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Hey ladies,


I seen my dr yesterday for the spotting because it lasted a week. Well they couldn't figure it out but it has stopped & I got another ultrasound. YAY I seen the lil bean again, nice strong HB and I seen him/her wiggling its arms...so cute LOL So that put my mind at ease.

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Congratulations Absinthe, how far gone are you?


Molly - oh i wish i could get started on nursery, we are in limbo right now over moving, we're still waiting for a date so i cant do a thing, all baby's things are stacked up in spare room and its such a mess. We have been buying diapers when we see them on offer but just newborns for now, we caught a great deal in supermarket, 2 packs for 6 pounds and they were pampers too!


Lucky for us we didn't do that. We used the huggies we got free from bounty, and the free nappies samples, and the pampers you buy in boots to get the nappy bag free.


Then we decided which nappies we liked best. Ben was 7lbs15 when he was born, so the first size was perfect to keep his cord dry. Asda do 2 boxes for £18, same with wipes etc.


If your babies going to be a big baby like mine, then dont buy to many newborn nappys. Bens already using size 2. Which is what I accidently picked up when he was 2 days old, I meant to get the size 1.


And your as crazy as I am. We bought a house when I was half way through my pregnancy, but everything took so long. I had Ben 23 days AFTER we finally got the keys. And couldn't move in until last weekend. I still haven't got around to putting his cot up lol.

Good Luck xxx

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Thanks tinydancer! Based on LMP, a little over 10 weeks, so more than likely a little less than that. Barely begun and completely fascinated with the process. Your body and emotions go through some real differences!


Moving during this time must be crazy. Hopefully it will happen soon so you can get things organized before your little one decides to join you.


That's great news Ac143! I'm so envious of your ultrasound. Can't wait for my first one.

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Thanks tinydancer! Based on LMP, a little over 10 weeks, so more than likely a little less than that. Barely begun and completely fascinated with the process. Your body and emotions go through some real differences!


Moving during this time must be crazy. Hopefully it will happen soon so you can get things organized before your little one decides to join you.


That's great news Ac143! I'm so envious of your ultrasound. Can't wait for my first one.


Im 9.5 weeks so Im right behind you! We will be having our babies around the same time. Do you know your due date? Mine is June 14th


When will you have your 1st ultrasound?

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Im 9.5 weeks so Im right behind you! We will be having our babies around the same time. Do you know your due date? Mine is June 14th


When will you have your 1st ultrasound?

Based on LMP, it will be June 10. Hey, our babies might end up to be twins from a different mother!


Sadly, my first ultrasound won't be until mid-January.

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Based on LMP, it will be June 10. Hey, our babies might end up to be twins from a different mother!


Sadly, my first ultrasound won't be until mid-January.


Is that because your Dr. doesn't want to or? I would go nuts waiting that long lol. Or I would find another Dr.


Do you have a lot of pregnancy symptoms? I been feeling pretty good, no morning sickness or anything that's another reason I had my dr do another ultrasound.


Our babies might actually be born on the same day! How exciting would that be!

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Ac143, we have universal healthcare so if you know your LMP, don't have any visible complications and aren't high risk, they won't do a first trimester ultrasound.


Hey, maybe we are having twins, since I don't have any morning sickness...yet. I have noticed some changes, such as my stomach. There's a little bump which just became noticeable this week! Beyond that, the rest of the signs are a little too much information.

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Ac143, we have universal healthcare so if you know your LMP, don't have any visible complications and aren't high risk, they won't do a first trimester ultrasound.


Hey, maybe we are having twins, since I don't have any morning sickness...yet. I have noticed some changes, such as my stomach. There's a little bump which just became noticeable this week! Beyond that, the rest of the signs are a little too much information.


Oh that stinks, I would tell them I dont know my LMP lol.


I also have a little bump & gained 5lbs already Other then that just tired and those not so pretty symptoms you are taking about haha

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Haha...wish I had known that before I fessed up to her, right out the gate! It's too late now and I don't want to change, since she's been my doctor for years. She's also given me a great referral to an O/B Gyn. My first appointment will be in a month. Maybe I can convince her to give me an early Christmas present.


That's cool that you also have a baby bump and other, not so discussable items!


This thread just gets me so wound up about it. I'm so excited...to the point of silly, sometimes!!

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awww its really cute reading about absinthe and Ac143 in the early stages, i remember being anxious and wanting my first scan. Now i've had two! And unless we go to private scan clinic we wont see baby now til its born.

on topic of extra weight i didn't realise i was preggers til i was 10 weeks gone so for weeks i was freaking out about the extra weight i was carrying then when i found out i was pregnant I chilled out completely

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lol tinydancer....


It's been a while since I've posted... I am over 27 weeks now and time is flying! OMG. I could be giving birth in less than 3 months... help?


It's great to have girls in different stages here! About being pregnant with twins... I have a friend who is and she was very very sick in the beginning. Much more than I was. Constantly puking. I just FELT sick constantly. Never threw up. Ew. I am so happy to be just heavy and clumsy now.


About the clumsiness: I managed to fell down a few steps from a stairway this week. I was 6 hours of train away from home- and trying to get on that train as I fell. Sigh. So I am at home with my leg up, with a torn ligament in my ankle. It's by far not as painful as it has been, so I think I am healing fast!


Time for another bellypic:

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wow arwen be careful on those trains please.


Question...do any of you count how many times a day your baby kicks? i was on a forum for mums to be and some of the ladies on there are freaking out big time if they dont get so many kicks...


They are countless so no. I wouldn't be able to work!


I think it's completely normal for the baby to have wild parties the one day, and more quiet time the next. It also depends on how active you are yourself (walking puts the bean to rest it seems).


I am 'lucky' in the sense that I've felt the baby every single day since I felt it for the first time, which was at about 17 weeks. Now it's much more intense, sometimes plain uncomfortable but still so funny.


But it's only from 28 weeks that you HAVE to feel it every day. If not, you should call the obgyn directly. I don't think it's times of movement. The baby may be moving also when you don't feel it. I had days in which I just had the strangest feeling towards my bowels and back. That was when my bean was facing the back and not the front of my belly, esp around 20/22 weeks the feeling of kicks was much slighter when the baby turned that way.

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ahhh i see, well i dont worry too much, some days i feel him more than others. He seems to love kicking and wiggling when i settle down for the night.

Its funny how you mention that walking makes your baby go quiet as when they are born and for some time after motion of walking or driving gets them off to sleep

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Hahaha thanks...


I had several people tell me so, I am very happy with how I look actually. I am a recovered anorexic and I have been quite scared of what pregnancy would do to my body. But it has treated me kindly in the respect of 'shape'.

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wow didnt know that about you Arwen, thats great your recovered though and enjoying pregnancy.

Lil Levi has been quiet all day as i've been doing lots of walking, we went on a day trip to Bristol and it really took it out of me doing all that walking.

I really need to go shopping too and get some bigger maternity jeans

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that's good news tinydancer!!


I had a check up too today. This was the time they are also checking the position of the baby, it's head down so that's positive because it's good that they 'like' to be in that position- they turn still so if they were butt-down it wouldn't have been a problem at this stage (28 weeks).


I have a lot of dizzy spells, and the BP explained that, the under pressure was only 50 (normal for me is 80). I hate being so dizzy and tired. But hey, all is fine and this is better than having high BP and in addition I can eat all the cheese and liquorice I want

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arwen i suffer with low bp too, not so bad that i feel dizzy at all. But everytime they check me they look worried then say 'is this normal for you?' and then ask me loads of questions. I've always had low bp cant understand why though as sometimes i freak out so quickly over little things lol

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