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I'm having an issue with my sex drive.


I just don't want it at all..no desire to even think about it. Trey keeps insisting something is wrong with him and that I don't find him attractive anymore..and I keep reassuring him that i'm sure it's just my hormones right now..I don't feel the greatest 85% of the time..so I'm assuming that has something to do with it.


I wish I wanted to..I feel bad for Trey cuz' I know that even though I tell him it's not that I don't want to be intimate with him..he thinks it's because I just don't find him desirable anymore.


Just wondered if any of you ladies felt the same way..or if you've had the opposite effect, an increased sex drive..?

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Dang - my sex drive from day one basically went to ZERO. I have no desire for it whatsoever. We didn't have sex more then a handful of times during the 1st trimester because I didn't want it & we were both scared something might happen, silly I know but we were paranoid. Now he trys more often, but understands that I feel unattractive, tired and just dont want it lol. I use to love sex, but I think I can honestly go without it until way after I give birth lol. There's other way you can please him without actually doing "it" that's what I usually do haha

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Aw, I am so glad you had a good first day with Renske! And so happy to hear that now that your hormones are stabilizing you feel better about the transition (it's a BIG one, isn't it?). And, fantastic news that your supply is fast and furious (maybe think about pumping some so later when you want to go out for a bit your hubby can feed her in your absence?)


The time really does fly- my baby girl is 8 months old and popped her two first teeth last week! I am shocked at how quickly it all goes.

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Dang - it happens hun, dont feel bad, my sex drive went down to non-existant and right around the time you are as well. I just felt so icky, with all the hormones and putting on weight, morning sickness and the rest I just didn't feel like it plus not to mention your so tired most of the time its the last thing on your mind. All you can do is reassure him and have lots of cuddles instead. Dont be fooled or guilted by the myth that all women experience a raging sex drive in their 2nd trimester. I didn't get mine back til I was near the end of my 2nd trimester and even then its not what it once was, I have a sex drive but as I so sweetly put it to my DH last night 'darling I would love to but right now with me feeling so crap the last thing I want to do it bounce around and if I did get on top I'd probably crush you haha'.

Maybe your guy could read up some books out there just for men are really really good at making them see it from your point of view

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I'm having an issue with my sex drive.


I just don't want it at all..no desire to even think about it. Trey keeps insisting something is wrong with him and that I don't find him attractive anymore..and I keep reassuring him that i'm sure it's just my hormones right now..I don't feel the greatest 85% of the time..so I'm assuming that has something to do with it.


I wish I wanted to..I feel bad for Trey cuz' I know that even though I tell him it's not that I don't want to be intimate with him..he thinks it's because I just don't find him desirable anymore.


Just wondered if any of you ladies felt the same way..or if you've had the opposite effect, an increased sex drive..?


We were both scared to have sex the first months, and in addition I was way to nauseous to think about that kind of movement


But then with 16 weeks something turned around and I wanted it more than anything else, lol.


All is normal. I've heard from many friends they didn't have any desire for it, and from others that they were like me.

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This is such a great thread.


I really don't think there's anywhere you can go to get such immediate support. There are so many crazy changes you go through and the reasurance really helps. I also love hearing from all the new mommies and how they're adjusting with their new babies. Keep it up everyone!


By the way, Im 10.5 weeks and starting to feel better. Except the gassy part... is that the "glow" they speak of? Lordy. But Im back to working and not quite as tiered all the time. The nausea is a lot better as well.

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This is such a great thread.


I really don't think there's anywhere you can go to get such immediate support. There are so many crazy changes you go through and the reasurance really helps. I also love hearing from all the new mommies and how they're adjusting with their new babies. Keep it up everyone!


By the way, Im 10.5 weeks and starting to feel better. Except the gassy part... is that the "glow" they speak of? Lordy. But Im back to working and not quite as tiered all the time. The nausea is a lot better as well.


aww I love talking to people about the first few months of pregnancy because although it seems like ages ago for me I still remember it so well. This board is fantastic and we have Arwen to thank for starting it!

I remember feeling nauseated all the time and thinking 'oh when will i feel normal again' but it passes so quickly, and yeah although people tell me Im glowing I think thats just nice for 'wow your sweaty!' haha. Its like now, I've gone through the early stages of 3rd trimester and everyone saying I was blooming to now all I get is 'aww you look really tired...i can see the bags under your eyes' & 'wow your big now! Bet you cant wait for him to be born'.....I feel like saying No actually your wrong I love feeling like I need a crane to simply roll over and its a delicious feeling that I cant even put my own socks on lol


But you know what for all the moaning I do about different stages of pregnancy I wouldn't change a thing, Im blessed that I can fall pregnant and carry a baby and its the most wonderful thing ever

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Well I had my glucose test today, I picked the fruit punch..I dont think it would have mattered which one, it was just gross lol. Hope I pass the test, should know by tomorrow.


My total weight gain to 25 weeks is 20lbs, which Im happy with since I was down 10lbs from the beginning & dr said it all baby (apparently he hasn't looked at my @ss Hahahaha)..just hoping not to go over 35lbs, we shall see

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Well I had my glucose test today, I picked the fruit punch..I dont think it would have mattered which one, it was just gross lol. Hope I pass the test, should know by tomorrow.


My total weight gain to 25 weeks is 20lbs, which Im happy with since I was down 10lbs from the beginning & dr said it all baby (apparently he hasn't looked at my @ss Hahahaha)..just hoping not to go over 35lbs, we shall see

Haha thats the perfect weight gain. You might not go over 35lbs. Im 22 weeks and have only gained 2 lbs. Im trying to gain weight but i cant.

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Haha thats the perfect weight gain. You might not go over 35lbs. Im 22 weeks and have only gained 2 lbs. Im trying to gain weight but i cant.


My cousin was like that, no one believed she was pregnant when she was 6 months...she gained all her baby weight in the 3rd trimester, but not a lb before. My best friend though...gained close to 30lbs before the 3rd trimester then slowed down & gained barely anything towards the end. So I guess each woman is different in that aspect, as long as baby is healthy & dr sees no problem you are good to go


Im hoping for no more the 1lb a week going forward

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I've gained like 8 pounds so far..and i'm 20 weeks now..but I've had such hell with morning sickness/hyperemisis, so i'm sure that's why I haven't gained much.


I'm beginning to feel more and more uncomfortable..my back and ribs are aching and I have leg cramps on occasion but nothing too bad.


I hope none of you ladies get sick! I've been battling strep throat and a respiratory infection for over a week now..that on top of being 5 months pregnant just isn't my cup of tea.


Tiny, hope you're doing okay..you're getting closer and closer!

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hello everyone! My OB called this morning, my appt has moved and been booked for 8am on thursday next week! So thats our induction date. I did get out today though and bought some Clary Sage oil so going to bathe in that tonight and start tomorrow having 2 cups of red rasberry leaf tea...all meant to be super relaxing and if they dont bring on labour help for a easier labour.


Dang I would worry too much about your weight gain as long as the baby is gaining enough weight, some women dont gain lots of weight. I had someone tell me today that from the back you cant tell outright im pregnant, I carry all in front and I haven't put weight on anywhere else but in the front

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Yay! I can't believe it's already time for him to be here! It feels like it's gone by so fast with you [of course it's felt much longer from your point of view]..


My pregnancy just dragged when I first found out I was pregnant..but now I can't believe i'm already five months. July isn't too far away.

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hello everyone! My OB called this morning, my appt has moved and been booked for 8am on thursday next week! So thats our induction date. I did get out today though and bought some Clary Sage oil so going to bathe in that tonight and start tomorrow having 2 cups of red rasberry leaf tea...all meant to be super relaxing and if they dont bring on labour help for a easier labour.


Dang I would worry too much about your weight gain as long as the baby is gaining enough weight, some women dont gain lots of weight. I had someone tell me today that from the back you cant tell outright im pregnant, I carry all in front and I haven't put weight on anywhere else but in the front


I must have missed this! Why are they inducing you tiny?

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