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Well, I took my first and hopefully last trip [until the big day] to labor and delivery last night.


Hayden's an extremely active baby..he moves hourly and i've been doing the kick count technique per the advice of my doctor. Yesterday, I went for my walk..which is about 40ish minutes..ate dinner about an hour before that..when I was done with my walk I noticed I hadn't felt him move for the past hour and a half but I ignored it figuring he was asleep..no biggie. I did some stretching and yoga to relax before bed..washed my face/applied moisturizer...did my nightly rub down of baby oil gel on my belly and laid down to sleep..when I was about to drift off to sleep I suddenly realized I hadn't felt him move for nearly 3 hours.


I got a little anxious..and started prodding my belly to get him to move..no success. I called my doctor and he said to drink a glass of orange juice and lay down for 30 minutes...if I didn't feel him move at least 5 times go to l&d. So I did..and continued to push at his little body [not hard] to see if I could make him move..needless to say we ended up at the hospital..and...as soon as they hook me up to the monitor..guess who decided to start punching at the monitors..? Yes..Hayden..they did say his heart rate was a little slow but it quickly picked up as he got more active. The nurse said he must have been exhausted and in a deep sleep..


I felt so paranoid and dumb..but better to be safe than sorry..

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My sister and I were the same amount of time apart and we loved being able to share almost the same things. My brother and I were 7 years apart (he was the oldest ) and I liked that too because he used to take care of me, and he was always the cool older brother who was always there for me.

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Thanks, ac..you're so close i'm so anxious for you..lol!


Yeah, I felt so paranoid and dumb once he started moving in the hospital..but the part that scared me the most was the fact that I was touching/poking his little body and he would NOT budge which isn't like him at all. I normally can touch him and he at least squirms..lol..or punches me.

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Thanks, ac..you're so close i'm so anxious for you..lol!


Yeah, I felt so paranoid and dumb once he started moving in the hospital..but the part that scared me the most was the fact that I was touching/poking his little body and he would NOT budge which isn't like him at all. I normally can touch him and he at least squirms..lol..or punches me.


Im getting anxious too & starting to freak out a bit now lol.


I had the same scare for a little while yesterday, everytime I touch my belly or poke at it I can get her to move, but last night she wouldn't & I didn't feel her for awhile so I drank OJ & ate something FINALLY an hour after that she moved but very lightly. I was gonna go to L&D until her daddy came home - started talking to her and she decided to move like crazy lol.


My Dr always says if you think something is wrong you better go to L&D and never feel dumb!!!

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Im getting anxious too & starting to freak out a bit now lol.


I had the same scare for a little while yesterday, everytime I touch my belly or poke at it I can get her to move, but last night she wouldn't & I didn't feel her for awhile so I drank OJ & ate something FINALLY an hour after that she moved but very lightly. I was gonna go to L&D until her daddy came home - started talking to her and she decided to move like crazy lol.


My Dr always says if you think something is wrong you better go to L&D and never feel dumb!!!



well, thank goodness she started moving.

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I went to the doc yesterday. I gained 8lbs since last month. I feel like a hippo, and I asked when they would start checkin the cervix. He said next appt which is in 3 weeks. I'll be 35 weeks then. Babys head is down and has dropped alot. Im so excited. AC you're almost there.....only a few more weeks!!!!

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I went to the doc yesterday. I gained 8lbs since last month. I feel like a hippo, and I asked when they would start checkin the cervix. He said next appt which is in 3 weeks. I'll be 35 weeks then. Babys head is down and has dropped alot. Im so excited. AC you're almost there.....only a few more weeks!!!!


Haha..I gained 10lbs from april 6th to may 4th and I was like " WHAT?"


eeeek, you're dropping! Do you feel more pressure in your pelvic area? I'm confused because I don't think i've dropped any but hayden sometimes brushes his little hands/fingers around down there and it feels like he's about to stick his hand out of my hoo haa..sorry, I don't know how else to explain it..but his movements are extremely low..not really feeling any pressure though down there.

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Haha..I gained 10lbs from april 6th to may 4th and I was like " WHAT?"


eeeek, you're dropping! Do you feel more pressure in your pelvic area? I'm confused because I don't think i've dropped any but hayden sometimes brushes his little hands/fingers around down there and it feels like he's about to stick his hand out of my hoo haa..sorry, I don't know how else to explain it..but his movements are extremely low..not really feeling any pressure though down there.

lol....im not worried about gaining 8lbs anymore. I thought I woulda only gained like 3. I didn't feel much bigger.


I dont feel more pressure. I dont even feel like i've dropped, but thats what the doc said. I've always felt movement really low so I donno what the difference is. I still feel like hes up in my lungs and I cant breathe.

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I went to the doc yesterday. I gained 8lbs since last month. I feel like a hippo, and I asked when they would start checkin the cervix. He said next appt which is in 3 weeks. I'll be 35 weeks then. Babys head is down and has dropped alot. Im so excited. AC you're almost there.....only a few more weeks!!!!


Glad you had a good appt! I have been gaining 2lbs every week forever now so dont feel bad lol.


At my 32 week appt dr was 100% sure baby wasn't in the right position, but my 35 week appt she was head down and ready to go. I was so relieved!! Now if only the last 32 days could go by really fast.

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Haha..I gained 10lbs from april 6th to may 4th and I was like " WHAT?"


eeeek, you're dropping! Do you feel more pressure in your pelvic area? I'm confused because I don't think i've dropped any but hayden sometimes brushes his little hands/fingers around down there and it feels like he's about to stick his hand out of my hoo haa..sorry, I don't know how else to explain it..but his movements are extremely low..not really feeling any pressure though down there.


Dang I also dont feel pressure & baby is head down, I just feel the need to pee every 20mins now as if going every 30mins before wasn't bad enough.

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Glad you had a good appt! I have been gaining 2lbs every week forever now so dont feel bad lol.


At my 32 week appt dr was 100% sure baby wasn't in the right position, but my 35 week appt she was head down and ready to go. I was so relieved!! Now if only the last 32 days could go by really fast.

Glad to hear that the baby is head down....have they checked your cervix yet?


32 days will fly by, and dont forget she could come up to 2 weeks early...

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Glad to hear that the baby is head down....have they checked your cervix yet?


32 days will fly by, and dont forget she could come up to 2 weeks early...


No they haven't checked it yet, Dr is checking it on Monday - cant wait to see if I dilated at all. I hope she comes 2 weeks early, I'm so done with being pregnant. Especially now that I can't sleep half the night I have a feeling she will be early, but with my luck she will be overdue

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No they haven't checked it yet, Dr is checking it on Monday - cant wait to see if I dilated at all. I hope she comes 2 weeks early, I'm so done with being pregnant. Especially now that I can't sleep half the night I have a feeling she will be early, but with my luck she will be overdue

How exciting....hopefully something is going on down there. Atleast dilated to 1. I know how you feel about not being able to sleep....Im up like 4-5 times a night. I have late babies so I don't think this one will be early

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How exciting....hopefully something is going on down there. Atleast dilated to 1. I know how you feel about not being able to sleep....Im up like 4-5 times a night. I have late babies so I don't think this one will be early


I really hope I'm dilated at least to 1, but I know it doesn't really matter cause you can be dilated for weeks with no progress booo!


I was 2 weeks early & my brother was a month early so hopefully my babies will follow my moms lead and be alittle early. As long as I reach 37 weeks its all fair game then & I want her out haha. So alittle over a week and I'm full term! Woot


Sleeping is terrible - it use to be cause I was up to pee a few times a night NOW its I'm up to pee & I can't fall back asleep for hours & then when I'm finally falling asleep I gotta get up to pee again LOL. TERRIBLE!!!

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I really hope I'm dilated at least to 1, but I know it doesn't really matter cause you can be dilated for weeks with no progress booo!


I was 2 weeks early & my brother was a month early so hopefully my babies will follow my moms lead and be alittle early. As long as I reach 37 weeks its all fair game then & I want her out haha. So alittle over a week and I'm full term! Woot


Sleeping is terrible - it use to be cause I was up to pee a few times a night NOW its I'm up to pee & I can't fall back asleep for hours & then when I'm finally falling asleep I gotta get up to pee again LOL. TERRIBLE!!!

Yeah true. You can be dilated for weeks with no progress, but atleast you know somethings goin on.


As soon as you reach 37 weeks i'd start walking alot...

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Yeah true. You can be dilated for weeks with no progress, but atleast you know somethings goin on.


As soon as you reach 37 weeks i'd start walking alot...


Im definitely going to, I exercise & walk now but once I hit 37 weeks its on lol.


I really want baby to get here the beginning of June or end of May because we have my MIL's birthday & hubbys grandmothers bday June 7th, our wedding anniversary June 6th, my father's birthday June 28th, our pups bday June 23rd lol & fathers day that month. I dont want her to share a birthday with anyone.

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We were planning that too but my OB strongly recommended we wait at least a year to give my body a chance to heal. We compromised and waited 9 months, LOL.


Arwen is right, it IS a lot of work, but it's a lot of love and a lot of joy too. You will be TIRED though!


Here 9 months is recommended. The fact that I want to breastfeed for a long time (maybe until she is 1) is also a factor (fertility decreases when you're breastfeeding). However, I can't wait either. Lol. Who am I kidding.




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Ok so at the risk of sounding dumb if they induce you, you could still have a normal delivery right?


Sure! I wasn't 'IN'duced, but 'trans'duced if you can call it that. I had meds to trigger (even) more contractions because I wasn't dilating. I had a contraction/labour storm after that, as we call it: no breaks between contractions, just contraction after contraction after contraction.


The chance of having a 'storm' like that is bigger when you're induced. I had been having 10 hours of back labour at that point. I delivered normally. If anything, I delivered very fast, the part that I was pushing was only 6 minutes! That was extremely fast after the Hell of Labour that lasted 18 hours.

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