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Empty belly 10 days after giving birth:




WOW- what a transformation. If I didn't know you, I would never guess you had been recently pregnant by that pic. I wish my tummy was that flat only 10 days after giving birth!!!!


I remember missing the pregnant feeling after I had my little one. Fear not- she once kicked you from the inside and now she will just kick you from the outside instead. It won't be on purpose at first, she'll be learning how to control her little legs and want ot kick and grab at things. When she is about 18 months or so, then she might kick you on purpose. lol Little beans are active both in an out of the womb.


The early newborn months can be tough, but just wait until she learns how to crawl. I loved that stage. You are going to have so much fun with her. Yo are goign to melt when you get your first "real" social smile from her that isn't related to gas too.


That pic of her is adorable, BTW!!!!!

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I am happy that I look almost like I did before. But it's strange. Today, we took the little one outside for the first time. When I reached for a coat, I realized I didn't need my maternity coat anymore... I could simply wear my normal winter coat. It was strange to see my reflection in the windows of the stores, almost like it was someone else. It's insane how much I miss being pregnant, I cry about it every day, feeling like such a fool!!


Thanks Bella for sharing your experience. I enjoy every day with the little bean, and it will be great to see her grow. It's just hormones, they're crazy after birth.

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You look great. I noticed you names that pic of you "fatty" lol. You are not "fat"- you didn't get that belly from eating cheeseburgers, you are growing another human being in there.


I just feel fat..I feel like i'm getting love handles, haha. I'm not as upset about it as I thought I would be..but I definitely have my days..but then I think about my baby and he/she is definitely worth it.

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Arwen she really is such a beautiful baby, and I am not just saying that! She is lovely.


And I second what Belladonna said, only it could be a lot sooner than 18 months! My little almost 8 month old LOVES to kick mommy's belly from the outside and pretty much anywhere she can reach LOL, and grab me, pinch, pull my hair.... I didn't know I signed up for maternal abuse along with the package!


I missed being pregnant at first too. But then became GLAD I was no longer pregnant, it became so much easier to do things, sleep comfortable, see my toes.... and before you know it you could be planning for # 2!

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I just feel fat..I feel like i'm getting love handles, haha. I'm not as upset about it as I thought I would be..but I definitely have my days..but then I think about my baby and he/she is definitely worth it.


you look great! cute little bump!

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The most exciting part of pregnancy so far for me has been seeing the baby move and feeling 'him/her' with my hand..


On Tuesday, my sister and I were looking at my belly because I was showing her how hairy it's gotten [yeah, tmi..haha] and all of the sudden she was like "Oh my gosh! Your belly just moved! It just kicked at us!" and that was really overwhelming for me, as dumb as that sounds..it scared and thrilled me at the same time..I felt like I was gonna faint, hahaha. Trey got kinda down because he said he feels left out of the pregnancy since I get to feel everything and he hadn't gotten to feel the baby move or see it move in my belly yet..but wednesday the baby finally showed itself to daddy and he even got to feel it moving from the outside, Trey had the biggest smile on his face the entire time..it was really an experience..I can't believe how active our baby is.


I'm glad I know what some of you ladies have been feeling for some time now, I was really looking forward to it and now it's happening.

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Thats awesome Dang, it is a great feeling. It freaked me out at first too lol but I love it!! My hubby also felt left out because I felt the baby kick 2 weeks before he was able to. Just yesterday I actually saw my stomach move, she kicked/punched me really hard lol Our girl is also very active, but has had her quiet days & I started to freak out - thank god I have a doppler at home ha. I guess its normal at this stage for them to have lazy days, so if you have one dont freak out like I did. YAY to babies moving !!

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Thats awesome Dang, it is a great feeling. It freaked me out at first too lol but I love it!! My hubby also felt left out because I felt the baby kick 2 weeks before he was able to. Just yesterday I actually saw my stomach move, she kicked/punched me really hard lol Our girl is also very active, but has had her quiet days & I started to freak out - thank god I have a doppler at home ha. I guess its normal at this stage for them to have lazy days, so if you have one dont freak out like I did. YAY to babies moving !!


I know what you're saying about having a doppler available at all times, we have one at work and I use it at work or take it home every once in a while so we can listen to the baby. Trey's sister is due June 8th and she still hasn't felt the baby move..but there's a good strong heart beat..I think she said it's because the baby is towards her back..

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Dang maybe she has an anterior placenta - where the placenta attached itself to the front of her belly. My friend who is pregnant now has that, she is about 32 weeks & can feel the baby but not strong at all, it also took her until like IDK 28 weeks to even feel him kick.

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Dang maybe she has an anterior placenta - where the placenta attached itself to the front of her belly. My friend who is pregnant now has that, she is about 32 weeks & can feel the baby but not strong at all, it also took her until like IDK 28 weeks to even feel him kick.



Oh, wow..yeah, It was just weird to me but I didn't know that type of stuff existed..because my kid is directly up in front..but people carry differently and I tend to forget that.

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I know what you're saying about having a doppler available at all times, we have one at work and I use it at work or take it home every once in a while so we can listen to the baby. Trey's sister is due June 8th and she still hasn't felt the baby move..but there's a good strong heart beat..I think she said it's because the baby is towards her back..


That could be. I had placenta anterior, and felt her move since week 17, and very strongly so. But she's very strong and active, also now. Some baby's are simply more quiet inside, it matters where the placenta is located, and how the baby is positioned. Indeed if he's with the legs and arms towards her back, she wouldn't feel it as clearly as when the legs where sidewards or forwards.


I'd be a bit cautious with the use of a doppler. At least my midwifery didn't like the home use of dopplers. I used it once a week in the few weeks between the ultrasound and the first time I felt her kick. But I was lucky to feel her very soon and daily after that

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That could be. I had placenta anterior, and felt her move since week 17, and very strongly so. But she's very strong and active, also now. Some baby's are simply more quiet inside, it matters where the placenta is located, and how the baby is positioned. Indeed if he's with the legs and arms towards her back, she wouldn't feel it as clearly as when the legs where sidewards or forwards.


I'd be a bit cautious with the use of a doppler. At least my midwifery didn't like the home use of dopplers. I used it once a week in the few weeks between the ultrasound and the first time I felt her kick. But I was lucky to feel her very soon and daily after that



Yeah, I don't use it much at all..i've been feeling the baby daily but it is nice to hear the heart beat once every couple of weeks.

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