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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Hey guys-


Had another doctors appointment this morning and everything is good. I had gone to take the 3 hr sugar exam because the first one came out "abnormal" but everything is great. The exam came out clean, I swear I was so excited when they told me that they had to take my blood pressure twice LOL. No weight gain in 2.5 weeks, and in 2.5 weeks I am going in for my 3D ultrasound.

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Hey guys-


Had another doctors appointment this morning and everything is good. I had gone to take the 3 hr sugar exam because the first one came out "abnormal" but everything is great. The exam came out clean, I swear I was so excited when they told me that they had to take my blood pressure twice LOL. No weight gain in 2.5 weeks, and in 2.5 weeks I am going in for my 3D ultrasound.


Oh yayyy! I haven't gained since my last appointment either..hopefully it stays that way.


The 3D/4D ultrasounds are amazing, it's such an experience..i'm sure the tech hated us because I had my whole family in there..haha.

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Oh yayyy! I haven't gained since my last appointment either..hopefully it stays that way.


The 3D/4D ultrasounds are amazing, it's such an experience..i'm sure the tech hated us because I had my whole family in there..haha.


Thanks Dang! I am really excited as well I know for sure my mom and sister will be going with me. I swear I could not keep them away even if I tried. I am really looking forward to it, I am sure I will cry.

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AC - wow 27 days to go? Your LO will be here soon....oooh so exciting!


How is everyone's pregnancy going?


Baby Levi is 2 months old now, he had his well baby check done this monday just gone and he had his first lot of shots...bless he boohooed and I felt so bad. But he got over it pretty quick and was fine.

Its been a crazy two weeks with my DH deploying and having to keep house and look after our boys but Im getting there

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So I started having lower back pain on tuesday and realized it was coming and going. So I went to the hospital, and sure enough I was having contractions every 6 min. They gave me a shot to stop them. They stopped for a while then I started getting them again, but not so frequent. They wanted to give me another shot and keep me but I denied it and went home. They gave me pills to take if I keep getting contractions. I had a few yesterday and took a pill and was fine. I had 3 contractions this morning then they stopped. They aren't hard enough contractions to dilate me though. Oh im having another one right now. I wonder if he'll come early. I don't want him this early.

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Yeah I didn't come to work yesterday. Im here today, but I have a desk job so hopefully I don't start getting more contractions. They said as long as they dont get stronger or start hurting I should be fine.


scary! I hope they stop..or at least stop being so frequent. Take it easy..

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So I started having lower back pain on tuesday and realized it was coming and going. So I went to the hospital, and sure enough I was having contractions every 6 min. They gave me a shot to stop them. They stopped for a while then I started getting them again, but not so frequent. They wanted to give me another shot and keep me but I denied it and went home. They gave me pills to take if I keep getting contractions. I had a few yesterday and took a pill and was fine. I had 3 contractions this morning then they stopped. They aren't hard enough contractions to dilate me though. Oh im having another one right now. I wonder if he'll come early. I don't want him this early.


I'll pray for you hun. Tell him to have some patience and stay put.

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I may suck, but at least I get to SLEEP!!!! hahahaha!!!


hmm...Landon will eat a big dinner and then he gets his milk bottle before bed and I will add a little rice cereal to it so it's thicker. Does LP get a bottle before bed? Would a thicker cereal bottle hold her through the night?


LOL Yes, you do get sleep you lucky woman. Oh and Littlepants has another ear infection (I think, headed to the docs first thing tomorrow morning to confirm), so she has been up no less than 4 times a night all week!!


I have never done the cereal in the bottle to be honest, but we do have a little issue with snacks/dinner/bedtime routine due to our travel time. I get out at 4:30, go to get LP (who usually has only had an afternoon snack after lunch at daycare at 11:30AM), she drinks an 8 oz bottle on the ride home (45 minutes to an hour long ride) and may have a fruit leather or something of the like on the ride as well. We get home at 5:30-ish, have dinner somewhere between 6:30 and 7:00, although she can sometimes not eat a very good dinner because of the snacks on the ride home, but she is starving by the time I pick her up at daycare and I don't want to make her wait another 2 hours for something to eat! She gets another regular milk bottle before bed, anywhere from 4 to 8 oz at 8:30 at night. I think it's the snacks on the ride home that is making dinner a smaller meal, thus not filling her up before bed. She wakes up at least oncec, usually twice, and won't go back down without a "baba". I'm going to ask the doc tomorrow about ti as well as mama would really like to sleep more than 3 or 4 hours at a stretch! I'm a frikkin basket case today!

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Another one?? Landon has had like 5 just since January. His doc said that it should stop once the weather gets warm, but I'm not holding my breath. He's on meds right now for one too.


Is it possbibly to change so that all she has is an 8 ounce bottle on the way home and then she can have her dinner. Also, doesnt your daycare do a 3:00 snack? If not, can you ask them to? That is a hellish long time for any baby to go without eating. Landon would be pealing the paint off the walls with his cries if he had to wait that long to eat.

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Another one?? Landon has had like 5 just since January. His doc said that it should stop once the weather gets warm, but I'm not holding my breath. He's on meds right now for one too.


Is it possbibly to change so that all she has is an 8 ounce bottle on the way home and then she can have her dinner. Also, doesnt your daycare do a 3:00 snack? If not, can you ask them to? That is a hellish long time for any baby to go without eating. Landon would be pealing the paint off the walls with his cries if he had to wait that long to eat.


Yeah, I tried the no snack on the ride home and since she pounds her bottle in 5 to 15 minutes, I end up having her scream for the last half hour of our ride. Not fun for either of us. I HATE having to drive that far, it sould be so much better to be home in 15 minutes and have dinner at a reasonable hour!


Daycare does give her an afternoon snack now, but I know the time varies from day to day. If the weather is nice, they head outside to play at like 2:30, and she will stay out until I pick her up at 4:30. So I'm guessing the last snack is at like 2 or so. Maybe I'll chat with them today about making sure she has a little something in her belly a little later to hold her over a little longer. I am so frikkin tired today I don't know what end is up!! LOL I'm going to be drooling on my desk by 2:00, I guarantee it!

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Okay, have any of you mommies who have had babies before used a post partum girdle/wrap after having your little one?


I'm really interested in the belly bandit..it's a wrap used to support the belly after giving birth. It has some pretty good reviews on Amazon and i'm really considering it..just wondered if any of you used anything like it..?

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Okay, have any of you mommies who have had babies before used a post partum girdle/wrap after having your little one?


I'm really interested in the belly bandit..it's a wrap used to support the belly after giving birth. It has some pretty good reviews on Amazon and i'm really considering it..just wondered if any of you used anything like it..?

I have used one of those girdles, but only wore it a few times. I didn't think I needed it and thought it was pointless. Alot of people use them though.

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Okay, have any of you mommies who have had babies before used a post partum girdle/wrap after having your little one?


I'm really interested in the belly bandit..it's a wrap used to support the belly after giving birth. It has some pretty good reviews on Amazon and i'm really considering it..just wondered if any of you used anything like it..?


My sister used something like this and she loves it. She looks really good too. I think it helped her she doesn't even look like she had a baby

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So in an exciting twist of events.... my sister (who is my best friend and our children are 4 months apart) just found out she is also pregnant, and due 2 1/2 weeks after I am! I am sooo excited we get to do this again together!! yahoo!!!!

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So in an exciting twist of events.... my sister (who is my best friend and our children are 4 months apart) just found out she is also pregnant, and due 2 1/2 weeks after I am! I am sooo excited we get to do this again together!! yahoo!!!!


Awww that is so cute. I am so happy for the two of you nothing better than sisters

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So in an exciting twist of events.... my sister (who is my best friend and our children are 4 months apart) just found out she is also pregnant, and due 2 1/2 weeks after I am! I am sooo excited we get to do this again together!! yahoo!!!!


That's awesome! You guys can possibly delivery on the same day, how cool would that be? lol Its going to be great going thru the pregnancy together.

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So in an exciting twist of events.... my sister (who is my best friend and our children are 4 months apart) just found out she is also pregnant, and due 2 1/2 weeks after I am! I am sooo excited we get to do this again together!! yahoo!!!!


AWESOME!!!!! You 2 are the Fertile Myrtle Sisters! Maybe this time you'll have a boy and she'll have a girl. -That would be something!

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So in an exciting twist of events.... my sister (who is my best friend and our children are 4 months apart) just found out she is also pregnant, and due 2 1/2 weeks after I am! I am sooo excited we get to do this again together!! yahoo!!!!


Unbelievable! That's crazy and super awesome! That's going to be so fun for your children.

Seriously if I have trouble getting pregnant, I'll go soak in some Hope and sister vibes!


By the way, when I saw that Bella's was the last post on this thread, I thought for a second before I read the thread that she might be pregnant too

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So in an exciting twist of events.... my sister (who is my best friend and our children are 4 months apart) just found out she is also pregnant, and due 2 1/2 weeks after I am! I am sooo excited we get to do this again together!! yahoo!!!!


Ooooh my god!!! Congrats!!!


(give her my best wishes, will you?

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