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We are not co-sleeping but 'rooming in', she's in her own crib in our room. Which is a tiny room, so it almost feels like she's in our bed. There are also baby-beds that can be attached to the big bed, I think that I'd like that in the future, because that's most convenient for breastfeeding at night.


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my brother and his wife did that with all 3 of their daughters.

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My daughter never slept with me in my bed but my son slept with me from the day he was born. I loved having him right next to me and i never worried about rolling over on him. Any little movement would wake me up. Im not gonna sleep with this baby in my bed though. I will use a bassinet next to my bed.

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hey metro -- if you don't mind me asking. why are you not too happy about the grandchild?


It's not that I am not happy per se.....


I don't think it's the right time for her. I'm not completely fond of the father.


However.....I have to remember that children learn from their parents and I was really not much different at that age. I had had all my children by 22 so I really shouldn't be suprised that she is much like me.


Everything will be alright though....It's just something that I need to work out within myself.


I did poke her belly the other day, just to see what it feels like. HAHA

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I had my 25 week appt today + my glucose test..the doctor said Hayden is already over 2lbs and he's gonna leave my due date at July 21st but he said that Hayden will either come sooner on his own..or that they will have to induce me or take him via c section due to his size and my 'petite body'


everything looks great though..i've only gained 10lbs!

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I had my 25 week appt today + my glucose test..the doctor said Hayden is already over 2lbs and he's gonna leave my due date at July 21st but he said that Hayden will either come sooner on his own..or that they will have to induce me or take him via c section due to his size and my 'petite body'


everything looks great though..i've only gained 10lbs!


I turend 30 weeks yesterday YAY - the end of the 20's were going pretty slow for me haha. Hopefully it will speed up a bit. Maybe you will have Hadyen not too far from me, if my baby is late and your induced early we can end up being a week or two from each other


You are lucky I went from 120lb to about 144lbs already, my goal is not to gain more then 35lbs but we will see & if I do I guess the wii fit/my bike will be my best friend haha

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I turend 30 weeks yesterday YAY - the end of the 20's were going pretty slow for me haha. Hopefully it will speed up a bit. Maybe you will have Hadyen not too far from me, if my baby is late and your induced early we can end up being a week or two from each other


You are lucky I went from 120lb to about 144lbs already, my goal is not to gain more then 35lbs but we will see & if I do I guess the wii fit/my bike will be my best friend haha


We're getting so close..it's scary! I'm ready though..i'm sick of being pregnant and I just wanna hold my little man..I bet you're ready too!

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We're getting so close..it's scary! I'm ready though..i'm sick of being pregnant and I just wanna hold my little man..I bet you're ready too!


Yeah Im tired for being pregnant too, I'm way too impatient for this whole 9 month thing lol. But the closer it gets the more nervous I get, we are prepared as far as "things" for the baby go, but I am having aniexty about the emotional part of having a newborn in the house. Me & hubby haven't been around a baby since we were like 10? lol...I'm freaked out I'll just cry when she crys cause I wont know what to do. hopefully some of the classes we are taking we calm my nerves.


I'm also stressed out about the whole not having our freedom anymore, I know it sounds selfish but its all we have known & we are use to just picking up and going on vacation, weekend getaways, sleeping in, spending money on things we dont need...now that's all going to change. We discussed it in length & we are both ready for this new chapter in our lives but I guess the unknown is scary.


Sorry about the rant..haha

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No, you're fine..that is what this thread is for. I know exactly what you mean..it's like you know what's coming for you but not knowing how to react..I get it. I really wouldn't worry about knowing what to do when your little girl comes..i'm sure you'll have family that will guide you and a lot of things come as an 'instinct'..you'll know what to do when she gets here. You're gonna be a great mom, ac..I promise!


The top two things i'm nervous about is..


1. Labor..[eeekk]

2. possible post partum[sp?] depression..I have a history of depression and i'm terrified i'm going to be cursed with PPD which is going to make me feel like a bad mom..

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The top two things i'm nervous about is..


1. Labor..[eeekk]

2. possible post partum[sp?] depression..I have a history of depression and i'm terrified i'm going to be cursed with PPD which is going to make me feel like a bad mom..


1. ok, so labor sucks. But it passes, you'll push the little darling out eventually (or have help otherwise), and you'll forget how it really felt. I now only know it was hell. And it isn't so bad for all women. Some are lucky. You might be


2. I have a history of depression and GAD too. I was terrified, but I don't have PPD. And if I would have had it, I am sure that having a history would be somewhat of an advantage- you know what the signs are and you know who to call for help (I assume). And you know you can beat depression, because you have, in the past. Just be prepared for TEARS. That is 100% normal, and due to the huge hormonal transition. I cried daily for 2 weeks after having Renske. And still my tears come sooner. I am sure that you'll cry too; but you'll know the difference between being emotional and frustrated (because babies cry and can't talk, and you'll be tired and unsure of yourself like all other mommies are) on the one hand, and feeling really depressed on the other.


You can do it! If I can...

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OK am I the only one amazed that your little girl is almost 2 months old already?? Time is flying....


Dang I try to remember that labor is really only a very short period of time in the grand scheme of things, and that really helped me cope with it, I know it had an end, and that it wouldn't be that long (and I labored with pitocin for 26 hours before being sectioned).


You can do it! (and you will.

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Ok guys everything is ok now. I went to the hospital and they said it could be a bladder infection. They gave me antibiotics and if that doesnt help it may be kidney stones. The baby is ok though. I just have some pain in my back and belly but not too bad.

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Ok guys everything is ok now. I went to the hospital and they said it could be a bladder infection. They gave me antibiotics and if that doesnt help it may be kidney stones. The baby is ok though. I just have some pain in my back and belly but not too bad.


Thank go! I'm sorry about the pain and the scare, but I'm so glad that you guys are ok!

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Ok guys everything is ok now. I went to the hospital and they said it could be a bladder infection. They gave me antibiotics and if that doesnt help it may be kidney stones. The baby is ok though. I just have some pain in my back and belly but not too bad.


and right after you posted yesterday, I thought about kidney stones.....I remember my daughter peeing blood and she was in extreme pain, but she wasn't pregnant at the time.


Glad you are okay and hope you feel better.

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