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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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How much have you gained so far? Is this ur first?


I have only gained like 10.5 pounds if I am not mistaken. Last time I went for a check up I had only gained 1/2 pound in a period of two and a half weeks. I know that most of the weight gain is in the third trimester but I have beenvery healthy during this pregnancy.


Yup first baby!

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I LOVE the name Gabriel. Love love love love it. So happy to hear that's what you're naming him. He'll be an angel.


Your weight gain sounds fairly typical to me Lunar. Good job being so healthy!


See I chose the name Gabriel because I am Catholic and according to our story Gabriel was the angel that announced to Mary that she was going to be having a baby which was a miracle. For me to even be pregnant is a miracle because of a certain condition that I have so this is my miracle baby! For some reason one day I just woke up and all I could think about was the name Gabriel, so therefore I chose to name my son that.


As soon as I found out I was pregnant I wanted to make sure I was healthy for me and my baby. I don't want any complications for my baby because I couldn't control myself

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I have only gained like 10.5 pounds if I am not mistaken. Last time I went for a check up I had only gained 1/2 pound in a period of two and a half weeks. I know that most of the weight gain is in the third trimester but I have beenvery healthy during this pregnancy.


Yup first baby!

Well im 28 weeks and ive only gained 8lbs total. Im sure i'll start putting on the weight now.

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haha yup. I gained almost 60lbs with my daughter and like 20lbs with my son. I think i'll probably gain a total of like 30lbs with this one.


I have heard you gain more weight with girls that with boys, not sure if that is true. When my sister had my niece she gained A lot of weight and she is very petite.

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My daughter just called me. She said she lost part of her plug and she's having contractions. She already had an appointment scheduled for this morning so she is at the doctors office now waiting to be seen.


I really hope he doesn't come now. Remember I told you guys, she hasn't been able to carry any of the babies to term. They are always early.

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My daughter just called me. She said she lost part of her plug and she's having contractions. She already had an appointment scheduled for this morning so she is at the doctors office now waiting to be seen.


I really hope he doesn't come now. Remember I told you guys, she hasn't been able to carry any of the babies to term. They are always early.


MG, hope everything will be ok for your daughter

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My daughter just called me. She said she lost part of her plug and she's having contractions. She already had an appointment scheduled for this morning so she is at the doctors office now waiting to be seen.


I really hope he doesn't come now. Remember I told you guys, she hasn't been able to carry any of the babies to term. They are always early.


oh wow. I hope everything is okay and that baby stays cooking in her belly!

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My daughter just called me. She said she lost part of her plug and she's having contractions. She already had an appointment scheduled for this morning so she is at the doctors office now waiting to be seen.


I really hope he doesn't come now. Remember I told you guys, she hasn't been able to carry any of the babies to term. They are always early.


My prayers go out to you and your daughter. I have faith she will be ok!

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My daughter just called me. She said she lost part of her plug and she's having contractions. She already had an appointment scheduled for this morning so she is at the doctors office now waiting to be seen.


I really hope he doesn't come now. Remember I told you guys, she hasn't been able to carry any of the babies to term. They are always early.

Omg. Well let us know what happens. How many weeks is she? I hope the baby stays put.

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Thanks guys......


She is going to call me when she is done with her appointment to let me know what is happening.


Everything seems to be happening so quickly....I only just got used to the idea of another grandbaby, not that I am totally thrilled but I don't want the little bugger to pop out too early either.

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Thanks guys......


She is going to call me when she is done with her appointment to let me know what is happening.


Everything seems to be happening so quickly....I only just got used to the idea of another grandbaby, not that I am totally thrilled but I don't want the little bugger to pop out too early either.


Oh my god. I hope everything turns out alright. Keep us updated metro!

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See I chose the name Gabriel because I am Catholic and according to our story Gabriel was the angel that announced to Mary that she was going to be having a baby which was a miracle. For me to even be pregnant is a miracle because of a certain condition that I have so this is my miracle baby! For some reason one day I just woke up and all I could think about was the name Gabriel, so therefore I chose to name my son that.


As soon as I found out I was pregnant I wanted to make sure I was healthy for me and my baby. I don't want any complications for my baby because I couldn't control myself


Aw that's beautiful. It's so lovely - you'll have to tell your son that story when he's old enough to understand. (I hope you got my very very bad "angel" joke).


I'm sorry to hear things are/were complicated with the fiance. We're all here to help and listen and commiserate with you if you want to share.

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Aw that's beautiful. It's so lovely - you'll have to tell your son that story when he's old enough to understand. (I hope you got my very very bad "angel" joke).


I'm sorry to hear things are/were complicated with the fiance. We're all here to help and listen and commiserate with you if you want to share.


Thank you Sophie, I appreciate it very much. I am doing well aside from everything that has happened...

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Does anyone know how much time by law a woman is given of maternity leave here in Ca?


I think all of the U.S. follows the FMLA guidelines. link removed


They HAVE to give you a minium of 12 weeks out by law, providing that you submit the required paperwork. Ask your HR rep for the FMLA paperwork because you will need to have it filled out by your doc.


However, you may be able to take more than that if you work it out with your employer. I took 6 months out with my employers support.

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The doctor ordered her to bed rest. He thinks she is okay for now but needs to go to the hospital if contractions get stronger or if she loses the rest of her plug.


So for now, Nathan is still cooking.

Oh good. Hopefully he stays in there. Who is helping her with the other ones? I know its hard to be on bed rest with other lil runnin around.

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Oh good. Hopefully he stays in there. Who is helping her with the other ones? I know its hard to be on bed rest with other lil runnin around.


My mom is there and my other son is there. I'm there in the afternoons and her boyfriend will be around so we should be able to make it work.

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See I chose the name Gabriel because I am Catholic and according to our story Gabriel was the angel that announced to Mary that she was going to be having a baby which was a miracle. For me to even be pregnant is a miracle because of a certain condition that I have so this is my miracle baby! For some reason one day I just woke up and all I could think about was the name Gabriel, so therefore I chose to name my son that.


As soon as I found out I was pregnant I wanted to make sure I was healthy for me and my baby. I don't want any complications for my baby because I couldn't control myself



Awwwwwww that is so beautiful, that is my second son's middle name, for the same reasons. Because he was entirely a miracle to have been conceived at all and the fact he was prayed for at the foot of the infant Jesus on Christmas Eve by his big brother. He would have had the first name of Gabriel but we decided to keep with the Irish names (my husband is part Irish) so Ryan David and Liam Gabriel.


I am so glad to hear you are doing well!

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My mom is there and my other son is there. I'm there in the afternoons and her boyfriend will be around so we should be able to make it work.


Mama...OMG.......how far along is she? I am praying he stays in there as long as possible!! Bed rest is SUCH a pain though. Between the both I spent about 6 months or more on bed rest.

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