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congratulations to you and your hubby Arwen! Your daughter is beautiful and so precious. Sorry to hear you had such a hard time with labour, reading it brought back memories, sounds just like when my son was born. Long, back labour and dilating so slowly. Glad your at home now though and enjoying it all. xx

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That's quite a birth story! You are indeed a trouper. Back labor hurts... I had it too! And sunny-side-up (big factor for back labor) means super slow progression, I'm so glad you were able to get the baby to turn around and could deliver vaginally.


Hope you are resting and enjoying your beautiful little girl. BTW, have you noticed how much that second picture you posted of her looks like your 4D ultrasound?

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Hope you are resting and enjoying your beautiful little girl. BTW, have you noticed how much that second picture you posted of her looks like your 4D ultrasound?


LOL I thought the same thing. The ultrasound was really accurate.


How adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes, it's amazing. And I am SO happy I had that ultrasound. I don't want to re-think the first day too much, but because of her face-up position she came out with a rather 'pressed' face... oh my I have cried so much about it, because she looked so hurt. But all got normal gradually, she looked already so much better the second day. Ok. I need to stop crying about this. I don't know, the whole experience was quite shocking. And the post-partum hormones are a bit crazy. I am very happy but boy, can I cry for silly things!!!

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Yes, it's amazing. And I am SO happy I had that ultrasound. I don't want to re-think the first day too much, but because of her face-up position she came out with a rather 'pressed' face... oh my I have cried so much about it, because she looked so hurt.


When my mother gave birth to my sister, they had her sitting straight up for a long time ... turns out my sister was ready to come out and was stuck in the birth canal because of my mother's position. So she was born with a cone-head, really odd and silly looking! Just to say, I think it's pretty normal for babies to go through a bit of wear and tear on the way out. Even their skulls are very soft at that age, so they can mold and shape. And it's normal for you to feel so much for her!


Have some chocolate and get some fresh air if you can. I hear that helps with the blues of the first few days. And chocolate never hurts!

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My son's head was turned sideways. Talk about painful labor!! I had piggyback labor, one contraction immediately follows another, for over 5 hours! I had heard labor was painful, but I never knew pain like this. I had natural childbirth, no painkilles, so I screamed a bit. And, no, those breathing techniques they teach you do nothing at all, I wouldn't waste my time with Lamaze. Still, when he was actually born, it was painless and wonderful, just like Arwen said. I never knew I could love someone like I love my son. I want to wish Arwen and her husband a hearty CONGRATULATIONS!! Little girls are so precious!

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Yes, it's amazing. And I am SO happy I had that ultrasound. I don't want to re-think the first day too much, but because of her face-up position she came out with a rather 'pressed' face... oh my I have cried so much about it, because she looked so hurt. But all got normal gradually, she looked already so much better the second day. Ok. I need to stop crying about this. I don't know, the whole experience was quite shocking. And the post-partum hormones are a bit crazy. I am very happy but boy, can I cry for silly things!!!


Aw, ((HUGS)) Mama! Those first few days can be so overwhelming both physically and emotionally. I remember sobbing in the hospital the 3rd night struggling to BF and crying to my husband, "Do you think I am a bad mother?" It was such a fog. It does get better- I promise. (and if it doesn't- do contact your OB quickly since there is a lot that can be done for PP depression.)


Ps- my daughter's head was squished and molded from trying to decend in my pelvis too but in a few days they look miraculously perfect.

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omg, arwen, that is awful. i am so sorry. that sounds like an awful labor. i am glad it is done though! hopefully your little girl never gives you any troubles again!!! I am so glad that your husband is such a supportive and caring man. what a good guy. and a strong mommy!!!

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Arwen, i'm sure that was a very trying but rewarding experience. She's absolutely beautiful..look at those cheeks!


I'm just going to be honest..all these stories about bad labors just absolutely scare me. I'm pretty tough when it comes to pain [i have a few tattoos] and i'm totally okay with needles, etc..but just the thought of labor terrifies me. I suppose it's normal though. *sigh*

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Arwen, i'm sure that was a very trying but rewarding experience. She's absolutely beautiful..look at those cheeks!


I'm just going to be honest..all these stories about bad labors just absolutely scare me. I'm pretty tough when it comes to pain [i have a few tattoos] and i'm totally okay with needles, etc..but just the thought of labor terrifies me. I suppose it's normal though. *sigh*


Don't worry about it. Kids are well worth it. It hurt me terribly. I can take broken bones and not make a sound, I screamed through childbirth. But some women have no pain at all! So don't avoid children because of fear of pain. I didn't want drugs at all, but that doesn't mean you can't have them!

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Arwen, i'm sure that was a very trying but rewarding experience. She's absolutely beautiful..look at those cheeks!


I'm just going to be honest..all these stories about bad labors just absolutely scare me. I'm pretty tough when it comes to pain [i have a few tattoos] and i'm totally okay with needles, etc..but just the thought of labor terrifies me. I suppose it's normal though. *sigh*


Dang you'll be fine hun, and to be honest sometimes the first time is a blessing because you just dont know what to expect. Ignorance is bliss as they say. The best advice I can give you is to try to keep your cool, have a great birthing partner who can coach you through and keep you calm and breath,breath,breath! lol. Honestly after my first, son, and reading up on labour again I can say that if you tense up and let fear get the better of you then it will be very painful and not very nice. Important thing to remember that a lot of people seem to forget is..... Our bodies were made for this, they are designed with this in mind and can do the job


So dont sweat it hun, best thing you can do to prepare yourself is learn the breathing techniques, listen to some positive birth stories and maybe look into hypnobirthing or massage. You'll get through it.

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I am scared of labor too, but getting to the point of being more excited/anixous about it then anything. I can only imagine at 8/9 months how uncomfortable and ready I'll be to just get baby out


Ladies - post some belly pics!!!!

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any of you experience bad leg cramping? Idk if the baby was laying on a nerve or what..but I was woke up twice last night with a horrible leg cramp in my right leg..


I understand some is normal but I was literally crying the second time I was woken up..it feels nerve related. I haven't had any issues today but my right calf and the under side of my right thigh muscle have an almost throbbing ache in them..nothing horrible but definitely noticeable.


I'm guessing I should call my doctor just in case there's a possiblity it's deep vein thrombosis or a clot..bahh..I feel like i'm over reacting!

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any of you experience bad leg cramping? Idk if the baby was laying on a nerve or what..but I was woke up twice last night with a horrible leg cramp in my right leg..


I understand some is normal but I was literally crying the second time I was woken up..it feels nerve related. I haven't had any issues today but my right calf and the under side of my right thigh muscle have an almost throbbing ache in them..nothing horrible but definitely noticeable.


I'm guessing I should call my doctor just in case there's a possiblity it's deep vein thrombosis or a clot..bahh..I feel like i'm over reacting!


It could be sciatica. See link removed


Mention it to your doctor- there is no suc hthing as overreacting when it comes to your health while carrying a baby.

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any of you experience bad leg cramping? Idk if the baby was laying on a nerve or what..but I was woke up twice last night with a horrible leg cramp in my right leg..


I understand some is normal but I was literally crying the second time I was woken up..it feels nerve related. I haven't had any issues today but my right calf and the under side of my right thigh muscle have an almost throbbing ache in them..nothing horrible but definitely noticeable.


I'm guessing I should call my doctor just in case there's a possiblity it's deep vein thrombosis or a clot..bahh..I feel like i'm over reacting!

I had really bad pain like that and it was my sciatic nerve. Theres really not much u can do about that tho.

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any of you experience bad leg cramping? Idk if the baby was laying on a nerve or what..but I was woke up twice last night with a horrible leg cramp in my right leg..


I understand some is normal but I was literally crying the second time I was woken up..it feels nerve related. I haven't had any issues today but my right calf and the under side of my right thigh muscle have an almost throbbing ache in them..nothing horrible but definitely noticeable.


I'm guessing I should call my doctor just in case there's a possiblity it's deep vein thrombosis or a clot..bahh..I feel like i'm over reacting!


Def sounds like sciatica esp if its during the day and you notice it when your standing up more. Try to sit down when you can, there is some consulation, as its the weight of baby pressing down on nerve if the baby shifts position sometimes this helps. I've had it with both pregnancies so I know how you feel. Leg cramps at night are very common too, low potassium levels so more banana's and milk should short that out. Next time it happens dont point your foot instead flex it so its flat as though your standing on it...should work and rub and massage the calf

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I heard that having charlie horse cramps in pregnancy are normal during the 2nd and 3rd trimester, not sure if that's what you are having?? Those are horrible if it is...I haven't had one during pregnancy but have one a few years ago and felt like someone was ripping my leg off in the middle of the night. Ugh. I read eating bananas, kiwi, drinking water etc can prevent those.

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