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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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hello everybody! Im back...lol...finally got 5 mins to sit and write, as you can guess caring for a newborn is very busy and I've been quite poorly too.


Well little Levi made his entrance on 12th march at 11am and what a entrance too! We'd been booked in to the hospital on the 11th to be induced and at 10 am that morning we started. They examined me and found I was already 2cm dilated anyway but completely closed on the inside of the cervix so they couldn't break my waters, so I was given Prostaglandin gel to get things going. This helped and my contractions started coming, I just did lots of walking and bouncing on my birthing ball (this is a great investment trust me!) and found that I coped marvellously with the pain. No screaming, no yelling, then after 6 hours of that they tried again to break my waters....no luck...so I was left to just bounce,walk and see if contractions would get strong enough to open up the cervix more. After 2 more tries...oh while they did this I was merrily sucking away on Gas& air so I felt fine....my OB intervened and told the midwives he was doing it. So at around mid to early evening my waters were finally broken, and things got moving....then I finally asked for epidural. After they administered this they gave me a drip too speed up contractions as they werent moving along fast enough.


In total my labour was 16 hours. I laboured all through thursday night and by 7am friday was ready to start pushing, I pushed for a hour but Levi's head wasn't decending as well as my OB had liked so they discussed options and went for ventouse. His head was delivered fine then his shoulder got stuck, really stuck........I started to tear and it was at this point it turned into a episode of ER.

They hit the crash button and about 10 people flew in, some dr shoved (and im not kidding)my dh out of the way climbed on the bed and literally pumped my pelvic area to push Levi out. He popped out and I had a quick look before they took him away to sort him out. Then it was a race to sew me back up as I'd tore very badly with all the action.


Needless to say I lost a lot of blood and had to wait while dr's took blood and tried to decide if i'd need blood transfusion or not. I was borderline basically so they started me on a course of iron IV treatments, the third of which I have to go back for today.


The hospital and staff were brilliant and I have so much praise for them, not at one point did I feel panicked or scared. I had a stay in hospital and have been home for a few days now, but have been very poorly, just not being able to do anything at all apart from feed Levi and sleep. Im under strict orders to rest and hopefully today my iron levels will be up enough that I can just take Iron tablets. OB has also said that my next baby will have to be c-section but right now Im just enjoying Levi and he's doing so well. He is such a good baby, we're breastfeeding and he's a little champ!


I hope all of you are well and I didn't want to scare anyone, but my experience isn't normal so dont think 'oh dear g-d thats going to be me!' but I wanted to be honest and tell you all what happened.


Good luck ladies and I will be on here when I can, still have to get used to looking after two children lol.

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Tinydancer, CONGRATS!!! He was born on a very good day!!! (12th March is my birthday too


I hope you'll recover well... yes, it seems indeed that ENA babies take more difficult ways to enter the world But they're also exceptionally beautiful, and so is yours! Adorable!

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Thank you everyone, Levi is continuing to do well. I had my third and hopefully last Iron IV treatment yesterday, I just have to wait a week then see how my hemoglobin level is. We all went out to dinner at a family restuarant last night with friends and Im so wiped out today, but its to be expected. So today is a pyjama day for me and Levi lol. We're just hanging out on the sofa watching tv and doing our thing. lol. He's so beautiful.


Oh and Arwen did you get crazy hormones after your milk came in? I sat there watching Glee (of all things) yesterday and bawled my eyes out, it was the episode where they sing the ballads to each other...i just sat there feeding Levi crying....my DH came in the room and said 'honey are you ok?' ...lol he looked so frightened.

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LOL Oh that is soooooooooo normal and usually starts around 3 days post partum, which is when most mama's milk comes in. I remember sobbing at my husband on the 3rd night at the hospital (I was kept 4 days and my baby stayed an extra 5 in the NICU and I boarded at the hospital to be with her and breastfeed) and I was so miserably emotional!


It should pass in a week or two, but if it gets worse, or doesn't pass, or you feel like hurting yourself or baby, make sure you contact your OB right away.

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OMG yes, I was crying all the time, and that lasted for quite a while. I missed my belly. I missed being pregnant. I really had to get used to having a baby. Everything seemed so strange. Music made me cry. Television made me cry. Renkse crying made me cry. Thinking back about the birth made me cry. Oh my.




At one point, when I started bawling, my hubby would start to dial the number of my parents... he could comfort me but the best person to talk to was really my mom, who knew exactly how it was

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Im so excited today, I'm officially in the 3rd trimester!! I can't believe how fast time is flying by!!!


It's going by so fast now..


the first trimester seemed to take foreverrrr..but now that i'm almost 6 months, it seems to be going by faster than ever..but i'm just waiting for it to start dragging again, haha.

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It's going by so fast now..


the first trimester seemed to take foreverrrr..but now that i'm almost 6 months, it seems to be going by faster than ever..but i'm just waiting for it to start dragging again, haha.


For me it only went faster and faster towards the end! But it's still 3 months, that's a long time, really

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