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Sure! I wasn't 'IN'duced, but 'trans'duced if you can call it that. I had meds to trigger (even) more contractions because I wasn't dilating. I had a contraction/labour storm after that, as we call it: no breaks between contractions, just contraction after contraction after contraction.


The chance of having a 'storm' like that is bigger when you're induced. I had been having 10 hours of back labour at that point. I delivered normally. If anything, I delivered very fast, the part that I was pushing was only 6 minutes! That was extremely fast after the Hell of Labour that lasted 18 hours.


Thanks for responding Arwen. I ask because this is my first and I just want to make sure I have all the facts form the doctor and the mommies who already been through it.


I am asking because my sister also had to be induced because she had already gone over her due date and they had to give her medicine to dilate because she was not doing it on her own.


She spent 36 hours with contractions and I was just wondering if I might have to prepare for the same.


I have heard that walking and exercising helps to dilate you and I have been doing that since I got pregnant.


I wonder does it really help? Some people say yes and others say no.....

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Ok so at the risk of sounding dumb if they induce you, you could still have a normal delivery right?


You could still have a vaginal delivery, but I know for me personally I dont want to be induced & will wait until she is ready. I heard its much more painful & it increases your chances of having a c-section as well (which I want to avoid at all costs) This is another reason I dont want to be overdue because at week 41 my dr wants to induce if she's not here yet.

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You could still have a vaginal delivery, but I know for me personally I dont want to be induced & will wait until she is ready. I heard its much more painful & it increases your chances of having a c-section as well (which I want to avoid at all costs) This is another reason I dont want to be overdue because at week 41 my dr wants to induce if she's not here yet.


I was also asking because of that. I do NOT want a c-section unless it is dire need. I want a normal delivery....

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I would prefer not to have a C Section either...glad some of you feel the same way..one of the doctors I work for keeps pushing me to have an elective c section which I don't want at all. Thankfully my doctor doesn't do them electively for first time moms unless there is a medical need for it or an emergent need of course.

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I would prefer not to have a C Section either...glad some of you feel the same way..one of the doctors I work for keeps pushing me to have an elective c section which I don't want at all. Thankfully my doctor doesn't do them electively for first time moms unless there is a medical need for it or an emergent need of course.


That's odd. I am glad that you have a different doctor that will make the best attempt to follow your birth plan.


I had an elective c-section, and it was hard for me to find a doc to agree to it. In the end, a c-section was the right choice for me anyways (my son was just under 10lbs at birth) -but when I went for consults before I got pregnant- most docs didn't even want to consider an elective c-section.


All in all, a doc should never force you into a particular birth method- unless there is a justified medical need.

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I would prefer not to have a C Section either...glad some of you feel the same way..one of the doctors I work for keeps pushing me to have an elective c section which I don't want at all. Thankfully my doctor doesn't do them electively for first time moms unless there is a medical need for it or an emergent need of course.


I know what you mean and it is driving me crazy! Every time I see that one doctor at the place I go to I REALLY want to hurt him!! Why in the heck would I WANT a C-section unless there was a dire need for one?


With my sister they wanted to do the same thing I swear after an hour the stupid doctor wanted her to have a c-section right away even though the baby was fine.


I refuse to have one unless God forbid my baby was in danger....


Dang are you planning on doing the epidural?

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Im definitely going to, I exercise & walk now but once I hit 37 weeks its on lol.


I really want baby to get here the beginning of June or end of May because we have my MIL's birthday & hubbys grandmothers bday June 7th, our wedding anniversary June 6th, my father's birthday June 28th, our pups bday June 23rd lol & fathers day that month. I dont want her to share a birthday with anyone.

Oh my....so many birthdays!!! She better come May 29. I like that date....I feel the same way about July. My neices bday is july 6 my nephew and sons bdays are july 12 my dad is july 21 and ex is july 4th and so many more bdays that month. I want him out at the end of June.

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Every time I see that one doctor at the place I go to I REALLY want to hurt him!!


Now that you've met him and don't like him- you shouldn't schedule any further appointments with him. There's no need to have to see him if he makes you uncomfortable or is pushy. Even though most ob-gyn practices want you to meet each doc in the practice at least once, you have more freedom to request who you want to see, than they like to let on.


There was a doc at my practice who I didn't like. I met him once as a formality and then avoided him for 9 months after that.

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Yes, i'll be doing the epidural assuming everything goes okay.


They're already saying that Hayden might be a big baby so honestly..I don't want to feel what's going on down there during labor..although I did find out yesterday that even though you have an epidural sometimes you still feel pain down there..just not as bad as you would without it..and since he's supposedly going to be a big baby, I may have to have a c section either way.


I'm just going with the flow..nothing ever goes according plan for me anyway, lol.

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Now that you've met him and don't like him- you shouldn't schedule any further appointments with him. There's no need to have to see him if he makes you uncomfortable or is pushy. Even though most ob-gyn practices want you to meet each doc in the practice at least once, you have more freedom to request who you want to see, than they like to let on.


There was a doc at my practice who I didn't like. I met him once as a formality and then avoided him for 9 months after that.


I usually do. He is not my doctor, he just happens to be there on the same day I have my appointments and he always make a joke/push towards the c-section. Ughh one day I was having a pretty crappy morning and I told him in a very firm manner that I was NOT going to have a c-section and he should just stop dropping any hints towards that happening.


My doctor and I have a birth plan that I am very comfortable with and I really like him because I feel he takes my feelings into consideration which makes me feel good.


I just wonder what is up with doctors and pushing C-sections more frequently now....

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I would prefer not to have a C Section either...glad some of you feel the same way..one of the doctors I work for keeps pushing me to have an elective c section which I don't want at all. Thankfully my doctor doesn't do them electively for first time moms unless there is a medical need for it or an emergent need of course.


I can't believe a doctor would even suggest an elective c-section, that would make me so mad.

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Yes, i'll be doing the epidural assuming everything goes okay.


They're already saying that Hayden might be a big baby so honestly..I don't want to feel what's going on down there during labor..although I did find out yesterday that even though you have an epidural sometimes you still feel pain down there..just not as bad as you would without it..and since he's supposedly going to be a big baby, I may have to have a c section either way.


I'm just going with the flow..nothing ever goes according plan for me anyway, lol.


Very true! I have chosen not to do one but I have also made it very clear to my doctor that I want to have it as an option in case I can't handle it. The last time I went to my ultrasound Gabriel was only weighing a little over a pound which was normal for the time. I wonder how much bigger he has gotten since then. I have another doctors appointment next week and I am wondering how much I have gained....

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Why are people so against C-sections? Just curious.


I would think it would help you have the baby quicker.


Sorry for my uninformed questions.


Yep, I went into the OR at 3:05 pm and Landon was born at 3:21 pm.


But the recovery time and risk of infection is very high.

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I just wonder what is up with doctors and pushing C-sections more frequently now....


There's a lot of theories out there, but I personally think they dont want to wait around when doing a c-section is so much quicker. My dr even said there are way too many c-sections out there nowadays that could easily be avoided.

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Yep, I went into the OR at 3:05 pm and Landon was born at 3:21 pm.


But the recovery time and risk of infection is very high.


Ren- Personally for me this is why. The recovery is a lot longer and I am scared to death of infection. I mean if I HAVE to have one then I am not against it but I would prefer not to have one.

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I'm glad we have so many healthy pregnancies going on here..


seriously, the only problem i'm having right now is just being hormonal..I get irritated and stressed out SO easily - mostly at work..thankfully I don't really have any issues sleeping, I get up about 2 times a night to pee..my back aches sometimes but nothing horrible..i'm sure i'm speaking too soon though, haha.

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I usually do. He is not my doctor, he just happens to be there on the same day I have my appointments and he always make a joke/push towards the c-section


That is so inappropriate. Next time he does that- tell him to screw in so many words. Why would he be trying to raise your anxieties about the the birth of your child? -What a jerk.


Why are people so against C-sections? Just curious.


It's a surgery and the recovery takes longer than with a vaginal delivery. Ultimately each woman should decide what is best for her with her doctor. Not all women have the same preference for a birth plan. When a doc starts getting pushy for no reason and not considering the patients' wishes, it's time to find a new doc.

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Ah, so it is the post-recovery that people are concerned about.


I see.


Yes that plus its major surgery, I prefer not to have major surgery unless its 100% necessary. On top of that, if its your first you will end up having c-sections for all of your children going forward since most drs/hosptials dont allow a vaginal birth after c-section. I want my babies coming out naturally, but of course if its an emergency then I'll be all for it - as long as she's here safely!

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I'm glad we have so many healthy pregnancies going on here..


seriously, the only problem i'm having right now is just being hormonal..I get irritated and stressed out SO easily - mostly at work..thankfully I don't really have any issues sleeping, I get up about 2 times a night to pee..my back aches sometimes but nothing horrible..i'm sure i'm speaking too soon though, haha.


You are right YAY for healthy pregnancies!! I am glad that things are not too bad for you so far Dang!


As for me things have been well too. No problems sleeping so far and I actually only get up once to pee and that is if I have had an excessive amount of water before bed.


My hormones have been ok so far, the only time I feel like crying is when I have not gotten enough sleep and I feel tired. For some reason it makes me cry LOL


Another thing I have noticed lately is that my appetite is growing, I feel hungry more frequently than before...it worries me a little...I know its normal but sometimes I think....dang I ate all of that? I mean I eat healthy but still....

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That is so inappropriate. Next time he does that- tell him to screw in so many words. Why would he be trying to raise your anxieties about the the birth of your child? -What a jerk.



Next week I asked for an appointment on Wednesday and usually I go on Tuesdays. As far as I know he is not there on Wednesdays and thursdays! If all goes well I am probably just going to change all my future appointments so I don't have to run into him....

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I'm not a mother yet but reading all these stories about c sections scare me. I really want a natural birth if/when the time comes, but am deathly afraid that because I have very mild arthitis (I don't even take medication for it) and my age I'll be forced to have a c section though I am otherwise healthy for my age. Any surgery scares me.

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