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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Yay Anggrace! Congrats hun, hope your feeling well!


Sorry I haven't been on lately, I've just been so tired and everything is such a major effort these days that after I've done my morning routine of school run, clean up from breakfast and whatever housework needs doing I collapse in a heap til I have to get son from school. lol.


Lunar - thats great your dr's appt went ok and you got to hear the heartbeat. Dang and AC im so excited to hear what you ladies are having. Arwen how are you feeling now your in the last few weeks? I read your post about feeling frightened for baby and protecting her, totally normal, when my son was born the love I felt for him terrified me...I think I even told my mum 'if anyone touched a hair on his head I'd glady do time for kicking their ass!' lol yes that protective mother instinct is unmatched by any other emotion.


Well Im 33 weeks now and certainly getting bigger ...by the day it seems. Turning over in bed I feel like I need a forklift to turn me over lol. And just having a shower and drying my hair ends with me having 'a nice sit down' to get my breath back. The ladies I see in the commissary keep giving me that 'your not gonna last another 6 weeks hon' and all predict the baby will come earlier...even my OB at yesterdays appt said 'ooh aren't we a bit swollen...' But im not complaining at all, in fact I love it cause it means Im so close to meeting our little guy!

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Oh yes. Prepare the hubby for more. In my case I have been most irritable towards 1. my co worker (I just turned silent, he annoyed me for the smallest reasons...) and 2. my cats (just lately, the gross sounds they make sometimes how I am so big now that I can't really chase them away in time when they're in places they shouldn't be)... very unreasonable. Oops.

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2. my cats (just lately, the gross sounds they make sometimes how I am so big now that I can't really chase them away in time when they're in places they shouldn't be)... very unreasonable. Oops.


LOL- That was the funniest visualization I've had in a while!

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Obviously I meant like them taking naps in the brand new baby carriage


I just pictured you yelling at them from accross the room as they cause chaos. lol


Try lining anything you don't want them in with aluminium foil. Most cats hate the sound it makes and they way it feels under their feet when they jump on it. I did that with my son's crib before he was born. My cat tried jumping in it once and she never did it again because she landed on foil.

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Oh, we have balloons in the carriage and box (do you call it that?) It's a thing in which babies can safely lie and play, this is not mine btw, but we have a similar one in the living room:


image removed


Their soft feet with sharp toenails land in a balloon and PANG!!!


They did that once and never again.

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Obviously I meant like them taking naps in the brand new baby carriage


LOL consider yourself lucky! A few weeks before my sister was due once she had her crib all set up with freshly laundered sheets her cat went in there and pooped.... twice!!!


Bad little kitties!!

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Oh, we have balloons in the carriage and box (do you call it that?) It's a thing in which babies can safely lie and play, this is not mine btw, but we have a similar one in the living room:


image removed


Their soft feet with sharp toenails land in a balloon and PANG!!!


They did that once and never again.


oh that is really cute! It's on the same vein as a playpen here, but ours aren't round and cute like that they are all square. More popular still are the portable ones called "Pack and Play"


like this:


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LOL- there are a ton of carefully disguised cages, aren't there?


My kid absolutely refused to stay in his "pack and play" after about 6 months. He knew it confined him lol


He still loves his crib though, so that is really fortunate. At 2 and a half he has not attempted to climb out yet. They day he can get in and out of bed, by choice, will be the day I have no sleep again, ever. I'm sure he'll be coloring on the walls at 3am.


Ladies, enjoy the time that they can't travel anywhere on their own. lol

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Hey guys-


I need some advice as I am freaking out. I just got a call from my ob/gyn and they just told me that I have a urinary tract infection and that supposedly my pap smear came out abnormal. I have NEVER had something like this happen to me before. I have always been very healthy and I have never had an issues before. They told me that UTI's are very common during pregnancy and they will give me some antibiotics that are safe for the baby and that, that should clear it up.


When it comes to the pap smear they will re-test me and the doctor says I have nothing to worry about as I have never had an abnormal pap smear. He also said the tech reported that the cells did not look cancerous. Still I am freaking out....

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Hey guys-


I need some advice as I am freaking out. I just got a call from my ob/gyn and they just told me that I have a urinary tract infection and that supposedly my pap smear came out abnormal. I have NEVER had something like this happen to me before. I have always been very healthy and I have never had an issues before. They told me that UTI's are very common during pregnancy and they will give me some antibiotics that are safe for the baby and that, that should clear it up.


When it comes to the pap smear they will re-test me and the doctor says I have nothing to worry about as I have never had an abnormal pap smear. He also said the tech reported that the cells did not look cancerous. Still I am freaking out....


Oh gosh.


Well, don't worry about the UTI, I know lots of women who had them during pregnancy, and you'll be fine.


I understand that the pap smear is your main worry, however, whatever it is they catch with that, it is caught very early on, and probably it can be treated. It's good that it doesn't look cancerous!

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Oh gosh.


Well, don't worry about the UTI, I know lots of women who had them during pregnancy, and you'll be fine.


I understand that the pap smear is your main worry, however, whatever it is they catch with that, it is caught very early on, and probably it can be treated. It's good that it doesn't look cancerous!




Thank you for responding I guess I am just freaking out because this is my first baby and I have never had these kinds of issues before. I read that there are a lot of reason as to why pap smears can be abnormal but still. I swear its like everything is happening now that I am pregnant...**sigh**

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I was also told UTI's are pretty common. I had an abnormal pap as well. But it's already fixed itself. Your doctor will take care of you.




Thank you for responding! This makes me feel a lot better, I mean the doc says I have nothing to fear and they run a second one to be sure, but you know how it is you tend to worry regardless. I have my next appt for the 8th of Feb.


I am praying everything is fine by then!

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Thank you for responding! This makes me feel a lot better, I mean the doc says I have nothing to fear and they run a second one to be sure, but you know how it is you tend to worry regardless. I have my next appt for the 8th of Feb.


I am praying everything is fine by then!


I have an appointment that day for my quad test..like everyone else said, UTI's are very common..I had one too but it cleared up on it's own rather quickly. As far as the pap smear, I really wouldn't stress about it too much..it's not good for you or the baby..i'm sure your repeat one will turn out just fine..i'll be praying for you, honey!

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Sweet How are you feeling?


Better than the first trimester..but I'm still exhausted all the time..and i'm still having to take my zofran every day for morning sickness..newer symptoms include sinus issues, which is apparently normal..and of course, my dreaded growing pains..How are YOU feeling? I know you're excited as can be!

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I have an appointment that day for my quad test..like everyone else said, UTI's are very common..I had one too but it cleared up on it's own rather quickly. As far as the pap smear, I really wouldn't stress about it too much..it's not good for you or the baby..i'm sure your repeat one will turn out just fine..i'll be praying for you, honey!


Thank you dangle. By the way your baby bump is coming along so cute. I feel so much better reading all the comments all the other mommys have left here for me. I feel a lot better than when I originally posted. My sister went to pick up my prescription for me and she is dropping it off at the pharmacy. They are going to give me amoxicillin.

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Better than the first trimester..but I'm still exhausted all the time..and i'm still having to take my zofran every day for morning sickness..newer symptoms include sinus issues, which is apparently normal..and of course, my dreaded growing pains..How are YOU feeling? I know you're excited as can be!


Im extremely tired and a little nauseous....all the time. And yes, pretty excited \\


My sister warned me about the sinus thing. It was a surprise to me!

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