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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Oh- I remember those internal drop-kicks to the groin. They definitely can wipe a smile off a woman's fast rather quickly. It was a very strange and unpleasant sensation.


Oh gosh me too. They stopped me in my tracks at work, ouch!! I am not looking forward to those!

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Dang...those pictures are absolutely gorgeous! That is a regret that I have. I didnt even think of doing maternity pics, and I really wish that I would have.


You look so beautiful. I love the black and white one. It's sexy, but soft and beautiful at the same time. And the one where your hands on your belly over Trey's. Gorgeous pics, girl!!

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My daughter tells me yesterday that she called the doctor asking if she could be induced, (i guess she was dead serious when she mentioned it the other day) and the nurse told her that after reviewing the images from the last ultrasound, they pushed her due date back to June 12 which by the way was her original due date.


She wasn't too thrilled with that but oh well.....


She quickly felt better though when she accidently found out the neighbors and her boyfriend are throwing her a surprise shower this Saturday.

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Hahahaha me too!


Gimme a baby to dance on my bladder again! Oh no, I was supposed to wait until Renske is at least 1 y/o...




Haha we were going to wait until my daughter was 1 too..... c'mon over to the dark side Arwen!!!!

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Haha we were going to wait until my daughter was 1 too..... c'mon over to the dark side Arwen!!!!


Haha I'm already planning number 2 & I'm still pregnant


We are going to try for number 2 6 months after this one.

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Haha I'm already planning number 2 & I'm still pregnant


We are going to try for number 2 6 months after this one.


hmmm... I'd wait until you've lived with the baby for a while before making these decisions I tell you, one is enough work!!


No no, no new babies for me for the coming year. My dissertation is due on Renske's first b-day. Now that I am back at work, I realize how demanding and challenging it will be: being the best mom that I can AND have the career I aim for.

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hmmm... I'd wait until you've lived with the baby for a while before making these decisions I tell you, one is enough work!!


No no, no new babies for me for the coming year. My dissertation is due on Renske's first b-day. Now that I am back at work, I realize how demanding and challenging it will be: being the best mom that I can AND have the career I aim for.


Everyone keeps telling me that, but me & hubby aren't getting any younger and we want our children to be very close in age. So the sooner the better since I definitely want to be done by 34. We probably should have started younger - now its crunch time lol

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Everyone keeps telling me that, but me & hubby aren't getting any younger and we want our children to be very close in age. So the sooner the better since I definitely want to be done by 34. We probably should have started younger - now its crunch time lol


How many children do you want to have, A?


My sister and I are only 17 months apart, and it turned out all right, although apparently my sister was the easiest baby (not me, ha ha!) and my mother was really spoiled with how much help she had.

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Haha I'm already planning number 2 & I'm still pregnant


We are going to try for number 2 6 months after this one.


We were planning that too but my OB strongly recommended we wait at least a year to give my body a chance to heal. We compromised and waited 9 months, LOL.


Arwen is right, it IS a lot of work, but it's a lot of love and a lot of joy too. You will be TIRED though!

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I would never want two in diapers at once, lol..no no no no no.


See this is something I do want, because I'd rather get this phase over with all at once! (although we aren't sure we will be stopping at two, we may go for a third.)

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See this is something I do want, because I'd rather get this phase over with all at once! (although we aren't sure we will be stopping at two, we may go for a third.)


Aye! #2 is just a wee bean right now and you've got #3 already in mind.


You go girl!

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Aye! #2 is just a wee bean right now and you've got #3 already in mind.


You go girl!


LOL Ask me again when I am juggling a toddler and a newborn! My answer may have changed.


I come from a fairly big family and I loved it. DH is an only child and he didn't want that for our children. 2-3 was what we always talked about, but it will depend on our finances, if we move (have room for 2 kids here but probably not 3 without an addition) and how well we are handling 2 kids.

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How many children do you want to have, A?


My sister and I are only 17 months apart, and it turned out all right, although apparently my sister was the easiest baby (not me, ha ha!) and my mother was really spoiled with how much help she had.


We want 3 & for all to be as close in age as possible. My brother & I are 4yrs apart, hubby & his siblings are a few yrs apart & none of us are close.


We were planning that too but my OB strongly recommended we wait at least a year to give my body a chance to heal. We compromised and waited 9 months, LOL.


Arwen is right, it IS a lot of work, but it's a lot of love and a lot of joy too. You will be TIRED though!


I'm sure its a ton of work, but I do want 2 in diapers. lol. My friend was pregnant 6 months after having her 1st & then 7 months after having her 2nd. She tells me how tough it is but doesn't regret it whatsoever. Coffee will be my best friend

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I think this is a good time to advertise my nanny services. Experienced, first aid/CPR certified, can teach your children a foreign language, and will enforce your rules strictly, but lovingly of course! Pay negotiable.


This is so exciting to hear that there will be many more ENA babies! And sounds like Starbucks sales are going to go up quite a bit too, good time to buy some stock (might not be public though).


Hope, is spacing out children by at least a year (I mean a year from birth to pregnancy) recommended for women of all ages, or is it more important to space as you "age"?

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I think this is a good time to advertise my nanny services. Experienced, first aid/CPR certified, can teach your children a foreign language, and will enforce your rules strictly, but lovingly of course! Pay negotiable.


This is so exciting to hear that there will be many more ENA babies! And sounds like Starbucks sales are going to go up quite a bit too, good time to buy some stock (might not be public though).


Hope, is spacing out children by at least a year (I mean a year from birth to pregnancy) recommended for women of all ages, or is it more important to space as you "age"?


nanny services would be greatly appreciated for my little brood.


Please be prepared to buy a bottle of hair dye when you have completed your duties, as your hair will turn grey. LOL

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I think this is a good time to advertise my nanny services. Experienced, first aid/CPR certified, can teach your children a foreign language, and will enforce your rules strictly, but lovingly of course! Pay negotiable.


This is so exciting to hear that there will be many more ENA babies! And sounds like Starbucks sales are going to go up quite a bit too, good time to buy some stock (might not be public though).


Hope, is spacing out children by at least a year (I mean a year from birth to pregnancy) recommended for women of all ages, or is it more important to space as you "age"?


In my case it was because I had a rather traumatic c-section and pre-eclampsia during my first pregnancy. It has nothing to do with my age. However research shows that pre E is more likely to occur with first pregnancies and health care workers (and I was working A LOT during my first pregnancy) so the chances of me having it again are much less than last time, though it is still possible.


I do think the recommendation is to wait 9 months- a year anyway because it simply takes your body that long to recover from pregnancy and childbirth. If I were younger and sure I only wanted two children I might have waited a bit longer. But, my sister and I are 19 months apart and we are best of friends and really enjoyed each other growing up so I love the aspect of that too, and I like the idea of just sucking it up the extra year and getting the night wakings, nursing, bottles diapers and that stage over with all at once.

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is it really recommended to have kids so close together? why?


my brother and I are 5 years apart. My parents wanted it that way due to financial concerns. They wanted to make sure they had enough to money to raise both of us.


I think it really is a matter of personal preference. Really, giving your body at least 6 months to recover from pregnancy and childbirth (especially if you are also breastfeeding) is ideal, but I know quite a few parents who didn't wait and who had successful pregnancies and deliveries and are glad they spaced their children so closely together.

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When do they start checking ur cervix to see if you're dialated? Is it the last month of pregnancy?


for me it was 36 weeks. I think typically they don't start till around 38 weeks though (but I was being induced for Pre E 3 weeks early).

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My Mom had all 4 of us kids in 6 years.. and we have always had great relationships with each other, to this day my brothers and I are so close, such good friends. And she had us all before the age of 30. I don't know how she did it! My fiance and I will be trying for a baby next year after our wedding. I don't even know if I can handle 1, let alone 2 or 3! Man I am so nervous just thinking about it! And I'm not getting any younger so we need to start trying right away as I will be 31 when we get married.

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When do they start checking ur cervix to see if you're dialated? Is it the last month of pregnancy?


My dr starts at 36 weeks which will be on Monday, I can't wait to find out if anything is happening down there lol.

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