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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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I dont have number 2 or 1 here yet lol, but my cousin had the same issue with her baby girl - that girl threw tanturms/cried/tried to punch her stomach & just didn't like mommy being pregnant. What my cousin did was get her involved with her pregnancy...had her daughter make something for the baby then framed it in his room, she asked her to pick out clothes, help pick color of the nursery, help paint, felt baby kicking etc..It seemed to work because she got more and more excited about the baby coming home.

Thats what i've been told and i have been trying to get her more involved with the new baby. Maybe i'll try having her make the baby something cuz she loves to make stuff.

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Thats what i've been told and i have been trying to get her more involved with the new baby. Maybe i'll try having her make the baby something cuz she loves to make stuff.


When I was pregnant, my ex and I were together and he has a 10 year old daughter. 9 at the time. We were worried that she would also feel like the baby was taking her place. So, when we decorated the nursury, we redid her room too. New wallies (pink and black rock star), new comforter, sheets, curtains, and a fuzzy rug. Just simple things to make her room new too. She also saw us buying all kinds of clothes and things for baby, so I bought her new clothes and shoes too. Also, another idea is when you go to buy something for baby, give her $20 and ask her to buy something for baby for $10 and something for herself for $10. I let her pick out toys and asked her opinion on clothes and such. She enjoyed helping put together some of the baby toys, like swings, etc. Try to find ways to make her own the baby as her sibling. Instead of the "new baby", use your "little sister/brother". Ask her to help you bathe and feed the new baby. Show her how to change diapers and feed on her dolls so that she will ready to help you when the new baby gets here. Good luck!!

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I haven't taken my Zofran in a week, i'm so proud of myself..I was terrified that I would depend on that stuff for the rest of my life, hahaha. I still get nausea here and there..but so far so good. Hopefully i'm not jinxing myself..watch me wake up tomorrow and be hand cuffed to the toilet all day. *knock on wood*

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Well my daughters due date has been changed. According to the ultra sounds, she is now due May 22. Good grief, that is just around the corner.


That's Trey's birthday, awesome! and yeah..that's not far away at all. I keep thinking July is far away but it's really not that far away either.

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It's just onto the next round of babies and grandbabies Metro! I'm still working on Longpants to talk him into #2... So with any luck... hehe


I have to tell you that I was LOL'ing at the longpants comment in your ealier post. Too funny...


You girls go ahead and have all the baby fever you want and need. My baby fever ended 17 years ago. LOL

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I wonder what's gonna happen when all the pregnant ladies here deliver? I think by July, a majority of you gals will have had a baby!


Are there any newbys to the thread that I don't know about or is this thread just gonna die?


I know Lunarstar is due in August..but idk if she comes onto this forum anymore..I hope she's doing well! ENA seems like a ridiculously fertile bunch, so i'm sure we won't be the people to end it..lol.


On a side note, my boyfriend's sister who is due June 8th has just found out she has a rather severe case of gestational diabetes..they're not sure exactly what type of treatment to use yet..she has an appointment this week to discuss that. I go in for my glucose test on April 6th..[-o

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I wonder what's gonna happen when all the pregnant ladies here deliver? I think by July, a majority of you gals will have had a baby!


Are there any newbys to the thread that I don't know about or is this thread just gonna die?


Do I need to take one for the team here? Ha ha ha. My money is that Hope will be preggers with number 2 mighty soon!


Metro, how old is your pregnant daughter? Does she live with you? Will you be raising her baby as well as your other grandbabies? BTW, when I see pics of you, my mind boggles at the idea that you are a grandmother. My grandmother does not look like that at all, or my friends would be flirting with her.

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Do I need to take one for the team here? Ha ha ha. My money is that Hope will be preggers with number 2 mighty soon!


Metro, how old is your pregnant daughter? Does she live with you? Will you be raising her baby as well as your other grandbabies? BTW, when I see pics of you, my mind boggles at the idea that you are a grandmother. My grandmother does not look like that at all, or my friends would be flirting with her.


My money too

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