I don't miscarry before then. I'm so heartsick that we got to see the baby and he or she looks good but there is a 50/50 chance we will lose him or her.


Hope75, I am so sorry to hear this. The feeling of uncertainty must be terrible. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

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So mamas I need a little support and some prayers if you are a praying person.


I went to the doctor today for some spotting and cramping the last 24 hours and the baby was doing well (they saw a heart beat, I was measuring on time, and baby was implanted in the uterus) but I have a bleed in my uterus next to the baby (called a subchorionic hemorrhage/hematoma) and because of the size and location the OB said there is a 50% chance I will lose the baby. The only treatment at this point is rest and I'm going back next thursday for a repeat ultrasound to see what the bleed is doing, if I don't miscarry before then. I'm so heartsick that we got to see the baby and he or she looks good but there is a 50/50 chance we will lose him or her.


I'm sorry to hear Hope I'll be praying for you.

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Hi there Hope. I am praying for you and your family that the outcome is a good one. I know your emotions must be a wreck but please try to stay calm and know that it will work out alright. Just bask in the love and support of your wonderful husband and child.

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Oh Hope, I am so sorry that you're in this dark and anxious place. What a terrible thing to hear and to have to wait to see what happens. We are praying for you, hoping that the new life will stick and grow into a healthy baby!



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I don't know of this helps... but a friend of mine had severe bleedings around this term (she was about 6/7 weeks). It was a bleeding in the uterus, like a period but more. It was her third child. He's now about Renske's age, and a happy healthy baby.

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Hope75 Im praying for you hun. I really hope he/she sticks in there for you.


Lunar,AC & Dang - how are the pregnancies going? Not long now til your babies are here.


Arwen - how is reneske doing? She is so beautiful and I love that short video of her laughing with her daddy on fb. Its the sweetest.


Well ladies, lil Levi is doing very well and growing so fast. He's in some 6mth clothes already and he's only 2mths and 3 weeks. All that breastmilk is making him a little chunkybutt. He's long too! He is a little smilier too, always smiling and cooing at us. He's so into his big brother too which is adorable, as soon as Leon walks into the room and Levi spots him he's all smiles and really happy. I've told Leon this too that his little brother adores him and thinks the world of him, its changed the way Leon sees his little brother, he is more calm around him and protective and not so jealous anymore.


As for Leon....well its sad really...i put a thread up on families and parenting but I think he may have a touch of ADHD, as do other family members and close friends who've observed Leon alot. I've tried all these wonderful parenting techniques for so long and Im exhausted. I just want some peace and calm for him more than anything, he's so strung out all the time its upsetting to see. So Im going to take him back to the drs this week and demand they start taking me seriously and do some tests.

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Tiny!!! It has been so long since we have seen you on here? How are your boys doing?


My pregnancy is going along very well so far. Recently had my sugar test done, the 1 hr one came back "abnormal" but then I had the 3 hour one and that one came out completely clean. I am now 28 weeks!


I don't know if you know or not, but I am having a little boy and I am naming him Gabriel.


I have my 3D ultrasound on June 14th and I am really looking forward to that


Other than that nothing new to report.


BTW I am really sorry about what is going on with Leon, but it seems even though you are frustrated you are taking the right approach with the doctors, they are supposed to be there to help us after all!


I hope you are doing well, and we have missed you!

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