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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Thank you dangle. By the way your baby bump is coming along so cute. I feel so much better reading all the comments all the other mommys have left here for me. I feel a lot better than when I originally posted. My sister went to pick up my prescription for me and she is dropping it off at the pharmacy. They are going to give me amoxicillin.


Consume plenty of dairy when taking that..I get horrible yeast infections if I don't.

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Will do!! Thanks for the advice. I have been taking the recommended amount of dairy for when you are pregnant. According to what I have read I have been consuming 32 OZ of dairy. Should I increase the amount?


I'm not sure about technical doses, lol..I usually just make sure I up my intake of yogurt and milk. But if you're consuming plenty of dairy, I wouldn't worry about it.

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Im extremely tired and a little nauseous....all the time. And yes, pretty excited \\


My sister warned me about the sinus thing. It was a surprise to me!


Sinus issues are indeed crazy. I feel like I've had a constant cold for months and months now, complete with bloody noses, pain, urgh.


Hope the first trimester won't be too bad for you, anggrace!

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When did you ladies start experiencing braxton hicks contractions?


edit: If you ever felt them at all.


I don't remember exactly. I think around 20 weeks, but it may have been earlier. The higher the uterus grows, the more noticeable they are of course. At 20 weeks it's a bit under the belly button.


I have them a serious lot now, but that's normal at the end. I had them a lot when I was stressed out and that's a reason to slow down.

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When did you ladies start experiencing braxton hicks contractions?


edit: If you ever felt them at all.


I had an episode around 18 weeks and it really scared me, but that is all it turned out to be. After that probably not again until around 24-25 weeks, and then not terribly often until the last month or so, when I was doing too much like Arwen said. It's kind of like nature's way of telling you to slow down, put your feet up and drink more fluid.

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I think what I experienced yesterday was one..it's almost like my uterus/stomach just tightened up to a point where it was painful for like 20 seconds..and then just stopped when I got up from my desk. I was a little stressed yesterday and didn't drink much water so that could've been why.

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I haven't had any yet (I'm 21 weeks) Drink lots of water that should help, I try to get in about 10 cups a day?


On a side note - I am starting to think that the 2nd trimester "energy" is a myth LOL. I'm equally as tired all day just not sick. booo

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I think what I experienced yesterday was one..it's almost like my uterus/stomach just tightened up to a point where it was painful for like 20 seconds..and then just stopped when I got up from my desk. I was a little stressed yesterday and didn't drink much water so that could've been why.


I had them on and off through my whole pregnancy starting at about 17 to 18 weeks. I could tell they were BH because if I laid down on my side and put my feet up and propped my belly with a pillow, they would go away. I was told that drinking a ton of water is the best way to prevent them. So it could have been because you didnt drink enough water.


I also had alot of ligament pain. It could have been that too.

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I haven't had any yet (I'm 21 weeks) Drink lots of water that should help, I try to get in about 10 cups a day?


On a side note - I am starting to think that the 2nd trimester "energy" is a myth LOL. I'm equally as tired all day just not sick. booo


Omggg, I know! I keep waiting to feel less exhausted..and keep waiting..and so far it still has not happened. Haha, oh well.


I had them on and off through my whole pregnancy starting at about 17 to 18 weeks. I could tell they were BH because if I laid down on my side and put my feet up and propped my belly with a pillow, they would go away. I was told that drinking a ton of water is the best way to prevent them. So it could have been because you didnt drink enough water.


I also had alot of ligament pain. It could have been that too.



Yeah, i'm definitely drinking more water today..I don't want to experience that again unless I have to.

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I haven't had any yet (I'm 21 weeks) Drink lots of water that should help, I try to get in about 10 cups a day?


On a side note - I am starting to think that the 2nd trimester "energy" is a myth LOL. I'm equally as tired all day just not sick. booo


Noooooo!! I have been looking forward to the "honeymoon" stage of the pregnancy. Ugghh I can't wait to feel a little more energy!

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I haven't had any yet (I'm 21 weeks) Drink lots of water that should help, I try to get in about 10 cups a day?


On a side note - I am starting to think that the 2nd trimester "energy" is a myth LOL. I'm equally as tired all day just not sick. booo


Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah I think it is a myth. I was wiped out the second trimester too, but I had anemia starting around 20 weeks so that probably was part of it. I kept waiting to feel 'great' but it never really came LOL.

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Noooooo!! I have been looking forward to the "honeymoon" stage of the pregnancy. Ugghh I can't wait to feel a little more energy!


1st trimester I barely left the bed only when I had to (work) and I think a lot had to do with me cutting out all caffeine now I'm moving around more and have my energy filled days but its not constant, I am tired most of the time. Then again I didn't puke once so I should just be happy with it lol.

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Did you or do you ladies exercise? I always worked out before pregnancy & pretty much forced myself to get on the treadmill during the 1st trimester (but it wasn't everyday) I still do it but its getting harder and harder and I'm starting to lose the motivation. Anyone else?

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Did you or do you ladies exercise? I always worked out before pregnancy & pretty much forced myself to get on the treadmill during the 1st trimester (but it wasn't everyday) I still do it but its getting harder and harder and I'm starting to lose the motivation. Anyone else?


I've been walking..but not constant since I don't have a treadmill..but outside on the rare days when it's warmer/tolerable. As soon as it starts getting warmer, I will for sure be walking at 4 to 5 times a week..but this cold weather is just making me miserable and not want to do anything but sleep.

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Another question..I know it's kind of early to be thinking about this..buttttt..


I know I want to breast feed..and I will be going back to work a few months after the baby is born. Should I invest in a breast pump? Manual, electric..? I'm just worried about making the purchase..and then for some reason I end up not being able to produce enough milk or even breast feed at all. Should I just wait until closer to my due date to think about it?

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Another question..I know it's kind of early to be thinking about this..buttttt..


I know I want to breast feed..and I will be going back to work a few months after the baby is born. Should I invest in a breast pump? Manual, electric..? I'm just worried about making the purchase..and then for some reason I end up not being able to produce enough milk or even breast feed at all. Should I just wait until closer to my due date to think about it?


Yes! I was intent on breast feeding and I did for a week. But things happen. Since my son was a c-section my milk didnt start coming in until 3 to 4 days after he was born. And then when he was 7 days old, the day I had the staples removed from my c-section incision (it's a vertical incision, so it goes from my belly button to the top of my hoo hoo) my whole incision came open, so I had a gaping hole in my abdomen. I had no idea that any of that would happen. I was put on 2 antibiotics strong painkillers and a couple of other meds. Point is that I could not breast feed after he was a week old. I almost bought a $300 pump and I am damn glad that I didnt, as you cannot return them. The advice that was given to me was to purchase a small hand pump for about $10 or so. that way I had a pump if I needed it. But to hold off on the expensive electric ones until at least 2 weeks post partum.

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Another question..I know it's kind of early to be thinking about this..buttttt..


I know I want to breast feed..and I will be going back to work a few months after the baby is born. Should I invest in a breast pump? Manual, electric..? I'm just worried about making the purchase..and then for some reason I end up not being able to produce enough milk or even breast feed at all. Should I just wait until closer to my due date to think about it?


I was thinking the same thing, I believe they have places where you can rent them for like 25 a month? I saw it around here at storkland, but I haven't really researched it or anything yet...not sure how "clean" etc they are. It might be worth looking into just incase you can't breastfeed or pump for whatever reason & its a heck of a lot cheaper. I guess it also depends on how long you place to breastfeed & if you "can" breastfeed. I think I'll only be doing it for the first few months if I can.

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Did you or do you ladies exercise? I always worked out before pregnancy & pretty much forced myself to get on the treadmill during the 1st trimester (but it wasn't everyday) I still do it but its getting harder and harder and I'm starting to lose the motivation. Anyone else?


I have been walking for 25 minutes everyday. I have started a prenatal yoga video. I was reading that yoga can be quite good for you. It has been very hard because all I want to do is sleep but I force myself to do it as I know it will be good for me and the baby!

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Another question..I know it's kind of early to be thinking about this..buttttt..


I know I want to breast feed..and I will be going back to work a few months after the baby is born. Should I invest in a breast pump? Manual, electric..? I'm just worried about making the purchase..and then for some reason I end up not being able to produce enough milk or even breast feed at all. Should I just wait until closer to my due date to think about it?


My sister got a hand pump and it has worked out well for her.

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