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My OB wont let me take the migraine meds either. But he told me to take tylenol and naproxen which i guess is the same as aleve. But it really sucks. I still suffer from migraines everyday and tylenol doesnt really help. Im going to ask about the vicodin though.


I would def ask. They gave me the vicodin as needed pretty much through my pregnancy. Do keep in mind though, that different docs have their own opinions on what meds to give during a pregnancy, so you may have to specifically ask for it. I always throw up with my mirgraines, so they gave me pheneregan too, which made me sleepy and helped to stop me from throwing up. good luck!!

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Me and my husband (no lie) have been thru hundreds of names and he HATES them all because he associates them to people he has known in the past lol. Eventually we did pick 4 names and right now we are calling her Emily for alittle while to see if it sticks, I call her Emmy for short. We're not too crazy about the unique names, I like more of the traditional names.


Have you guys discussed names yet?


Completely unrelated, but I felt her kick with my hand last night and this morning. It was very light & felt more like a thump then kick but still wonderful


If it's a boy..it's going to be a whole dramatic issue that i'm really dreading. Trey is the '3rd' - we're not crazy about naming our boy [if we have one] the '4th' though..but his family is being PSYCHO about it and basically telling me I have to if we have a boy. That's a whole different thread in itself that i'm planning to make if we have a boy. I'm so stuck on Hayden James though..I love that name.


As far as a girl..I love ryleigh and Trey does too..but for some reason i've kind of had a change of heart. I also like Hadley..but there's so many options I like for girls names..Idk for sure yet..

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Me and my husband (no lie) have been thru hundreds of names and he HATES them all because he associates them to people he has known in the past lol. Eventually we did pick 4 names and right now we are calling her Emily for alittle while to see if it sticks, I call her Emmy for short. We're not too crazy about the unique names, I like more of the traditional names.


Have you guys discussed names yet?


Completely unrelated, but I felt her kick with my hand last night and this morning. It was very light & felt more like a thump then kick but still wonderful


That's a great name. My friend has an 11 month old named Emily and they call her Emmy. I love it!


Don't stress too much about the name... my husband and I thought we had a name picked out for months before our daughter was born, and about a month before I decided I didn't like it anymore. They were literally pulling her from my body when I said to DH "How about xxxx?" and he said "I like it!" (it was a name we had tossed around in early pregnancy and shelved. It totally fits her.

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I would def ask. They gave me the vicodin as needed pretty much through my pregnancy. Do keep in mind though, that different docs have their own opinions on what meds to give during a pregnancy, so you may have to specifically ask for it. I always throw up with my mirgraines, so they gave me pheneregan too, which made me sleepy and helped to stop me from throwing up. good luck!!

Yeah i am the same way. I always throw up from migraines. They did give me the pheneregan. I have my next appt 2/3/10 so im gonna ask when i go.

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If it's a boy..it's going to be a whole dramatic issue that i'm really dreading. Trey is the '3rd' - we're not crazy about naming our boy [if we have one] the '4th' though..but his family is being PSYCHO about it and basically telling me I have to if we have a boy. That's a whole different thread in itself that i'm planning to make if we have a boy. I'm so stuck on Hayden James though..I love that name.


As far as a girl..I love ryleigh and Trey does too..but for some reason i've kind of had a change of heart. I also like Hadley..but there's so many options I like for girls names..Idk for sure yet..


I was dreading the whole boy name thing too, my hubby and his whole family want it to be named after my husband who was the 4th...but not really cause they all have different middle names so no junior or senior etc...but still I wouldn't be crazy about it. So luckily its a girl this time lol.


I like all the names you have picked!


That's a great name. My friend has an 11 month old named Emily and they call her Emmy. I love it!


Don't stress too much about the name... my husband and I thought we had a name picked out for months before our daughter was born, and about a month before I decided I didn't like it anymore. They were literally pulling her from my body when I said to DH "How about xxxx?" and he said "I like it!" (it was a name we had tossed around in early pregnancy and shelved. It totally fits her.


Aww thank you, I like Emily too..I think its so sweet. I guess we'll see cause I have a feeling it will change about 10 more times (at least) & that's soooo funny you were still going over names while pushing haha.

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I was dreading the whole boy name thing too, my hubby and his whole family want it to be named after my husband who was the 4th...but not really cause they all have different middle names so no junior or senior etc...but still I wouldn't be crazy about it. So luckily its a girl this time lol.


I like all the names you have picked!




Aww thank you, I like Emily too..I think its so sweet. I guess we'll see cause I have a feeling it will change about 10 more times (at least) & that's soooo funny you were still going over names while pushing haha.


Oh God yes, talk about pressure! I was in labor and was like "OK, (hubs) we really need to focus on this (hooo hooo hooo heee heee heee) let's look at our list (hooo hooo hooo heee heee heee)....hopefully we'll have our next one's name ready before that point!

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Hey everyone!


I have a little question. I met with my doctor about 2 weeks ago. And found out that I am Rh- (Blood.. A-), and my baby's is +. He told me that they need to give me some treatments because my body has 50% chances of creating anti-bodies and attack my baby. They made me sign some papers and what not concerning my situation.


I went for the treatments last week called Rhogam (human gamma globulin). Everything went fine, but will receive an other treatment 72 hours after my lil boy is born. Now my question is, do any of you had this issue, or know someone that does? And if so... was the baby and the mother ok?


'Cause on the papers that I had to sign, it was to warn me that there could be some side effects to the treatment, and it's really making me nervous.


I would be more nervous about what can happen when you don't take Rhogam than when you do. My mother has a rare bloodgroup (AB-), and both me and my sister are A+. She had to have a shot for this reason- it's standard as far as I know and she never experienced serious side effects.


Obviously they take consideration side-effects because if there are any, you should have known in advance (this could even be to avoid legal issues). If you are worried, check it with your GP or Obgyn first.

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Has anyone bought a pregnancy pillow yet? I'm starting to get uncomfortable during sleeping and have seen a few pillows on amazon of different styles.


The thing is I don't know if they'll be a waste of money or not when I could just use a regular pillow..


Here's a few I'm interested in..just wanted to know if any of you have personal reviews..is it worth it...? Do they make a difference than a regular pillow?


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Has anyone bought a pregnancy pillow yet? I'm starting to get uncomfortable during sleeping and have seen a few pillows on amazon of different styles.


The thing is I don't know if they'll be a waste of money or not when I could just use a regular pillow..


Here's a few I'm interested in..just wanted to know if any of you have personal reviews..is it worth it...? Do they make a difference than a regular pillow?


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My hubby got me one for xmas cause I was getting uncomfortable too, it something similar to the cozy cuddler...I love it & dont sleep without it now. I call it my cuddle bear. ha So I say they are worth it or at least for me.

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Has anyone bought a pregnancy pillow yet? I'm starting to get uncomfortable during sleeping and have seen a few pillows on amazon of different styles.


The thing is I don't know if they'll be a waste of money or not when I could just use a regular pillow..


Here's a few I'm interested in..just wanted to know if any of you have personal reviews..is it worth it...? Do they make a difference than a regular pillow?


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It's up to you. You can accomplish the same thing with a few regular pillows though. When laying on my side I used to put one under my head, one under my belly (in the 3rd trimester), and one between my knees. I liked the option of being able to move them instead of one big pillow.


The one between your kness is vital to take a lot of pressure off your lower back and the one under the belly really helps once your belly gets larger.

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I was given a snoogle pregnancy pillow last Christmas and although it was very comfortable, I tend to toss and turn a lot and it was impossible to reposition with the snoogle. So, I ended up getting a long body pillow and using that and it worked better. At the end when I was really big I got a Boppy pregnancy wedge


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and that helped.

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I am just wondering, what is making you uncomfortable in bed Danglet? Because at this stage your belly is probably not that big, do you have backpains or pain in the pelvic area?


I am wondering, because for me, it's only now, at 37 weeks that I really need an extra pillow to support my belly. I can sleep only on my sides, and turning wakes me up, causes pain, and costs a lot of energy

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I can sleep only on my sides, and turning wakes me up, causes pain, and costs a lot of energy


Oh I remember that! It took a forklift to turn me over at night! What a production. You will sleep soooooo much better (even if it's for shorter periods) once the baby comes!


Won't be long now Arwen!

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I am wondering, because for me, it's only now, at 37 weeks that I really need an extra pillow to support my belly. I can sleep only on my sides, and turning wakes me up, causes pain, and costs a lot of energy


I am going through that now, at 31 weeks. I have a hard time sleeping because turning in my sleep wakes me up because it's painful. I will have to try putting the extra pillow under my belly

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Hey ac143 those are great pics and she looks like a cutie already! Dang dont let your OH's family bully you into what you call the baby, its yours and OHs decision, luckily for me my DH didn't want to call our baby by tradition his fathers name.

Arwen I feel your pain, turning over in bed is a major effort and can be such a pain.


Well im ok girlies just really really tired and running around after a 6yr old (his birthday this week) and keeping house has me pooped. Im so exhausted its not funny lol. Im really tearful lately too, Im crying over everything.


Lunar I hope they sort out your insurance and you see your OB soon hun

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I am just wondering, what is making you uncomfortable in bed Danglet? Because at this stage your belly is probably not that big, do you have backpains or pain in the pelvic area?


I am wondering, because for me, it's only now, at 37 weeks that I really need an extra pillow to support my belly. I can sleep only on my sides, and turning wakes me up, causes pain, and costs a lot of energy


I guess from all my ligaments and muscles stretching to accommodate the baby/uterus, i'm just really achey..my belly is already needing support, which I'm using a flat pillow for right now [which is helping a lot, thankfully!] and a pillow between my legs is helping with my hip achiness. So for now i'm just going to use regular pillows..if I feel the need to buy a pillow, I will..but like bella said, I think regular pillows can do just as good of a job.


I went to the doctor today..finally heard a good strong heart beat, which put the biggest smile on my face. I'm due for my quad test on February the 8th and then we will schedule my sonogram to determine the sex before the end of february. I tried to con him into doing it today but he said he didn't want to give me any false information..just wanted to wait a bit longer, lol. He said i'm measuring big for how far along I am which he said 95% of the time is good..the only down side is that there is a possibility that I could have too much amniotic fluid but he said to not worry about that at all. Hope all you ladies are doing great!

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Hey ac143 those are great pics and she looks like a cutie already! Dang dont let your OH's family bully you into what you call the baby, its yours and OHs decision, luckily for me my DH didn't want to call our baby by tradition his fathers name.

Arwen I feel your pain, turning over in bed is a major effort and can be such a pain.


Well im ok girlies just really really tired and running around after a 6yr old (his birthday this week) and keeping house has me pooped. Im so exhausted its not funny lol. Im really tearful lately too, Im crying over everything.


Lunar I hope they sort out your insurance and you see your OB soon hun


Thanks TD - glad you are doing ok besides the crying. I went thru that last week, I cried and cried for no reason whatsoever and if I did find a reason to cry it was even worse lol.

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^ lol Im just a mess, I was watching ER on tv and it showed a baby being born by caesaren and the mother was going to be seperated from it because she was a illegal and I sat there bawling my eyes out. Then DH had the day off and was a grump and snapping at me all day, we pulled up to the food court and I just sat there wailing at the steering wheel.....lmao He looked really freaked out. 'hun.....are you ok?....' lol

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^ lol Im just a mess, I was watching ER on tv and it showed a baby being born by caesaren and the mother was going to be seperated from it because she was a illegal and I sat there bawling my eyes out. Then DH had the day off and was a grump and snapping at me all day, we pulled up to the food court and I just sat there wailing at the steering wheel.....lmao He looked really freaked out. 'hun.....are you ok?....' lol


lol..I was a mess too and fully expect it at least a few more times in the next few months. My poor hubby, like yours - looks freaked out and isn't sure how to respond sometimes because it comes out of left field. Ahh the joys of pregnancy lol

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That remind me of the time we went to visit Civil War battlefields in the US when I was 7 or 8 months pregnant with my son. Not only did we drive for 10 or so hours to get there. He walked me about in 102 degrees on the July !st weekend on the Gettysburg Battle field and then that night refused to let me have a lobster dinner at the resutrante that night. Well I burst into full tears in front of the waiter. The waiter was like " Um dude, you better let her have the dinner".......LOL

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^ lol Im just a mess, I was watching ER on tv and it showed a baby being born by caesaren and the mother was going to be seperated from it because she was a illegal and I sat there bawling my eyes out. Then DH had the day off and was a grump and snapping at me all day, we pulled up to the food court and I just sat there wailing at the steering wheel.....lmao He looked really freaked out. 'hun.....are you ok?....' lol


Oh Lord yes. I remember watching '16 & Pregnant' the episode where Caitlyn and Tyler give up their baby for adoption, I was about 7 months pregnant and I was sobbing all day!! I'm afraid it doesn't get better after the baby is born. I think I am waaaaaaay more emotional now than I was before I had her.

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Oh Lord yes. I remember watching '16 & Pregnant' the episode where Caitlyn and Tyler give up their baby for adoption, I was about 7 months pregnant and I was sobbing all day!! I'm afraid it doesn't get better after the baby is born. I think I am waaaaaaay more emotional now than I was before I had her.


Nope, it never changes. It is a permenant state after mothermood.....lol. Even my husband claims to be more sensitive after having kids.

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