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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Can you girls believe we STILL dont have a name, for about a month we were 100% sure her name will be Alicia Katherine - now we are back to square one!!!!!!! UGH!!! Its so frustrating.

Lol. I thought that was gonna be the name....well when she's born you guys will know what you wanna name her. Im so excited for you to have her cuz when shes born that'll mean my baby will almost be here! Woo Hoo!!!

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Lol. I thought that was gonna be the name....well when she's born you guys will know what you wanna name her. Im so excited for you to have her cuz when shes born that'll mean my baby will almost be here! Woo Hoo!!!


yup - you & Dang are right after me, we are all pretty much going to be taking care of newborns at the same time. Pretty exciting!!


I hope a name comes to us once we see her, if not then I have no idea lol I just dont want to regret later that we named her something because we "had" to cause it was last minute but then I dont really love the name booo!

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Can you girls believe we STILL dont have a name, for about a month we were 100% sure her name will be Alicia Katherine - now we are back to square one!!!!!!! UGH!!! Its so frustrating.




What happened? I love her name.

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What happened? I love her name.


lol...I dont even know what happened! Hubby just isn't too crazy about the 1st name anymore I guess We are definitely keeping Katherine cause its my middle name and g-ma's middle name.


This whole naming business is driving me crazy. It still might end up being Alicia - I just wish we had a definite!

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We didn't have names until the very end either, Ac. We had a few differnt options for girl, but no boy names at all (we didn't find out the sex beforehand). Strangely enough hubby came up with our daughter's first name and I came up with the middle name. We were out to breakfast at the local diner when I was over 8 mos pregnant just tossing random names out, got a little silly with names like Gweniviere, etc and he said the one we ended up choosing and I was like, "THAT'S IT!!!!" LOL Now that she's here, the name suits her so well, I'm glad we didn't go with our earlier choices. Although it's not a bad thing to have some options and see what fits when the little bebe arrives. I'd hate to have "Mary Elizabeth" all picked out and have her come out and look nothing like a Mary and more like a Sophia or something! hehe

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yup - you & Dang are right after me, we are all pretty much going to be taking care of newborns at the same time. Pretty exciting!!


I hope a name comes to us once we see her, if not then I have no idea lol I just dont want to regret later that we named her something because we "had" to cause it was last minute but then I dont really love the name booo!

You'll find a name just in time. I like Alicia though. I cant believe she'll be here so soon. Hopefully you're dilated next appt.

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I'm sick of complaining too, lol. It only seems to be getting worse..silly me, I spoke too soon about feeling good..this week so far I haven't felt that great at all..just fatigued, achey and grumpy in general. The shortness of breath and dizziness just puts the icing on the cake.

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I'm sick of complaining too, lol. It only seems to be getting worse..silly me, I spoke too soon about feeling good..this week so far I haven't felt that great at all..just fatigued, achey and grumpy in general. The shortness of breath and dizziness just puts the icing on the cake.


Everyone kept telling me it will only get worse...I was like "yea rightttt" but they were right!! I can't believe I have over 3 more weeks of this torture LOL

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Awww girls, I sense that I should cheer y'all up a bit!!!




Here, have a look at what is waiting for you Renske is 3 months now. Can't believe how fast time goes by.


And... I know it's heavy in the end. You guys seem to have a harder time than I had (although urgh... the heartburn, I barely ate the last few weeks...). Still, I missed being pregnant a long time after she was born! Still do a bit! So, enjoy the moving baby, and the admiring looks at your beautiful babies!!

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Oh arwen, what a precious video! I love those baby giggles, I challenge you to not break into a laugh yourself when your little one is giggling like that. hehe


They DO grow up so incredibly fast. I can't believe Littlepants is going to be 2 at the end of summer! It seems like just yesterday I had her!


Loved the video, thank you for sharing!

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Awww girls, I sense that I should cheer y'all up a bit!!!




Here, have a look at what is waiting for you Renske is 3 months now. Can't believe how fast time goes by.


And... I know it's heavy in the end. You guys seem to have a harder time than I had (although urgh... the heartburn, I barely ate the last few weeks...). Still, I missed being pregnant a long time after she was born! Still do a bit! So, enjoy the moving baby, and the admiring looks at your beautiful babies!!


Oh My GOODNESS she is so precious Arwen! I just love her. Daddy looks sooo proud.


I can't believe how much they change.... my little trouble maker will be 1 year old next month!! Eeek!!

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I know what you guys mean and I am still behind Dang and haha....



AC wow only 27 more days I am super excited for you. I know it will go well for you....


Its getting close & the closer it gets the more nervous I become.


The last 2 days I been washing/ironing everything for baby, I am pretty much done now but was it exhausting! I'm not even "nesting" just felt like it needed to be done before I get even bigger & more tired. On top of that I'm pretty sure I have OCD when it comes to cleaning & ironing lol.

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Tell me about it! Now if only she would sleep through the night... I'm dying over here.


Ugh, I haven't gotten a whole nights sleep in over 2 years! I was getting up so much to piddle at the end of my pregnancy that I never slept all the way through, and now that Littlepants is 19 months, she STILL isn't sleeping through the night. We're usually up at least once a night.


I dream of a full 8 hours sleep! Heck, I'd settle for 6 hours!

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Tell me about it! Now if only she would sleep through the night... I'm dying over here.


Ugh, I haven't gotten a whole nights sleep in over 2 years! I was getting up so much to piddle at the end of my pregnancy that I never slept all the way through, and now that Littlepants is 19 months, she STILL isn't sleeping through the night. We're usually up at least once a night.


I dream of a full 8 hours sleep! Heck, I'd settle for 6 hours!


I dont understand. I thought by 1 year they all slept through the night. Landon sleeps for 12 straight hours a night, untinterupted. Unless he's not feeling good. Then we're up every 2 hours. But other then that, it's 12 hours of bliss.


What's going on with your girls??

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I dont understand. I thought by 1 year they all slept through the night. Landon sleeps for 12 straight hours a night, untinterupted. Unless he's not feeling good. Then we're up every 2 hours. But other then that, it's 12 hours of bliss.


What's going on with your girls??


For the record Cat... U SUCK!!!!! hahaha just kidding!


I dunno what's up with my girl. I can only think of one night that she slept all the way through. She has had a string of one ear infection after another this past winter, and I know laying down is when its the worst. But other than that, she is her father's daughter (gonna be a big girl!!) and still gets up for a snack in the middle of the night. I really want to break the midnight snack habit, but I'm too damn lazy to have to try to soothe her for an hour before trying to get back to bed myself. Bad mommy!!

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For the record Cat... U SUCK!!!!! hahaha just kidding!


I dunno what's up with my girl. I can only think of one night that she slept all the way through. She has had a string of one ear infection after another this past winter, and I know laying down is when its the worst. But other than that, she is her father's daughter (gonna be a big girl!!) and still gets up for a snack in the middle of the night. I really want to break the midnight snack habit, but I'm too damn lazy to have to try to soothe her for an hour before trying to get back to bed myself. Bad mommy!!


I may suck, but at least I get to SLEEP!!!! hahahaha!!!


hmm...Landon will eat a big dinner and then he gets his milk bottle before bed and I will add a little rice cereal to it so it's thicker. Does LP get a bottle before bed? Would a thicker cereal bottle hold her through the night?

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