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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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I'm not a mother yet but reading all these stories about c sections scare me. I really want a natural birth if/when the time comes, but am deathly afraid that because I have very mild arthitis (I don't even take medication for it) and my age I'll be forced to have a c section though I am otherwise healthy for my age. Any surgery scares me.


Newwave, don't be scared I think a lot of people just want to recover as quickly as possible after the birth of a baby. Having said that I also know women who really WANT a c-section, they would prefer it over having any kind of pain.

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Newwave, don't be scared I think a lot of people just want to recover as quickly as possible after the birth of a baby. Having said that I also know women who really WANT a c-section, they would prefer it over having any kind of pain.


True, I know women like this as well. I guess I just look at it as I'd rather have more pain at that time, then later on and having to stay in the hospital longer.

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True, I know women like this as well. I guess I just look at it as I'd rather have more pain at that time, then later on and having to stay in the hospital longer.


Plus it is not just the recovery time in the hospital it also caring for the wound when you leave the hospital, mamking sure you follow the steps to avoid infection, and then having to go back to get the wound checked out. A lot more work than having a normal delivery.

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your belly is so cute though! I feel the same way..I seriously feel bigger every single day that goes by..and my stomach is starting to itch more even though I rub lotion/baby oil/body butter on it twice daily..our babies are really picking up the weight now getting ready to come out and meet the world though..I can't imagine myself a month from now.

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How cute!!! I guess its true what they say about boy bellys and girl bellys (if you're having a girl its more like a basketball & if its a boy more like a watermelon)


Here is my belly pic at 35 weeks....

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How cute!!! I guess its true what they say about boy bellys and girl bellys (if you're having a girl its more like a basketball & if its a boy more like a watermelon)


Here is my belly pic at 35 weeks....

OMG its sooooo cute. Its not too big. Looks like you'll be safe and wont get stretch marks!

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OMG its sooooo cute. Its not too big. Looks like you'll be safe and wont get stretch marks!


LOL I hope so, I check everyday & pray for the best but my skin is pretty much stretched out to the max - my dr even said "she has no more room left in there"

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I was praying and checking every day too! And got NO stretch mark whatsoever. Only a 'linea nigra' (a dark vertical line over my belly), and... that's STILL there!


Great bellies ladies!!!

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Yesterday was my daughters baby shower. It was a nice little get together. I met Nathan's paternal grandmother and his aunt. Little Nate recieved some nice little gifts.


They had the funniest game. You had to make a baby out of chewed bubble gum. It was a hoot to watch everyone frantically chewing bubble gum and then making little babies out of it. One girl was super creative, her bubble gum baby had a little diaper on. Naturally she was the winner of that game.

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Yesterday was my daughters baby shower. It was a nice little get together. I met Nathan's paternal grandmother and his aunt. Little Nate recieved some nice little gifts.


They had the funniest game. You had to make a baby out of chewed bubble gum. It was a hoot to watch everyone frantically chewing bubble gum and then making little babies out of it. One girl was super creative, her bubble gum baby had a little diaper on. Naturally she was the winner of that game.


That's good that your daughter had a good baby shower.

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I was praying and checking every day too! And got NO stretch mark whatsoever. Only a 'linea nigra' (a dark vertical line over my belly), and... that's STILL there!


Great bellies ladies!!!


Yeah I have the linea nigra line too, but its not too dark - I actually think its cute lol. My dr told me it could take up to a year to disappear after birth

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Yesterday was my daughters baby shower. It was a nice little get together. I met Nathan's paternal grandmother and his aunt. Little Nate recieved some nice little gifts.


They had the funniest game. You had to make a baby out of chewed bubble gum. It was a hoot to watch everyone frantically chewing bubble gum and then making little babies out of it. One girl was super creative, her bubble gum baby had a little diaper on. Naturally she was the winner of that game.


Awww metro I am so glad that she had a good baby shower!

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Yesterday was my daughters baby shower. It was a nice little get together. I met Nathan's paternal grandmother and his aunt. Little Nate recieved some nice little gifts.


They had the funniest game. You had to make a baby out of chewed bubble gum. It was a hoot to watch everyone frantically chewing bubble gum and then making little babies out of it. One girl was super creative, her bubble gum baby had a little diaper on. Naturally she was the winner of that game.


That's awesome! I love baby shower games lol - they are always so much fun, glad she had a good shower

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Yeah I have the linea nigra line too, but its not too dark - I actually think its cute lol. My dr told me it could take up to a year to disappear after birth


I had a faint one (I am very fair skinned) and it disappeared about 5-6 months after I had the baby.

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Yesterday was my daughters baby shower. It was a nice little get together. I met Nathan's paternal grandmother and his aunt. Little Nate recieved some nice little gifts.


They had the funniest game. You had to make a baby out of chewed bubble gum. It was a hoot to watch everyone frantically chewing bubble gum and then making little babies out of it. One girl was super creative, her bubble gum baby had a little diaper on. Naturally she was the winner of that game.



I'm picturing all these people stringing out sticky chewed up gum, gross! LOL. Some of the games are so weird, aren't they?

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