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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Arwen and Hope - you made my little inner mum go "Do it!! Do it now! Then you might get a little diamond like those babies!" I often have to give her a swift mental kick in the shin to stop these thoughts. Seriously, your babies are SO adorable, I'm dying for a cuddle!

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Ac143 - Those US pics are amazing. What a beautiful little one! You must be so excited!


Hope - O... M... G... what a cutie! I love the newborn pics, they are just so adorable!


Ok, no more pics of precious babies or I'm going to have to block this thread! LOL I have the scene from My Cousin Vinny where Marisa Tomei is telling Vinny how her biological clock is ticking "LIKE THIS" while stomping her foot on the floor playing in my head. I think my mission for the weekend is to poke holes in all our condoms. "I dunno what happened honey, nothing is 100% sweetums"


Juuuuust kidding!

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I could look at cute babies all day and still not want another one! HAHA


Speaking of cute babies, I saw the cutest baby in the market last night. He was an asian baby, 3 months old and had a full pompador (sp). He looked like a mini Elvis, oh I was gushing over that baby. He was too cute. His dad said he actually had more hair than that when he was born!

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We got some 3D pics done, I didn't want them at first because I always thought they were sorta creepy, but its different when its your baby lol.


She is still a she & she didn't really want to cooperate that much but we did get a few good shots. Poor baby was frowning pretty much the whole time cause she was sleeping and we were trying to wake her up ha. Hubby thinks she looks more like me, but I dont know...all I know is she is adorable & I love her already








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So excited that I finally got to see Hope's daughter! She is beautiful!!

AC - can't wait to see pictures of yours when she finally arrives, that ultrasound is adorable.


It's incredible how different all of these babies look. I tend to think of babies as looking like, well, babies, but they all have different expressions and smiles. This thread always puts me in a good mood!

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I'm not pregnant or anything, or nowhere near pregnant. But one of my boyfriend's very close friends is pregnant. She's due sometime in May, and her baby shower is in about 3 weeks. She's having a little girl My boyfriend invited me so I'm going. But anyway, I'm hoping this thread will still be around when I get pregnant


I wonder what's gonna happen when all the pregnant ladies here deliver? I think by July, a majority of you gals will have had a baby!


Are there any newbys to the thread that I don't know about or is this thread just gonna die?


But yeah, I wanted to reply to this post. I'm usually stalker to this thread because I find it interesting, but I just wanted to say that even everyone in this thread has given birth, I doubt it'll die... because then everyone will just be talking about their precious babies

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Do any of you guys have pain in your bones. In the circled areas?


lol...I thought that was a pic of two penii, and then I read your question.


Anyway, I had horrible pain there when pregnant. It went away after my son was born. Lying down was the only thing that made it feel better.

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Do any of you guys have pain in your bones. In the circled areas?


Yes, I do..much to my surprise it's usually not on both sides though..it's either one side or the other..and it's usually in the middle of the night and the morning when it starts acting up.

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Yes, I do..much to my surprise it's usually not on both sides though..it's either one side or the other..and it's usually in the middle of the night and the morning when it starts acting up.

Yes thats exactly how i feel. But i dont think i felt like that with the other 2 kids.

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lol...I thought that was a pic of two penii, and then I read your question.


Anyway, I had horrible pain there when pregnant. It went away after my son was born. Lying down was the only thing that made it feel better.

Haha. Im not an artist but i tried. I couldn't figure out how to word where the pain was so i drew it out. LOL

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Yes thats exactly how i feel. But i dont think i felt like that with the other 2 kids.


Is this baby bigger than the others? Could it be since this is your third, that your uterus has stretched down some and is sitting on the nerve there? When the baby shifts, does the pain move or go away?

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Well they said the baby measures kinda small. But the pain is usually in the morning or at night. Maybe because i dont walk that much. When im walking and during the day i dont really have that pain.


That's a good point. I have a desk job and I would get it at work all the time, but then I rarely get up. So, it may just be muscle pain and strain from the extra weight of baby or from your body ligments stretching.

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Yeah i have a desk job so i sit on my butt all day and be lazy till i get home. I think im gonna start taking walks during the day. Maybe that'll help


I've been walking a lot after I get off work [i work a desk job too]..i've been trying to walk at leat 2 miles 4 or 5 days a week. I've noticed my lower belly and sides really start cramping up when i'm walking a lot..it does help with my leg cramps though.

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