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Has anyone here tried cloth diapers? Im strongly considering them...


I cloth diaper and love it! We've been doing it since my daughter was about 3 months, so just over 6 months now. SOOOO many cute options out there and it really is super easy. If you have any specific questions ask away, I'll be happy to answer! It can seem overwhelming at first but it really is very easy, I promise!

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My parents used them on me..and they loved them.


I just don't have the patience/time..that sounds so bad, lol..but I just don't see myself using them.


It's so funny that I see comments like this because it really takes almost no additional time (an extra load or two of wash a week and that takes about 1 minute to dump the dipes in the wash and push a button, and another minute to throw them on the drying rack.


I think what most people envision when they think cloth diaper is the prefolds that our moms used on us that you have to fold and pin, and now they have all in ones that look and work exactly like a disposable only instead of throwing it away you toss it in a diaper hamper and wash them. There are so many different kinds of cloth diapers out there (fitteds that require a cover, all in ones that don't need anything extra, and even those prefolds we all remember!).


And Ren, it's not any more messy than disposable diapering.

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I'm having bad cramps..ugh..almost enough to scare me but I don't want to go to labor and delivery and look like a fool.




What I would try first is drinking 2 large glasses of water and lying down on your left side for an hour. If they don't go away than call you OB. If they do, just take it easy for the rest of the night and see how you feel in the morning, they are likely to be BH contractions. (regular contractions do not go away with rest and hydration, BH ones do.)


A lot of time BH contractions are your body's way of telling you that you are dehydrated and need to rest.

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My mother had a diaper service when I was born. They took away the dirties to wash and dropped off clean. Maybe they still have that now?


That sounds cool. I could see myself using cloth if that was an option (I'd let them do ALL my laundry actually )


now they have all in ones that look and work exactly like a disposable only instead of throwing it away you toss it in a diaper hamper and wash them


Question to Hope75- I hope this is not too gross/graphic but .....when they have a bowel movement how do you deal with the diaper? Do you "empty" the contents of it first somehow (in a garbage or toilet) before you put the diaper aside in a hamper to be washed?

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What I would try first is drinking 2 large glasses of water and lying down on your left side for an hour. If they don't go away than call you OB. If they do, just take it easy for the rest of the night and see how you feel in the morning, they are likely to be BH contractions. (regular contractions do not go away with rest and hydration, BH ones do.)


A lot of time BH contractions are your body's way of telling you that you are dehydrated and need to rest.


Thanks, hope..I drank a bottle of water last night and laid down..they went away so i'm assuming that's what it was..they were just sort of different than the ones I had experienced before.

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I guess that's what it is..I'm just imagining the prefolds that are in all the pictures of me when I was young..I haven't really done any research on current methods..the only thing that kind of steers me away from it, is the bowel movement issue that BellaDonna mentioned..

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That sounds cool. I could see myself using cloth if that was an option (I'd let them do ALL my laundry actually )




Question to Hope75- I hope this is not too gross/graphic but .....when they have a bowel movement how do you deal with the diaper? Do you "empty" the contents of it first somehow (in a garbage or toilet) before you put the diaper aside in a hamper to be washed?


My mom used to put it in the toilet and then rinse the diapers and they would go into a pre wash soaking bucket I believe and the company would pick them up and give her clean ones.......it was one of her shower gifts, she got a diaper service for a year from her mom and dad.


It is the same as the potty....BM in the toilet and then wash and dry.... yucky but you get used to it.

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Question to Hope75- I hope this is not too gross/graphic but .....when they have a bowel movement how do you deal with the diaper? Do you "empty" the contents of it first somehow (in a garbage or toilet) before you put the diaper aside in a hamper to be washed?


No I don't mind at all! I shake the poo off into the toilet, and have a 'diaper sprayer' connected to the back of the toilet (like a sink sprayer) and quickly spray it off and throw it in the diaper bin, that's it. When she was little, before solids (and esp. while BF since BF poo is water soluable) I just threw it in the hamper. When she started solids and her poo became more solid, that's when I started the rinsing- and most of the time her poo is pretty formed and just shakes off the diaper into the toilet.


It takes about 10 seconds and is not really messy at all.

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I have zero experience with this, but my mom said I was potty trained by the time I was 2. She would put me on the kiddy potty every chance she got & said I was a quick learner. I'm hoping to start early with my daughter too. My brother on the other hand wasn't fully trained until he was 3. I guess each child is different.

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I have zero experience with this, but my mom said I was potty trained by the time I was 2. She would put me on the kiddy potty every chance she got & said I was a quick learner. I'm hoping to start early with my daughter too. My brother on the other hand wasn't fully trained until he was 3. I guess each child is different.


Each child is different. Boys too have physical control later because of a longer urethra...the development of physical control is a bit later. (due to nerve growth etc)It is vital too that they show interest first before you start putting them on potties and the toilet.Children often show fear of these things. I was trained before I was 2 as well, mind you back then they tried training kids much earlier.My son was not fully trained until he was almost 4. He showed on and off interest and disinterest.

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No I don't mind at all! I shake the poo off into the toilet, and have a 'diaper sprayer' connected to the back of the toilet (like a sink sprayer) and quickly spray it off and throw it in the diaper bin, that's it. When she was little, before solids (and esp. while BF since BF poo is water soluable) I just threw it in the hamper. When she started solids and her poo became more solid, that's when I started the rinsing- and most of the time her poo is pretty formed and just shakes off the diaper into the toilet.


It takes about 10 seconds and is not really messy at all.


Thanks for all the great insite. Im definitely going to go this route!

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Thanks for all the great insite. Im definitely going to go this route!


No worries, if you have any more questions (and you probably will once you start looking around) feel free to ask! I love to share and educate people about it.

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The reason i'm asking is because I have a photo shoot scheduled for Trey and I on Saturday, May 8th..i'll be almost 30 weeks pregnant by then..do you think that's a good time to take pictures..? I don't want to be overly huge when the pictures are taken..but I want to be 'big enough'..if that makes sense..

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The reason i'm asking is because I have a photo shoot scheduled for Trey and I on Saturday, May 8th..i'll be almost 30 weeks pregnant by then..do you think that's a good time to take pictures..? I don't want to be overly huge when the pictures are taken..but I want to be 'big enough'..if that makes sense..


I think it's a great idea. I do have a regret that I didnt take any. I wanted a black and white of me with my pregnant belly. So, yes, definitely do it!

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Yeah, I was just wondering if being about 30ish weeks pregnant would be a good time frame to take them..i'm so excited though, the photographer we're using has the most amazing maternity photos and newborn stuff too..I can't wait for Hayden to be here so I can get his pictures taken..i'm totally doing the naked ones, haha.

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