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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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^^ Thanks. I don't wanna grow more. I feel like im getting more stretch marks.


speaking of stretch marks, do any of you guys watch sixteen and pregnant? this girl's boyfriend sent her a text saying sth like "i just want u to feel like the worst piece of s- in the planet, you fat stretch mark b--. tell me when and where to sign the papers over for that mistake" .. it made me cry so bad.

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speaking of stretch marks, do any of you guys watch sixteen and pregnant? this girl's boyfriend sent her a text saying sth like "i just want u to feel like the worst piece of s- in the planet, you fat stretch mark b--. tell me when and where to sign the papers over for that mistake" .. it made me cry so bad.


My sister told me about that...I would freaking find him and hurt him if he said that to me. I feel so bad for that girl and her baby..they don't deserve someone like that in their life.



and hahaha - I love the name aaron!

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speaking of stretch marks, do any of you guys watch sixteen and pregnant? this girl's boyfriend sent her a text saying sth like "i just want u to feel like the worst piece of s- in the planet, you fat stretch mark b--. tell me when and where to sign the papers over for that mistake" .. it made me cry so bad.


I saw that episode too. Horrible Stupid teen boy


I am blessed that I didn't have any stretchmarks whatsoever. But my husband wouldn't have minded, I would have (a lot but then, what are you gonna do?).

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I saw that episode too. Horrible Stupid teen boy




I saw that too episode too. What a lowlife jerk that kid was. He also called his daughter "the mistake". The baby girl was so cute too. She was innocent in all of it. I felt really bad for the baby after watching it. Thank goodness our ENA moms-to-be don't have jerks like that around them.

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I saw that episode too. Horrible Stupid teen boy


I am blessed that I didn't have any stretchmarks whatsoever. But my husband wouldn't have minded, I would have (a lot but then, what are you gonna do?).


I saw that too episode too. What a lowlife jerk that kid was. He also called his daughter "the mistake". The baby girl was so cute too. She was innocent in all of it. I felt really bad for the baby after watching it. Thank goodness our ENA moms-to-be don't have jerks like that around them.



i know. it was so horrible. i wanted to punch him in the face.

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I saw that episode too. Horrible Stupid teen boy


I am blessed that I didn't have any stretchmarks whatsoever. But my husband wouldn't have minded, I would have (a lot but then, what are you gonna do?).


Me too. Very sad indeed, just another reason it's not a good idea to get pregnant as a teen....


No stretch marks for me either, but again, it happens, it's part of pregnancy, you know? I might not be so lucky next time!

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I'm totally expecting to get stretch marks..it's in my genes to..my mom has them, my sister, grandma..I use this stuff I bought off amazon called bella bee honey tummy butter at night and then lubriderm with shea and cocoa butter during the day..I wasn't doing it consistently until the past couple weeks since i'm starting to expand rather rapidly. I was totally dreading it at first but little man is worth it..but I still hope I don't get any, lol!

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Yay, I am curious about the nursery too!


Lol, we are just using ours to change diapers... she sleeps next to me in a her cradle (is that the word? It's the bed for babies when they are very young). It's easier for the night feedings (I breastfeed in bed).


But in time, she'll have to move I don't even know if I am able to sleep in separate rooms!!

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Just venting but GOD I am SOOOO tired




Urgh. She's a good baby, cries when having cramps and for food, but that's normal. And in the night, she sleeps after feedings, so I sleep too. But I feed every 2 hours during the day, every 4 hours in the night, and she will wake me up precisely after I had 2 hours of sleep... I sometimes feel like I am changing her diaper while asleep, it's so strange. I have the strangest sleep now, being half awake from time to time, having weird dreams.


Sometimes I wake up soaking in milk (I still have a bit of hyperlactation going on but it's getting better). I should sleep when she sleeps but she takes such short naps during the day that I barely have time to get a shower and eat breakfast myself.


Ok, end rant!

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Yay, I am curious about the nursery too!


Lol, we are just using ours to change diapers... she sleeps next to me in a her cradle (is that the word? It's the bed for babies when they are very young). It's easier for the night feedings (I breastfeed in bed).


But in time, she'll have to move I don't even know if I am able to sleep in separate rooms!!


I didn't move my baby out of my room until she was almost 5 months Arwen- whatever you are comfortable with is what is right for your family!

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Just venting but GOD I am SOOOO tired




Urgh. She's a good baby, cries when having cramps and for food, but that's normal. And in the night, she sleeps after feedings, so I sleep too. But I feed every 2 hours during the day, every 4 hours in the night, and she will wake me up precisely after I had 2 hours of sleep... I sometimes feel like I am changing her diaper while asleep, it's so strange. I have the strangest sleep now, being half awake from time to time, having weird dreams.


Sometimes I wake up soaking in milk (I still have a bit of hyperlactation going on but it's getting better). I should sleep when she sleeps but she takes such short naps during the day that I barely have time to get a shower and eat breakfast myself.


Ok, end rant!


Oh mama ((HUGS)) Welcome to newborn survival mode!


The first few months really are a haze, but as she gets older (usually starting around 3 months) she will have longer awake periods during the day and longer sleep periods during the day and at night, and you will get your showers in then. I totally relate to the 'zombie' thing when changing diapers! My daughter still wakes in the night and I swear I can change a diaper in under 15 seconds in the pitch dark (I never turn the light on in her nursery at night).


Kudos to you for breastfeeding! That is a huge commitment and it's so good for both you and baby. I had so much difficulty with it and only lasted one month- Sounds like things are going well for you, keep up the GREAT work!


I know most moms fall into the trap of not sleeping when baby sleeps even though EVERYONE tells you to but no one ever does it! I'm guilty of it too... most times I still don't even when she naps, though I've gotten better at going to bed earlier.



You are not far from the first 'social smile', when she actually looks at you and smiles at you, and that will make all this worth while!


Feel free to rant, anytime!!

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We aren't planning on having the baby sleep in the nursery overnight for a few months, (she will be in our room) but she will use it during the day & we were anixous to get it done. Still need a few small things though.


Here are some pictures...Her daddy made a beautiful mural for her, I love that part of the room!

Dont mind the bedding, I haven't washed or ironed it yet.

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We are putting her name above the crib, once we figure out what that is going to be lol

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Her own little rocking chair

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We still need a lamp

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Here is the rest

The nikes daddy got her - had to hang those!

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The mural - her little castle on top of the hill

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The other side of the room - rocking chair def needs a nice cushion.

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ac, I LOVE the nursery! It's beautiful and those nikes are way too cute! I bet it's a huge relief to have that done and over with..we just got started..ughh, lol. We ordered the crib/changing table combo on Saturday and they said it would take 1 to 2 weeks to come in, so that gives us time to get the room clean and ready..we picked out the bedding set, I just have to order that..which i'm probably going to do today.


Hayden will be sleeping in a bassinet next to us over night for the first few months or as long as we feel comfortable and then will take naps during the day in his crib, like ac.


His movements are getting so much stronger..I swear this kid never sleeps during the day and he's already trying to fight with me, haha. I had my hand on my stomach this weekend watching tv and he kicked/punched my hand..I poked back at him..and he did it again..I couldn't help but laugh.


I'll be 22 weeks tomorrow..so i'm a little over half way..kinda anxious for him to be here but I know he still has plenty of growing to do so i'll let him take his time.

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