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aw, ac..nice belly! I know what you mean about the compliments..we went to a fair type thing this weekend and I swear every other person I walked by was staring at my stomach like it was an alien.


As far as the emotional side of it, I definitely get weepy and upset at ridiculous things..I was simply watching a lady give birth on a health channel and I started bawling. Trey tends to just rub my back and not say anything anymore..haha.

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aw, ac..nice belly! I know what you mean about the compliments..we went to a fair type thing this weekend and I swear every other person I walked by was staring at my stomach like it was an alien.


As far as the emotional side of it, I definitely get weepy and upset at ridiculous things..I was simply watching a lady give birth on a health channel and I started bawling. Trey tends to just rub my back and not say anything anymore..haha.


I still watch those shows and cry........LOL

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Hey ac143 those are great pics and she looks like a cutie already! Dang dont let your OH's family bully you into what you call the baby, its yours and OHs decision, luckily for me my DH didn't want to call our baby by tradition his fathers name.

Arwen I feel your pain, turning over in bed is a major effort and can be such a pain.


Well im ok girlies just really really tired and running around after a 6yr old (his birthday this week) and keeping house has me pooped. Im so exhausted its not funny lol. Im really tearful lately too, Im crying over everything.


Lunar I hope they sort out your insurance and you see your OB soon hun


Hey guys-


So I finally got to see the doctor yesterday!! I am so excited, he was great! He was nothing like the other doctors I had seen. He was very gentle and really nice. He answered all my questions.


I really like him!! Anyways he was able to get the results for my lab work pap smear from my previous doctor. He said everything was ok. I still haven't had an ultrasound but I did get to hear the babies heart beat.


What an emotional moment for me. My sister was there for me and even she started to tear. I mean lying on that bed, it really hit me:


I am going to be a mommy! It was so amazing.


I have an appt for next week to have an ultrasound. I am looking forward to that one. Then I have another appt for a routine check up since I guess the first stupid doctor never ran my blood for HIV and other genetic conditions.


Anyways finally I am glad I was able to see a good doctor....

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Keep an eye on these complaints- they can also indicate pelvic instability and there's treatment for that


I think it's better to wait with the sex determination too, the thing is that you get very attached to that part of what you know about the baby. When it turns out they just know it for 80% sure, you'd always have doubts and have to have another ultrasound later on to confirm.

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I was watching that movie on lifetime, 'the pregnancy pact'..and I got so upset, I was fuming when those 3 pregnant girls got drunk.


Trey was like 'calm down, baby..it's just a movie.'


That would make me angry too, lol. A while back I saw one of our cleaning ladies at work smoking a cigarette when very pregnant. I almost hit that cigarette out of her hands.

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Ooompff I am having a strange day. Almost 38 weeks now and suddenly I have these dark moods


I keep thinking: what if something goes wrong when I am in labor? What if I get into an accident with her when she's still so helpless and small? How can I protect her?


And today, I thought, if I see her cry... I will be so sad inside that I'll cry myself, how can I ever be a good mommy? What if I hurt her feelings when she grows up?


Sigh. I was doing quite well during most of the pregnancy, and now I am a bit in the dark. Someone light me a candle please.

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Ooompff I am having a strange day. Almost 38 weeks now and suddenly I have these dark moods


I keep thinking: what if something goes wrong when I am in labor? What if I get into an accident with her when she's still so helpless and small? How can I protect her?


And today, I thought, if I see her cry... I will be so sad inside that I'll cry myself, how can I ever be a good mommy? What if I hurt her feelings when she grows up?


Sigh. I was doing quite well during most of the pregnancy, and now I am a bit in the dark. Someone light me a candle please.


It is exactly because you have these feelings of wanting to protect her, love her and keep her safe from harm that will make you a wonderful mother. It's the ones who don't care and are so ambivalent that worry me.


Your worries are so normal, Arwen. The closer the birth gets your worries change from having a healthy pregnancy to having a safe birth and getting to see your baby, wondering will she be healthy and normal? To getting her home in one piece, to meeting her needs... we always have worries, they just change over time.


You are going to be a GREAT mother. I have NO doubt about that.



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Ooompff I am having a strange day. Almost 38 weeks now and suddenly I have these dark moods


I keep thinking: what if something goes wrong when I am in labor? What if I get into an accident with her when she's still so helpless and small? How can I protect her?


And today, I thought, if I see her cry... I will be so sad inside that I'll cry myself, how can I ever be a good mommy? What if I hurt her feelings when she grows up?


Sigh. I was doing quite well during most of the pregnancy, and now I am a bit in the dark. Someone light me a candle please.


When I had my little boy, within moments of having him he needed to get a diabetes test because he was such a chubby little thing. They had to stick his heel a bunch of times with a needle and he cried -and I got so upset. The nurse said to me "Isn't it amazing how you already feel their pain?". It's true. And as soon as they put him back on me all swaddled again he stopped crying. It's normal to worry when they cry. That's the way nature intended it- they cry so that we take care of their needs.


It's also normal to feel anxious as you approach labor.


As for car accidents- I was also worried about them and basically only drove the baby to the pediatrican's office and back for those first few months.


These fears are normal but don't let them paralyze you. Yes there are always things that can go wrong, but much more often things go right and probability wise there is no sense in worrying yourself sick, because you will be fine.

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Thanks heaps Hope and Bella. I feel more normal now It's funny how over at the mommies board, I keep reassuring people who are in the early stage of their pregnancy, and now I need 'seniors' (actual experienced mommies) to reassure me to my last bits of pregnancy.

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I find out the sex of my baby Feb 3. So excited. I am pretty sure its a boy though. I even bought some boy clothes.


Oh I hope you are right, lots of women are BUT I wasn't one of them lol. I swore up and down our baby was a boy, I had dreams he was a boy, all my symptoms pointed to a boy etc. We even had a name for him & that him is a HER. I was completely shocked!!


Good luck on your appt, its just around the corner & so exciting. Keep us posted!

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Oh I hope you are right, lots of women are BUT I wasn't one of them lol. I swore up and down our baby was a boy, I had dreams he was a boy, all my symptoms pointed to a boy etc. We even had a name for him & that him is a HER. I was completely shocked!!


Good luck on your appt, its just around the corner & so exciting. Keep us posted!


Yeah, i've been having alllll of these dreams about it being a boy..I just have a feeling it is..but you never know! I'm finally being patient about not finding out until the end of february, haha.

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Oh I hope you are right, lots of women are BUT I wasn't one of them lol. I swore up and down our baby was a boy, I had dreams he was a boy, all my symptoms pointed to a boy etc. We even had a name for him & that him is a HER. I was completely shocked!!


Good luck on your appt, its just around the corner & so exciting. Keep us posted!

Wow. I wouldn't mind if that happened though cuz i want another girl. And i have a boy and girl already so either way ill be happy. But i will keep you guys posted for sure.

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lol... my gut was right, but I only got that stronge sense of it after 25 weeks. I never thought about it before, I really had no clue.


Haha but I knew right away what you were having!!


(and, I knew what I was having right away!)


I'm cool like that.

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Welllll..scratch the boy feeling..I had a dream last night that I had a precious little baby girl. I give up, haha..


LOL..at the beginning of this pregnancy (like right after I got my positive test) I got this very strong feeling I was having a girl BUT then dreamt boys & had all boy symptoms so I convinced myself she was a he.


Only a few more weeks and you will know Can't wait to find out what you are having.

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LOL..at the beginning of this pregnancy (like right after I got my positive test) I got this very strong feeling I was having a girl BUT then dreamt boys & had all boy symptoms so I convinced myself she was a he.


Only a few more weeks and you will know Can't wait to find out what you are having.


Yeah, i'm ready to start getting things 'prepared'..i'm horrible at doing things last minute..haha.

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