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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Whoa- this thread is belly-rama. You ladies look wonderful.


As far as belly sizes, it's almost a tie, but I'd say that tinydancer has arwen beat by a "tiny" bit. You are both carrying straight out though. You both look lovely.


Fear not, there is still time for Arwen to catch up.

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Whoa- this thread is belly-rama. You ladies look wonderful.


As far as belly sizes, it's almost a tie, but I'd say that tinydancer has arwen beat by a "tiny" bit. You are both carrying straight out though. You both look lovely.


Fear not, there is still time for Arwen to catch up.


Well not really, I am due more than a month earlier! But it's my first- that must be it lol.

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Hello everyone...


So today I am going to be going to the doctor. Hopefully this Ob/Gyn will turn out to be better than the last one I went to.


I am really looking forward to the visit as I have heard that the doctor I am going to be going to is good.


Question for you guys: At the last doctors visit I had they did a pap smear and also they drew my blood. Will they be doing this again or can I have this docotor obtain my reults from my previous doctor?


I am also excited as today might be the first time I will be seeing and hearing the babys heart beart.


I guess other than that it will be a standard check up. I will post later and let you guys know how it went.


So far everything has been good other than the hunger and the fatigue of course. Thank God no morning sickness!

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Cool let us know how it goes Lunar, about your question, they will ask when you last had a pap smear so tell them you did have one and they will get results if they need to. They wont do one now your pregnant, if they feel its necessary they will schedule you in to have one once the baby is born.

The first time you see your baby and hear the heartbeat can be emotional so be prepared. So pleased for you hun. Lucky you not having morning sickness too.

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Ditto to what tiny said!


Hearing the heartbeat for the first time is an emotional moment, so happy for you! Keep us posted on how your appt went & thank goodness for no morning sickness, I didn't have any either - was just very tired all 1st trimester. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that you dont get it!

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Everyone seems to be doing so great! I'm super excited for you Arwen - it's getting really close now!


Mommyhood is really fun & tiring. Cooper is growing and learning every day - tons of fun little things like eye contact and even a couple smiles We spent the day out and about today & we're both pretty exhausted, he's taking a nap, which I should probably be doing as well - but the interweb calls. Breastfeeding is going... I could be making more milk and so I am supplementing with formula, which I fear is perpetuating the issue as is a bit of thrush that won't completely heal. Sleeping as well as cloth diapering are both going really well. There is sooo much advice and guidance out there that it is overwhelming. It seems like there are so many 'rules' that end up contradicting each other - I'm just trying to do what seems and feels right for us.


Hope y'all are all taking care of yourselves.

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Uggghh you guys I was not able to see the docor. My stupid insurance messed up and they sent me to the wrong place. Now I have to wait until Monday. I already have another appt. set up already and I am hoping third time is the charm. I swear that man that deals with my insurance is an idiot. He does this all the time, he doesn't seem to care I am pregnant. I am so upset

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I am 16 weeks preg. Due July 5th. Im lucky and didnt get morning sickness. But i suffer from migraines every day of my life.


What is your OB doing about the migraines? I get them too and I couldnt take my migraine meds while preggers. But they gave me Vicodin and Pheneregan and that helped along with sleeping.

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Hey everyone!


I have a little question. I met with my doctor about 2 weeks ago. And found out that I am Rh- (Blood.. A-), and my baby's is +. He told me that they need to give me some treatments because my body has 50% chances of creating anti-bodies and attack my baby. They made me sign some papers and what not concerning my situation.


I went for the treatments last week called Rhogam (human gamma globulin). Everything went fine, but will receive an other treatment 72 hours after my lil boy is born. Now my question is, do any of you had this issue, or know someone that does? And if so... was the baby and the mother ok?


'Cause on the papers that I had to sign, it was to warn me that there could be some side effects to the treatment, and it's really making me nervous.

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Hey everyone!


I have a little question. I met with my doctor about 2 weeks ago. And found out that I am Rh- (Blood.. A-), and my baby's is +. He told me that they need to give me some treatments because my body has 50% chances of creating anti-bodies and attack my baby. They made me sign some papers and what not concerning my situation.


I went for the treatments last week called Rhogam (human gamma globulin). Everything went fine, but will receive an other treatment 72 hours after my lil boy is born. Now my question is, do any of you had this issue, or know someone that does? And if so... was the baby and the mother ok?


'Cause on the papers that I had to sign, it was to warn me that there could be some side effects to the treatment, and it's really making me nervous.


Why dont you put this into a new thread, that way it will be on the main forum and more people will see it. I dont have any experience with this, personally. Sorry.

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'Cause it is not allowing me to make an other thread since I have one open already that is on the main forum page...


Oh, ok..yeah you have to wait until your thread drops off the main page before you can start another. Well, damn...if you dont get many repsonses here, then wait an hour or so and you should be able to post again.

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Hey everyone!


I have a little question. I met with my doctor about 2 weeks ago. And found out that I am Rh- (Blood.. A-), and my baby's is +. He told me that they need to give me some treatments because my body has 50% chances of creating anti-bodies and attack my baby. They made me sign some papers and what not concerning my situation.


I went for the treatments last week called Rhogam (human gamma globulin). Everything went fine, but will receive an other treatment 72 hours after my lil boy is born. Now my question is, do any of you had this issue, or know someone that does? And if so... was the baby and the mother ok?


'Cause on the papers that I had to sign, it was to warn me that there could be some side effects to the treatment, and it's really making me nervous.


I didnt' have to but my mom had to get those shots with both me and my brother, also a few of my aunts and 2 or 3 of my friends did also. Its pretty common.


All of which had healthy babies. If you have concerns speak to your dr about it but you and the baby both should do just fine

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My mom and my brother had that issue.This was 40 years ago. They were both fine.

Hey everyone!


I have a little question. I met with my doctor about 2 weeks ago. And found out that I am Rh- (Blood.. A-), and my baby's is +. He told me that they need to give me some treatments because my body has 50% chances of creating anti-bodies and attack my baby. They made me sign some papers and what not concerning my situation.


I went for the treatments last week called Rhogam (human gamma globulin). Everything went fine, but will receive an other treatment 72 hours after my lil boy is born. Now my question is, do any of you had this issue, or know someone that does? And if so... was the baby and the mother ok?


'Cause on the papers that I had to sign, it was to warn me that there could be some side effects to the treatment, and it's really making me nervous.

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Hey everyone!


I have a little question. I met with my doctor about 2 weeks ago. And found out that I am Rh- (Blood.. A-), and my baby's is +. He told me that they need to give me some treatments because my body has 50% chances of creating anti-bodies and attack my baby. They made me sign some papers and what not concerning my situation.


I went for the treatments last week called Rhogam (human gamma globulin). Everything went fine, but will receive an other treatment 72 hours after my lil boy is born. Now my question is, do any of you had this issue, or know someone that does? And if so... was the baby and the mother ok?


'Cause on the papers that I had to sign, it was to warn me that there could be some side effects to the treatment, and it's really making me nervous.


my mother is A- and my brother and I were A+. From what I can tell we are both fine and there were no complications from either of her pregnancies. She just received the shot after our births and was sent home with no problem what so ever.


Hope this helps

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Thanks ladies!

Really appreciate the response. I would'of talked to my doctor, but the thing is... He farely new at this... he's 28years old and not too sure about everything yet. He keeps referring me to other doctors for different things. Don't get me wrong, he is great and what not... but for things like these, it is like he is afraid to give out the wrong answer to scare the hell out of me.


But thanks again for the positive replies.

Now just have to wait an other big whole 6weeks and see how everything will go for my lil boy.

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Sorry took awhile...here are some pics. One of them she is about to suck her thumb, the other she was clapping her hands..she was so active in there!


awwh, what a beautiful healthy baby! Have you started talking names yet..? My boyfriend's sister [who is due June 8th with a precious girl as well] is having the hardest time choosing a name with her partner..they can't agree on anything, lol!

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awwh, what a beautiful healthy baby! Have you started talking names yet..? My boyfriend's sister [who is due June 8th with a precious girl as well] is having the hardest time choosing a name with her partner..they can't agree on anything, lol!


Me and my husband (no lie) have been thru hundreds of names and he HATES them all because he associates them to people he has known in the past lol. Eventually we did pick 4 names and right now we are calling her Emily for alittle while to see if it sticks, I call her Emmy for short. We're not too crazy about the unique names, I like more of the traditional names.


Have you guys discussed names yet?


Completely unrelated, but I felt her kick with my hand last night and this morning. It was very light & felt more like a thump then kick but still wonderful

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