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Do any of you guys have pain in your bones. In the circled areas?


That looks like ligament pain. It was one of the few complaints I really had for the entire pregnancy, but the most between week 18 and 25.

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I just thought of something. My daughter has never been able to carry a pregnancy to term. When she was pregnant with her first, he tried to make his appearance when she was only 5 1/2 months. The doctor gave her meds to stop her labor, ordered her to bed rest. He eventually came out 5 or 6 weeks early. The other babies wouldn't stay put either, they were all born on average of 4 weeks early.


She's due 5/22....I sure hope little Nathan doesn't decide to fullow suit and jump ship early.

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ohh that is the day my Liam died 3 years ago I hope Nathan stays put till he is ready!

I just thought of something. My daughter has never been able to carry a pregnancy to term. When she was pregnant with her first, he tried to make his appearance when she was only 5 1/2 months. The doctor gave her meds to stop her labor, ordered her to bed rest. He eventually came out 5 or 6 weeks early. The other babies wouldn't stay put either, they were all born on average of 4 weeks early.


She's due 5/22....I sure hope little Nathan doesn't decide to fullow suit and jump ship early.

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I just thought of something. My daughter has never been able to carry a pregnancy to term. When she was pregnant with her first, he tried to make his appearance when she was only 5 1/2 months. The doctor gave her meds to stop her labor, ordered her to bed rest. He eventually came out 5 or 6 weeks early. The other babies wouldn't stay put either, they were all born on average of 4 weeks early.


She's due 5/22....I sure hope little Nathan doesn't decide to fullow suit and jump ship early.


How many times has she been pregnant? Sorry, I am missing your story here


I hope she can carry full term, or at least past 34 weeks.

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Ughh..I don't want to due my glucose test on Tuesday..i've been eating mostly healthy..lots of fruits and veggies..but we do go out to eat 2 or 3 times a week..[like right now i'm craving mcdonalds BIG TIME for lunch, even though I don't need it]and walk a lot so i'm fairly confident that i'll pass the test..just worried that there's a possibility I won't..

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hey everyone! how are we all? Well me and Levi are doing just fine, we had a little visit from our local health visitor....didn't go down well. She made me feel really bad for letting him sleep in our bed (we are having to co-sleep as Levi hates his bassinet and will scream and scream til we pick him up, believe me we've tried it all!) so my head has been in a mess for a few days.

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Welcome back Tiny, and Congrats!!! Glad to hear that you and Levi are doing well.


I co-sleep (or bed share) with our daughter too, we have since she was 2 weeks old, she is 18 months now and still in our bed. If there is one thing I have discovered, it's that co-sleeping is a hotly debated topic, and the sides are parted like the Red Sea! Recent research has proven that, done correctly (and I stress done correctly), co-sleeping is actually safer than putting your newborn in a crib. See this Dr. Sears article I read recently:


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The people heading up the "co-sleeping is not safe" battle happens to be the JPMA (Juvenile Products Manufacturing Association), fancy that... the same people that manufacture cribs. Huh. LOL


Do what YOU feel is right mama, you are going to be bombarded by everyone's opinions on how to raise your child from now on. Grow that thick skin and know in your heart is best for YOUR child.

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I'd be okay sleeping with my baby if it were just me and him..but throw my huge boyfriend [6'6'" and 300lbs] into the bed with us and it just wouldn't work. We're both mobile sleepers too..constantly rolling over, kicking, stretching, etc..i'd be afraid with an infant we would roll over and end up hurting him..or even worse.


I'm sure though after I have him and it's just me and him napping during the day that i'll let him sleep with me on the bed.

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Ren -

Oh yes, quite! LOL At least nocturnal, in-the-bed, intimacy, that is. We've just become very excited for nap time, and accepted the fact that intimacy may not always happen in bed. Living room couch, kitchen, you name it! Oh my, I'm blushing! hehe


Honestly, my husband is very ready for her to transition to the crib in her own room, me... not so much. His comment is, "I'm ready to have my bed and my wife back." My reply is, "Well, when you start getting up at night with her, she can go in the other room."


Yes, I do miss having the "just us" time for me and Longpants at night, but we just make sure to take the time for us at other times and it has worked out fairly well. Of course every man on the planet would love more sex, but a child in the house limits that anyways, even if they don't sleep with you!

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I'd be okay sleeping with my baby if it were just me and him..but throw my huge boyfriend [6'6'" and 300lbs] into the bed with us and it just wouldn't work. We're both mobile sleepers too..constantly rolling over, kicking, stretching, etc..i'd be afraid with an infant we would roll over and end up hurting him..or even worse.


I'm sure though after I have him and it's just me and him napping during the day that i'll let him sleep with me on the bed.


Longpants is 6'5" and 350, so I know what you mean. I was really worried at first as he is also a really heavy sleeper. They have co-sleeping bassinets that go right in bed with you and have sides so you physically can't roll over on your baby, or they have "arm's reach" co-sleepers that are like a bassinet that are attached to the bed side and open so you can reach over and the baby is right there.


I honestly didn't use either, Littlepants slept in the crook of my arm when she was newborn. Now that she's a toddler and moving all around, I do get punched or kicked from time to time. LOL

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Longpants is 6'5" and 350, so I know what you mean. I was really worried at first as he is also a really heavy sleeper. They have co-sleeping bassinets that go right in bed with you and have sides so you physically can't roll over on your baby, or they have "arm's reach" co-sleepers that are like a bassinet that are attached to the bed side and open so you can reach over and the baby is right there.


I honestly didn't use either, Littlepants slept in the crook of my arm when she was newborn. Now that she's a toddler and moving all around, I do get punched or kicked from time to time. LOL


Oh I just want to throw a couple of warnings out there...



If you have a pillow top or memory foam mattress (or waterbed- not sure if ANYONE has those anymore!) bed sharing is NOT safe... or if you or your partner has been drinking, taking drugs or using sleeping pills to help you sleep. If baby is in bed with you there should be NO pillows anywhere near baby, and no blankets on baby.


I have an Arms Reach co-sleeper and we used it for the first 4 months. Around 2 months I woke in the night one night and found that my (heavy, king sized feather) pillow had fallen off the bed into the co-sleeper onto the baby. I had last fed her around 3 hours before that and have no idea how long it was on her. OMG I just fell completely apart! Baby was fine, I was not, I was a complete wreck, I sat up for the rest of the night rocking her and sobbing while my husband changed the co-sleeper to the bassinet setting and moved it a few feet away from the bed.


Just be careful!!!

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Yes, please do LOTS of research before co-sleeping. There are many, many safety issues, but done correctly, it can be beneficial.


Safety should be the primary concern, please educate yourself if you are considering co-sleeping.


I agree with this. For some bed-sharing works quite well and I know more than a few parents who have done it (myself included once in awhile when the night isn't going well.) But please do research it and know what kind of bed you have and if it is safe to bed share.


(co-sleeping is just sleeping in the same room, bed sharing is baby in the bed with you.)

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Hmmm... must be a regional thing. Kinda like the soda vs. pop or submarine vs. grinder thing. LOL Up north here we call bed sharing co sleeping. I actually never heard bed sharing until I came here to ENA.


LOL I'm not that much farther south than you are!


The def. of co-sleeping is mother and baby sleeping within arm's reach of one another according to Dr Sears which could mean either, but apparently the medical def. is 'bedsharing'.


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What to call it

Sleeping with your baby has various labels: The earthy term "family bed," while appealing to many, is a turn-off to parents who imagine a pile of kids squeezed into a small bed with dad and the family dog perched precariously on the mattress edge. "Co-sleeping" sounds more like what adults do. "Bed-sharing" is the term frequently used in medical writings. I prefer the term "sleep-sharing" because, as you will learn, a baby shares more than just bed space. An infant and mother sleeping side by side share lots of interactions that are safe and healthy.

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We are not co-sleeping but 'rooming in', she's in her own crib in our room. Which is a tiny room, so it almost feels like she's in our bed. There are also baby-beds that can be attached to the big bed, I think that I'd like that in the future, because that's most convenient for breastfeeding at night.


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