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I'm just curious, what are the dangers of constant use of a doppler? A doppler is not an x-ray thing.


I'm not exactly sure...personally I just don't want to use it a lot if it isn't medically necessary. One of the doctors I work for [not an OB/GYN] said it was fine to use it whenever but I still would rather use it once or twice every couple of weeks.

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I went to the doc Sat. Its a BOY. I knew it.


Thats awesome! Let us know if you need boy name ideas


I just got back from my first ultrasound. It went really well. Everythings in place and babies a-okay. It was pretty emotional. Dr said I have a heart murmur and need to see a cardiologist. But he said it's nothing to worry about.

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Thats awesome! Let us know if you need boy name ideas


I just got back from my first ultrasound. It went really well. Everythings in place and babies a-okay. It was pretty emotional. Dr said I have a heart murmur and need to see a cardiologist. But he said it's nothing to worry about.

Thank you. I do need help finding names.


And heart murmurs are pretty common. you should be fine. Dont stress out about that. So when is your due date?

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I'm just curious, what are the dangers of constant use of a doppler? A doppler is not an x-ray thing.


I have no idea either, my dr said its fine just dont use more then like 4 times a week for 10mins at a time?? IDK..


I barely use mine, before I felt baby kick it was like once a week for 2mins (just to find the HB) and now it has been once in a month so I doubt its doing any harm.

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Ac, how you feeling?



I saw my boyfriend's sister this weekend who is due June 8th and found out that she has gained nearly 70 pounds already..30 of those pounds she put on LAST MONTH..she was put on steroids for an itching issue and she said it made her eat like a horse. But 70 lbs..wow..i've only gained around 7lbs..granted she is a month and a half ahead of me..and I have had horrible morning sickness..but 70 pounds is a lot..and June is still a few months away! She said her doctor told her the baby is already nearly 2lbs..


I'm anticipating my US monday after next..other than that..just dealing with a sore throat that has progressively gotten worse today..

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Im feeling pretty good, I can't complain this pregnancy has been a breeze compared to what other women go thru. My only issue is being tired other then that..nothing worth mentioning lol.


70lbs?? wow that's a lot, how does she feel?. My pre pregnancy weight was low, dr said about 10lbs underweight & he wanted me to gain it - I didn't have any morning sickness so I been eating a lot since day 1. I think my total weight gain has been 15lb maybe 20lb now since I haven't been to the dr since end of Jan all of that weight is my belly and butt LOL - they are both equally as round now! haha

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Im feeling pretty good, I can't complain this pregnancy has been a breeze compared to what other women go thru. My only issue is being tired other then that..nothing worth mentioning lol.


70lbs?? wow that's a lot, how does she feel?. My pre pregnancy weight was low, dr said about 10lbs underweight & he wanted me to gain it - I didn't have any morning sickness so I been eating a lot since day 1. I think my total weight gain has been 15lb maybe 20lb now since I haven't been to the dr since end of Jan all of that weight is my belly and butt LOL - they are both equally as round now! haha



She said she feels fine..she just looks bigger in general but 70lbs can do that to you, I guess..my sister said she gained 100lbs with her first. I just don't think that's healthy at all.

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70 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy cats. Yeah I had a friend that gained 100 pounds with her last baby and I almost fell over at that. I have NO idea how anyone can eat that much pregnant or not. I gained nothing.


Ac, how you feeling?



I saw my boyfriend's sister this weekend who is due June 8th and found out that she has gained nearly 70 pounds already..30 of those pounds she put on LAST MONTH..she was put on steroids for an itching issue and she said it made her eat like a horse. But 70 lbs..wow..i've only gained around 7lbs..granted she is a month and a half ahead of me..and I have had horrible morning sickness..but 70 pounds is a lot..and June is still a few months away! She said her doctor told her the baby is already nearly 2lbs..


I'm anticipating my US monday after next..other than that..just dealing with a sore throat that has progressively gotten worse today..

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Thats awesome! Let us know if you need boy name ideas


I just got back from my first ultrasound. It went really well. Everythings in place and babies a-okay. It was pretty emotional. Dr said I have a heart murmur and need to see a cardiologist. But he said it's nothing to worry about.


Hey anggrace, they found I have a heart murmur earlier on in my pregnancy, dont let it worry you too much hun. All I've found with mine is that when I get out of breath really really stupidly quick, I listen to my body more and sit down. It has annoyed the hell out of me cause for most of the 3rd trimester I found that I couldn't do much as I just got exhausted quickly and out of breath really really quick. I've been monitored and Im doing well. Im 37 weeks now.

Well I hope everyone is ok, sorry I haven't been on much but I've been kinda busy doing last minute washing and prep, also been laying on my side a lot making sure baby is in good position to birth. We had a scan this yesterday and they checked size of baby........wow we all got a shock. He is 8lbs already! Sonographer said was we sure of our dates & there was a bit of a discussion, he said if I made it to the predicted due date the baby would be 9lbs or more....eeek. So we had appt with our OB right after and he discussed it with us, checked my cervix and to my surprise said it was soft and dilating already (which explains why i've felt crappy all week). He went over options and if nothing has happened in 10 days then Im going to be induced and have baby then.

I cant wait, Im so excited and the crappy feeling and pains have increased over th weekend, kind of like period pains every now and then. Haven't seen the plug yet but I had a few vomity moments. I think this week could be it.

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Arwen I was just realizing that in a week your little Renske will be a month old! Doesn't it fly???




I realized that too today... it's a bit 'cheating' because it's a short month, but still...




Today was my first day alone with Renske and it was amazing! My husband went back to work, and she was totally sweet, sleeping most of the day, drinking regularly without much struggle. I have 'hyperlactation' (I call it 'seas of milk') so sometimes it's a bit hard for her to drink because ehm... the milk comes with a strong flow.


I must say, the first weeks I felt very shaken with all of it... the transition from being pregnant to being a mommy, dealing with feeding (at night esp.), coping with her crying (I cried with her the first weeks haha). Now it's becoming much easier. I still get to sleep 6/7 hours a night, and as I am recovering from the birth I feel good overall during the day.


But maybe today was just a very good day...


Thanks for finding her cute lol. She's adorable indeed.

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awww arwen Reneske is sooooo cute, that little dimple....omg its the cutest. Well another day passed and still not much happening, lots more cramps and very cottagy discharge ( i know tmi but at this point I dont care haha). It hurts to move too much so i've taken to vegging on the sofa once I've walked my little boy to school, I've started to shimmy as I walk too...apparently this helps wiggle their head down right into the pelvis although I really dont think he could get further down. Im sure the neighbours think Im mental, huge pregnant lady shimmying up and down the street. lol.

Been on my birthing ball bouncing and doing the smiley face thing to get things moving along.

Im even tempted to pounce my DH tonight, he'll think its his lucky night! lol.


But I realised today that one way or another.....this time next week I'll be having my baby. YAY!

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^^ How exciting......Gosh, the time flew by didn't it? Well probably not for you since it was you that's pregnant, but from the mere observers like myself, it seems like just yesterday you were barely pregnant.


Congrats Tiny......Can't wait to see the baby..

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