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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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I must have missed this! Why are they inducing you tiny?


because he's such a big baby already, I know that sounds kinda wussy but Im not the biggest of people and it would make for a very difficult birth. Thank you everyone for your well wishes, we had a little jaunt into town today to try and find some castor oil but nowhere sells it so Im going to try the clary sage oil in the bath again tonight and have a yummy cup of tea. I went for two walks today, took me a while but it was worth it. I could feel him pressing down. So im sat here right now on my birthing ball having a wiggle and bounce lol.


Arwen how are you finding things? Is she a good sleeper? are you bf-ing?


Thank g_d family know me well enough not to annoy the crap outta me by sending me a text everyday 'is the baby here yet?' We said we'd update people when something happens, although my FIL is soo excited he's calling everyday just to see if he can be abreast of everyone on the news front lol. It must be costing him a fortune calling UK from the states everyday.


I hope everyone is well and having happy and healthy pregnancies.

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Good luck TD!!!


Yes, Renske is pretty easy I think. We had a bit of a hard time this week because she was having stomach cramps But we have an over-the-counter medicin for it that takes care of gas in the stomach, so she burps and farts more and is much more content (you should see her proud face after a big burp


She's almost a month old


Yes, I breastfeed and she's growing very fast. Makes her mommy proud! It's a lot of work, but it's also very intimate, I like it. She generally sleeps a few hours in the morning so I take care that I get up and do stuff for myself then. In the night she needs to be fed 2 times, mostly in the middle of the night and early in the morning, so I am pretty well-rested in fact! But of course there are nights... urgh...

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awww i love your signature picture ^ Reneske is sooo cute. My DS had a lot of stomach cramps and colic during the first few weeks, Im hoping that my experience of it from first time round has prepared me incase it happens again with baby. Its so hard when they are crying and you feel helpless, and all it would take is a little fart or burp to ease it lol. I found that massaging the belly helps a lot but Im sure you dont need me telling you that, sounds like your a fantastic mommy.

I cant believe she's a month old already...wow..

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Im 26 weeks today & I can't believe how fast this is going by.


Im not having a baby shower because none of my close friends or family live anywhere near me so, me and hubby pretty much have to buy everything. Soooo this weekend he woke up and said "hey wanna go get everything for the baby??" So I said Of course haha. I had a 2 page list of baby essentials that filled up about 3 carts. We spent wayyy too much money, but we need it and I was so excited. Then we went & bought the bedding I wanted!!! Which we completely over did it but, oh well lol here it what we got, everything in that picture minus the crib - ours is white

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Our crib/dresser/changer is coming this week too!! Now we just need to set everything up. My aniexty level was a 10 because all we had were clothes before, now that we have everything & if baby came home today we would be all set....my level is down to a 1!!

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Yay, ac! That's awesome..I wish I lived near you so I could throw you a baby shower though.


Well, we had our big US today! He was standing at attention..there was no doubt about it..it's a boy! He was even flexing for us, it was hilarious..just like his daddy. Every time the tech would try to get a picture of him just laying on his back, he would roll over..again..being difficult like his daddy, lol! It was such an experience. I'll upload pictures in a day or two.


Tiny, i'm so excited for you..it's getting closer and closer!

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AC - isn't it a relief when you finally get everything and have it ready, I thought we were a while back but we just got in the last few bits and I mean little bits like grooming set that comes with the nasal thingy,nail clippers etc, I've stocked up the med cabinet too. lol Im fully prepared.

Dang- glad to hear your scan went well, cant wait to see the pictures.


Well our induction date is two days away, Im not nervous but just anxious to see him and hold him. I just want him here safe and sound now. A few of my neighbours have offered to cook evening meals for us next week too when Im home from hospital...so sweet!

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I keep forgetting the pics of little man at home..I need to scan them into my computer!


You look great! I remember at 20 weeks I felt so huge and thought I looked so huge, but when when I was 36 weeks and looked at 20 week pics I thought, "wow, I was really small!" LOL. Just when you think you can't get any bigger, you do.


You're half way there!

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