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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Yes! It's possible that we'll end up with the first ever, ENA twins.


Thanks and 'Grats back to you for your baby girl. Have you decided on her names?


We keep changing our minds, right now we are calling baby Alicia. You have any names yet?


Off topic..but I found the most perfect, beautiful crib today..i'm excited. We're gonna go ahead and buy it at the first of march.


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That is a really nice crib!! We are going with something pretty similar but in white. We are also officially starting our nursey etc beginning of March, so exciting!!

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Ac, that's a nice name! And yes, we're naming him after our two fathers.


dangletsbang, that's a lovely and practical crib. After we found out we were pregnant, I asked all my friends who had kids for some practical tips or regrets. Bar none, they all said they spent way too much for baby furniture, which didn't convert or wasn't appropriate for when their babies grew to toddlers and then kids.

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Ac143, you and I are pretty close with our timing. We're both going to have summer babies. Do you know the gender of your baby or do you want to be surprised?


He's a boy, so good call Bella! We have one really definitive ultrasound pic but I won't post it here. He's entitled to a little privacy...haha...


hahaha1021, you're also pretty close, at 17 weeks. Your ultrasound will happen soon. If at all possible, get the 3d/4d sonogram. It's so worth it to be able to see detail.

Im 19 weeks now. Getting my ultrasound the 24th. I did 3d with my son but didnt really think it was worth it.

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Cute pic, ha ha ha! That looks like a fairly sizable belly for 18 weeks, but what do I know. Who is the girl next to you? Is she about as far along as you? That would be fun, to have someone to go through pregnancy with.


Post a pic, dangletsbang! And I love the crib.

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Cute pic, ha ha ha! That looks like a fairly sizable belly for 18 weeks, but what do I know. Who is the girl next to you? Is she about as far along as you? That would be fun, to have someone to go through pregnancy with.


Post a pic, dangletsbang! And I love the crib.

I think my belly is actually kinda tiny. I was huge with my daughter though. I have only gained 2 pounds. lol. The girl next to me is my best friend. She is 2 weeks a head of me. I was very excited to have a pregnancy partner. We can mesure bellys and stuff.

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I think my belly is actually kinda tiny. I was huge with my daughter though. I have only gained 2 pounds. lol. The girl next to me is my best friend. She is 2 weeks a head of me. I was very excited to have a pregnancy partner. We can mesure bellys and stuff.


Well you definitely have a great shape - all belly! I have to admit I don't have much up close and personal pregnancy experience. Only 2 pounds - wow. That seems crazy to me given the size of your belly. That's so fun that your best friend is only 2 weeks ahead! What is she having? Are you hoping for a boy, so you have one of each, or another girl, or really no preference at all?

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Well i weighed 120 than went up to 125 and then lost 3 pounds. So i think i lost the weight in my legs and body. Now its just belly. My friend finds out the sex next week. I actually have a boy and girl so it doesnt matter what i have. But im pretty sure its a boy. I find out the 24th

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I'll post a new picture of my belly later this week..


do any of you girls have cravings that you just HAVE to have...?


I swear i'm so obsessed with mexican food..i'm chomping at the bits to leave work so I can go eat some..and I already had it last night for dinner..and twice last week, lol! Beans, rice, hot sauce, pico de gallo, guacamole tostadas..I feel like i'm going nuts. Lmao!

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Hey mamas, lets send out some positive thoughts to Arwen. She may be in labor or already have her little one right now, since we have not heard from her in a few days. The stork may have arrived.

This is wonderful news!! Please send her my very best wishes and I hope all goes well for both her and her baby!


Depending on times zones, her little one may be born on the same day as my daughter (10th february),

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sending out positive vibes and thoughts to Arwen and her little girl! Lets hope the stork has arrived.


Well ladies we have another OB appt this friday morning and Im going to talk more about when we would like the baby delivered, I know they say you shouldn't read the bad stuff but I've read a few women's accounts of going overdue and it having disastrous concequences. So I think Im going to ask my OB to have baby delivered in the few days after the due date if he's not here by then.


On another note, DH has been told he's up for deployment this year....he will miss most of babies first year if he gets sent....I was really upset yesterday and cried a lot but today Im trying to have a more positive outlook.

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I feel like time has flew by for arwen..but I know i'm not in her shoes, so i'm sure it felt quite the opposite for her..lol! I hope her labor and the delivery of her precious baby girl is quick and easy..I know she's going to be an awesome mom!


Tiny, my boyfriend won't be gone quite as long as deployment but i'm in the same situation as you! He works in the oil field business and will be traveling some..gone for 3 weeks, back for 1..gone for 3 weeks, back for 1..soon after the baby is born. Thankfully it won't be constant but I know the baby and I will miss him when he's gone. I'm sending vibes your way that he won't be gone long!

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Hello everyone, looks as though I am the latest addition to this thread!!


Found out last week I was about 4 weeks along...took TWO tests just to be sure. We were excited, of course, but we were also pretty surprised...although we were trying, we had JUST started trying, and since my husband has some health issues (and I am 32), we thought it would take more than a couple of months!!


We have already gone through SO many mixed emotions! We are very excited, of course--thought about waiting to tell our parents but in the end we couldn't wait, and they couldn't be happier--but we are also scared! The economy is not exactly robust, and we both got out of journalism into government jobs to have some job security, only to have that security start eroding as more and more governments chop jobs to balance budgets. My hubby is also diabetic, and although he's taking much better care of himself than he used to, he had a HUGE blood sugar scare THE DAY before we found out we were pregnant. Gah.


Financially, we have a good plan in place--we are almost done paying down all debt except interest-free car loan and student loans, and we've saved up some, but if one of us loses our jobs it won't go very far. I do get 6 weeks of paid maternity leave, but there is no way I will get to be a stay-at-home mom like I always wanted.


So much to think about!! We also don't have any family nearby...although my parents are moving from Wyoming to be about 4 hours away from us, his are in Oklahoma, and the rest of my family is up in Wisconsin/Indiana. However, we DO have a very supportive group of friends, and my co-workers are fantastic, so I think we will be OK.


I'm honestly not even sure how to wrap my mind around this! We have both always, always wanted kids--starting a family was kind of our 'career goal,' lol--and I just want to think about all of the wonderful, positive things, but there are so many options for worry--and I am most definitely a worrier.

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