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Did they do an ultrasound in the last trimester to check the fluid level?


My OB does not do an ultrasound in the 3rd trimester. I only got one done at 35 weeks because he wanted to check if baby was positioned the right way - other then that he told me from day one that I only get 2 ultrasounds - 1 at 8 weeks & another at 20 then only if medically necessary.


I was gone for 5 days and just came here to check and see if any of my girls made me an ENA grandma, but I guess not huh?


AC143, let's go chica.....It's baby time! LOL


Haha Metro - not yet she is holding on & doesn't want to come out!


I had my 37 week appt & no changes to my cervix yet either, she is never coming out :sad:

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My OB does not do an ultrasound in the 3rd trimester. I only got one done at 35 weeks because he wanted to check if baby was positioned the right way - other then that he told me from day one that I only get 2 ultrasounds - 1 at 8 weeks & another at 20 then only if medically necessary.




Haha Metro - not yet she is holding on & doesn't want to come out!


I had my 37 week appt & no changes to my cervix yet either, she is never coming out


LMAO......two years from now, we will be celebrating her 2nd birthday in uetro.......

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There's a possibility my due date might be moved up..my doctor said he would determine that at my next appointment on June 8th. It's likely it won't change anything but it's news! I don't know whether to be excited or terrified..lol! My blood pressure is quite low..and my heart rate is quite high, so he was concerned about that. He said if I have any more episodes of dizziness, shortness of breath or anything like that to make an appointment with my PCP so he can refer me to a cardiologist. Blahh. Here's to hoping I have no more issues with that! All is well with Mr. Hayden though..he's about a week or two ahead of schedule..


I started buying stuff last night to get the hospital bag ready. All I need now is a few boxes of super absorbent [hooray] pads, my nursing pajama set, a nursing gown and a nursing bra to take to the hospital..and maybe a package of cheap granny panties.

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Honestly, I have no idea..he didn't give me a clue..just kept staring at my chart going "hmm..humm....hmmmmmmmm.." and then said there's a possibility we may move it up depending on how things go the next two weeks.


I only gained 3 lbs though since may 4th!

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Honestly, I have no idea..he didn't give me a clue..just kept staring at my chart going "hmm..humm....hmmmmmmmm.." and then said there's a possibility we may move it up depending on how things go the next two weeks.


I only gained 3 lbs though since may 4th!

Lol. Maybe they'll move it to July 5th and we'll have babys together.


Not bad on the weight gain. About a lb a week.

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LOL I know arwen, seems pretty simple to decide when a little one is coming... then they move the date on you!! They moved my due date when I was preggo with Littlepants too. They had given me a date of 9/9, then moved it to 9/16 based on her development and positioning, then ended up inducing me on 9/23 because she was a week "overdue". I think it's just the fact that the math of the conception date, plus 40 weeks = due date, then as the pregnancy progresses and the development milestones are reached, they can more accurately determine the "actual" due date.


I think they are all guessing anyways!!! LOL According to my midwife and her little chart of my last period, LP was conceived on Christmas Eve. Welllll, that's not the conception date as we didn't have sex that night! hahaha So it's all estimations. You'd think they could nail it down a little closer with all the technology these days, but alas those little babies are going to do what they want, when they want!

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Maybe you were sleeping and don't remember.....You don't take Ambien do you? ROFLMAO


Ambien makes people do crazy things I wouldn't be surprised if "doing the deed" was one of them & then not remembering lol.


My friend takes Ambien & has been caught many times washing her dog at 2am (poor doggy lol) then not having a clue the next day...I find it hilarious. But just another reason why I wouldnt ever take it lol.

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OMG, washing the dog at 2AM... AND not remembering?!?! Holy sheep! I will admit to waking up breastfeeding and changing a diaper when LP was a newborn and not remembering a whit of it, but actually doing something like that... oh my! Too funny!!


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How are you ladies today? Hope all the preggos are feeling good & all the mommies are getting their sleep


I'm feeling good today (so far) but it is only 9am lol. I been sleeping like a rock lately though which is strange because this whole pregnancy I had a difficult time with sleep- getting up 3-4 times a night then not being able to fall back asleep. I'm pretty sure my nesting kicked in full swing, I was cleaning like a crazy woman all day yesterday, now I'm so sore I can't stand it haha. Ok off to breaksfast & cleaning woot...

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How are you ladies today? Hope all the preggos are feeling good & all the mommies are getting their sleep


I'm feeling good today (so far) but it is only 9am lol. I been sleeping like a rock lately though which is strange because this whole pregnancy I had a difficult time with sleep- getting up 3-4 times a night then not being able to fall back asleep. I'm pretty sure my nesting kicked in full swing, I was cleaning like a crazy woman all day yesterday, now I'm so sore I can't stand it haha. Ok off to breaksfast & cleaning woot...



I'm glad you're sleeping good! I've been getting up more often at night to pee so I just feel so unrested during the day..and mentally/physically exhausted by the time I get off work..but THANKFULLY last night I only got up once to pee, I was jumping for joy this morning..lol!

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How are you ladies today? Hope all the preggos are feeling good & all the mommies are getting their sleep


I'm feeling good today (so far) but it is only 9am lol. I been sleeping like a rock lately though which is strange because this whole pregnancy I had a difficult time with sleep- getting up 3-4 times a night then not being able to fall back asleep. I'm pretty sure my nesting kicked in full swing, I was cleaning like a crazy woman all day yesterday, now I'm so sore I can't stand it haha. Ok off to breaksfast & cleaning woot...

Im feelin good. Thank you.


Im glad to hear you're having a good day. You're almost there. Then you really wont be sleeping anymore. LOL

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How are you ladies today? Hope all the preggos are feeling good & all the mommies are getting their sleep


I'm feeling good today (so far) but it is only 9am lol. I been sleeping like a rock lately though which is strange because this whole pregnancy I had a difficult time with sleep- getting up 3-4 times a night then not being able to fall back asleep. I'm pretty sure my nesting kicked in full swing, I was cleaning like a crazy woman all day yesterday, now I'm so sore I can't stand it haha. Ok off to breaksfast & cleaning woot...


AC I am so glad you have been able to sleep! It is very important to be able to get some rest, as we all know what it will be like with the baby when it arrives.


As for me I am doing well, no problem sleeping just frequent urniation during the day. Starting to feel the weight a little more when I stand but nothing too bad so far.


Just feeling a little more tired than usual is all.

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HOT and tired... it was 94F here today.


Omg I know! It has been in the high 90's even reached 102 the other day here & I was miserable!!! I am so glad I wont be 9 months pregnant thru the whole summer. lol

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