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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Thank you all for your well-wishes!!!!


Sophie, wow, flashbacks! I joined this forum when I was 28 (hence the chigal28), and at the time I was dating the WRONG guy and had not yet figured out that my husband (then my best friend, who listened to all my stories and was always, always there for me) was the one. Now we are having a baby together. WOW! Sure puts things in perspective.

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Kids are amazing. But they are such a hand full.


I read that you have 2 and 1 on the way. I cant even imagine. lol I have missed work for the last week as my son has an ear infection and upper respiratory infection. I took him to the doc, they put him on Amoxicillin and he had an allergic reaction. So, I've been by myself (I'm a single mom) with a sick baby for the past week. It's not something that I ever wish to repeat. So once he is better, I am casting a spell around him, so that he will never get sick again. lol


If only, it were that easy.

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I read that you have 2 and 1 on the way. I cant even imagine. lol I have missed work for the last week as my son has an ear infection and upper respiratory infection. I took him to the doc, they put him on Amoxicillin and he had an allergic reaction. So, I've been by myself (I'm a single mom) with a sick baby for the past week. It's not something that I ever wish to repeat. So once he is better, I am casting a spell around him, so that he will never get sick again. lol


If only, it were that easy.

Yes. I have 2 and another one coming. I've been missing alot of work these past 2 weeks too trying to get their day care situated and their insurance fixed. My daughter is allergic to amoxicillin too. She broke out in hives and i had to stay home with her till they were all gone. The good news is the older they get the less they get sick.

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Welcome Chigal and congratulations!


Hahahaha - yeah thats right its me next, Catdancer said I think. But yes we are due very soon..3/4 weeks and its our first together but my second baby. I already have a son from previous marriage.


Well guys sorry I haven't been on so much but Im not feeling so great lately, its been a sucky week. DH is def going away this year and Im so up and down. Trying to be strong and pull myself together. Plus the car broke down today, it has to go to the garage tomorrow and I dont know when Im going to get it back.......sucky.


ugh i just feel like hiding away right now.

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Welcome Chigal and congratulations!


Hahahaha - yeah thats right its me next, Catdancer said I think. But yes we are due very soon..3/4 weeks and its our first together but my second baby. I already have a son from previous marriage.


Well guys sorry I haven't been on so much but Im not feeling so great lately, its been a sucky week. DH is def going away this year and Im so up and down. Trying to be strong and pull myself together. Plus the car broke down today, it has to go to the garage tomorrow and I dont know when Im going to get it back.......sucky.


ugh i just feel like hiding away right now.

How old is your other baby?



And stay strong with everything thats going on. It'll turn out fine. I had a really hard week last week and felt like everything was going wrong in my life. But i feel much better this week.

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^i have a little boy who is 6 - just turned.


Yeah I cant sleep tonight and I just keep thinking, am I asking too much from life? All I want is to live a long & happy life with my hubby and have lots of babies! Not like I want to be rich or famous or any of that other insignificant crap

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Hi gals,


I haven't been online this week, and for a reason!


Our daugther Renske was born Monday 8 February, 5:26 PM. She weighed 3840 grams at birth and is 50 cm. She's perfect and precious and me and the hubby are completely in love.


The birth was not easy (well, is it ever...). I had back-labor. Next to being impossible for me to handle pain-wise (you can't breath them away so to say), they were unproductive. After 10 hours of dreadful pain, I only had 2 cm dilation. That was 5 AM, and the midwife said she'd come back in an other 3 hours and then we'd have to decide. The progress was too slow, and honestly I was suffering too much. I was still at home, supposed to go to the birth clinic at 6 cm dilation.


At 8AM, I still had 2 cm dilation. I was getting so discouraged at that point. The midwife had me admitted to the hospital (for a medical birth as we call it). She suggested an epidural to relieve me a bit. In the hospital, I needed an extreme dosis of epidural for it to work at all. But when it worked, it was a nice break. But at 2 PM, still barely 4 cm dilation. They made an ultrasound of the baby, and discovered the problem. In addition to the ineffective back-contractions (they are often less productive than contractions that are felt in the belly), the baby was in a less fortunate position: she was looking face up (we call that a 'star watcher'). It was only recently that I read that back labor is associated with that position, in some studies.


They did two things at that point: they had me on oxytocin to add more contractions, hoping they'd be more effective, and they had me lie on my right side, hoping the baby would turn. If that wouldn't work, the only option would be a c-section.


At that point, the epidural was no longer effective. So, in addition to the contractions that I felt in my back (those are truly horrible), I had contractions I felt in my belly, and they came so rapidly that I became almost desparate. We call that a contraction-storm. I had a nurse who stayed with me, and oh my God. If I didn't have her talk me through this horror. My husband held my hand constantly. He was almost crying seeing me in that way.




At 5:15 AM I was almost fully dilated, and they observed that our bean indeed turned! At 5:20 I got the green light to push, and like a miracle, giving birth was SO easy all of a sudden. Can you believe it took me only SIX minutes to push her out? And it didn't hurt at all! After all that horror, God must have thought 'poor girl, let's at least make this part enjoyable for her'. And it was. I didn't even feel like I had to push hard. But then again, I am very strong even if I do say so myself haha.


Anyways, I had to stay in the hospital for a couple of days, first for observation after the epidural, but then they also found out I had 'bladder retention' (how embarrassing, but after the labor-horror I didn't care about that detail hahaha).


And now she's here. At home with us. And we're IN LOVE.

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CONGRATS ARWEN! So great to get your update on here.


You sound like quite the trooper - that sounds incredibly painful. Your daughter is beautiful, and what a nice healthy weight - go mom for making such a great environment in your belly for her to grow in! So sweet to hear you and hubby are in love with her. Best wishes for everything in the future! Congrats again!

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