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Believe it or not that 12 weeks FLIES by in a blur of sleepless nights, round the clock feedings and trying to get into the rhythm of your new life with baby. I blinked and it was over. I returned to work when my baby was 10 weeks and I dreaded it (and I thought I would go crazy, was one of those women who worked a billion hours in a high stress job.)



I can't imagine trying to go back to work in 2 weeks! Your body is no where near recovered and you are SOOOOO exhausted! Do you have a contingency plan if that doesn't end up working out?


Exactly... of course it depends on how smoothly the delivery went, but I know very few people who were really feeling 100% well after only 2 weeks. I was in the hospital for one week due to bladder retention (couldn't pee after giving birth and I remember feeling SO weak, even from getting a shower in the morning. My first small walk outside was after 10 days or so, my legs felt like they were filled with sand. Lol, I am running as usual now again, but Renske is 9 weeks now.

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I can take off up to 12 weeks but I don't think I am..maybe 8 or 10..but as much as I want to spend time with my baby, I would rather be getting 100% of my salary vs. 80% to be able to provide as much as I can for him..I am thinking about going part time though, possibly..I couldn't be a stay at home mom though..being home 24/7 would drive me nuts.


It would drive me nuts too, but really, 12 weeks is NOTHING. It flies by! I am longing back to work too, but taking care of her takes 100% of my day, esp. now she's awake more hours and wants to be entertained .... and Renske is really an easy and happy baby that doesn't cry a lot.


The first month, you'll be constantly feeding (and dealing with diapers and poo everywhere haha), while you're recovering from birth. Those feedings go down from about 12 (assuming breastfeeding) to 10 to 8 to 6 (at 2 months).


And of course 6 feedings (breastfeeding) around the clock (meaning getting out of bed at midnight and 3 AM too) also make it harder to focus on work. Of course all of that is easier if a partner can do feedings too (bottle), but you'll probably still wake up.


I'd say that 8 to 10 weeks is the very minimum of leave you need after birth.

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Lunarstar....I think that you are trying to take on too much right now. Are you in school right now? If not, I would look for an easy part time job. Something to give you a little money to prepare for your son. And just work it until baby comes. Then take the time that you need to spend with your son. Whether it be 6 weeks or 6 months. If you parents are helping you and so is your son's father, you should be fine for a while. And then once you've had your initial time with him and you both have a consistant routine and schedule, then decide what you want to do with school and work. That way you can see how much time your son requires, you will know his feeding schedule, whether you are brestfeeding or not. You can predict none of this stuff, so I suggest waiting until he has been here for at least 6 weeks. Good luck to you and Gabriel!

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What kind of work do you do? Your OB Gyn may not clear you for work until a min. of 6 weeks after a vaginal delivery and 8 weeks after a c-section if you end up with one.

I work in an office. So I just sit at a desk all day on the computer and phone. I just really can't afford to take too much time off. If I don't feel well after the baby though I wont go to work until I feel well enough to do so.

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Believe it or not that 12 weeks FLIES by in a blur of sleepless nights, round the clock feedings and trying to get into the rhythm of your new life with baby. I blinked and it was over. I returned to work when my baby was 10 weeks and I dreaded it (and I thought I would go crazy, was one of those women who worked a billion hours in a high stress job.)



I can't imagine trying to go back to work in 2 weeks! Your body is no where near recovered and you are SOOOOO exhausted! Do you have a contingency plan if that doesn't end up working out?

If I don't feel good after 2 weeks I'll stay home until I feel ok to work. I went back to school 2 weeks after my daughter was born and I was totally fine. So hopefully after this baby I'll recover quick. I would love to stay home with the baby as long as I could but financially I can't do it.

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If I don't feel good after 2 weeks I'll stay home until I feel ok to work. I went back to school 2 weeks after my daughter was born and I was totally fine. So hopefully after this baby I'll recover quick. I would love to stay home with the baby as long as I could but financially I can't do it.


I have an easy position in this respect, I realize that... here it's simply 'impossible' to get back to work earlier than 10 weeks after birth. It also depends on the job. I would have been able to sit at a desk and do light work... I have a 'desk' job, but my work is mentally very demanding (I'm working on my PhD dissertation, in Holland that's a job as junior researcher at uni). I was pretty shaken up by the transition from pregnant to mom, it might be easier for other women.

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I have an easy position in this respect, I realize that... here it's simply 'impossible' to get back to work earlier than 10 weeks after birth. It also depends on the job. I would have been able to sit at a desk and do light work... I have a 'desk' job, but my work is mentally very demanding (I'm working on my PhD dissertation, in Holland that's a job as junior researcher at uni). I was pretty shaken up by the transition from pregnant to mom, it might be easier for other women.

Yeah that sounds like alot of work. My job isn't too bad and when I go back I wont take on all the stress. I'll have another girl helpong me out so it wont be too bad. I may also only work part time for a while.

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Has anyone here tried cloth diapers? Im strongly considering them...


2 of my very close friends use them & love'em. The only problem one of them had was no daycare wanted to deal with cloth diapers so she couldn't use them while the baby was in daycare, the other is a stay at home was that wasn't an issue. I was considering it, but then I reconsidered my consideration lol for various reasons. It's definitely something worth researching & see if it would fit your lifestyle.

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I'm gonna try out some biodegradable diapers off of link removed..[cheaper on amazon vs. department stores]


I'm really pro pampers, lol..but if the biodegradable ones are good then i'll be using those on little man.


Actually you should try a couple and see what fits your baby best. We started out with Pampers, but soon found out that the Huggies "little movers" fit Landon better than anything. The pampers and other huggies rub the crease in his leg and "burn" him there.

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I'm having bad cramps..ugh..almost enough to scare me but I don't want to go to labor and delivery and look like a fool.




If its bad you should go...better safe then sorry. Dont worry about looking like a fool!! I definitely would or at least call your dr and ask'em what he/she thinks.

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