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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Dang you have such a cute baby bump! Lunar I didn't know you were high risk hun, take it easy and rest when you need to ok. Arwen wow that certainly is a change for you in the boobie dept lol, I've gone from a C to a DD but I dont think they'll get much bigger. I do like the fullness and hope to keep that afterwards.


We had our first appt with our new OB y'day and he is fantastic, the hospital was very posh, you had to approach a gate and be buzzed in, underground parking too all very very secure. (I LOVE YOU TRICARE!!!) When we walked through the lobby I was going 'omg look at this place!'...lol. Our OB is kinda middle aged but so good, he was attentive, funny, explained everything to us without rushing, made us feel completely at ease. It wasn't all about me either, he made sure DH felt looked after and that his opinion counts. He did some more up to date bloodwork and examined me, said the baby is growing well, good strong HB and that Im doing very well too. He also asked us when we'd like the baby delivered by..... I was thrilled! I'd heard of people getting this option in the states but not here....so we decided on 26th March 6 days after our due date. All in all it was great visit and we feel very confident with this OB

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How did you guys deal with the pregnancy exhaustion when you had to go to work? Man right now I am about to fall asleep on my keyboard at work. I swear my body is forcing me to take 30 second naps....


I know


... honestly I don't know how I pulled through, I just did. It helps that I am crazy about my work. In Holland you get extra 'breaks', but I never took them. I work on my dissertation (doing a PhD is a job here as junior researcher), and basically I start working and work full days without any break (I can't stop working when I am so absorbed in doing what I do, but it was hard to get focused).


During pregnancy I left a bit earlier (i.e. I worked from 8:30-6 instead of 8:30-8), slept at home after work, and worked slower. Esp. when I was also so nauseated, that was horrible. At the end I started leaving at 5, I just couldn't do it anymore.


Did your tell your employer? Because maybe you're entitled extra breaks. If you can afford it, you can maybe start working half a day less if you work fulltime now.

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I have gone from a 36C to a D, I hope to stay at a C though - I loved my boobs lol.


We have our big u/s monday morning. Will update you ladies with what we are having I'm so excited!!!



Oooooh have fun/good luck monday! Of course the 20 week u/s (it is, right?) is a medical one primarily... I was kinda nervous to be honest!

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Me on my birthing ball with my 5yr old. He loves the bump and hugs and kisses it. lol


Just wanted to post this link for all moms to be too, Im finding it really useful and hope it works! I had a posterior birth with my son and this time im going to try everything to get baby to lay anterior as supposedly makes for easier birth.


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aw, all these big baby bumps are so cute..


I'm so dreading it though, I feel bad..but I'm really not looking forward to it..especially being so big in the summer..but whatever..I've already asked Trey if he'll be my 'cabana boy' when i'm at the pool/lake/river..hahaha.


Tiny, your son is SO cute and you look SO great!

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Well... at least you don't have to buy that many clothes... and a belly is so much nicer looking in fitting clothes than in big wintery clothes!! Just simple tops with a belly band and you're all set. I needed a maternity winter coat (expensive!!), at least 3 new vests/sweaters that fit around the belly in addition to the tops... Just pointing out the positive... Plus, we may have to have an emergency drive with me in labour accross icy and snowy roads...


But yeah... the heaviest part is not how you look I think, but the heat in combination with being heavy. In that respect, I am happy to carry the heavy part in the middle of the winter.

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Love your baby bump Tiny


Well ladies....We are having a GIRL!!!!!!! I have a ton of u/s pics I'll upload later We are so excited, she was sucking her thumb and yawning. It was adorable


Yay also a girl!! Welcome on the PINK cloud!! Congrats! Can't wait to see the pics

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Yeah, i'm currently in the process of looking at buying a belly band..


i'm just not sure what color/type..I've heard that black is the best and that white is unflattering but idk..i'm so new to this!


You mean the ones that are just an extension of your clothes or a supporting one? Because the ones I mean were just ones like:


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I have this one in purple, another one in gray, and a couple of black ones. And a custom made one for capoeira, saying 'watch out I can do the Martelo (= a specific kick)'.


Oh and lol, this is a pic from a website, not from me!!!

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Congratz to you all!!!

I am due to have my first on March 15, a Lil boy

Getting excited as for it is coming real quick... Just still nervous, not ready and afraid cause I'll be a single mom (father bailed on me when he found out...)



Hey, I saw your topic on the forum this morning and already wanted to send you a message saying you should join our little mommies club! Welcome!


It's exciting, you're due so soon (like Tinydancer and myself!). I am very sorry that the father bailed on you. I can't imagine how hard it is to do this kind of thing (even being pregnant) alon. I hope you have a strong support system around you, maybe we here on ENA can at least be a part of that circle!

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The supporting ones..I guess..? It's like a band you can wear over your pre pregnancy jeans so you don't have to buy a lot of maternity jeans/shorts/capris..I'm ordering the bella band right now off of amazon, it's had pretty great reviews and several of my friends have used these when they were pregnant and really liked them.


btw, I LOVE that shirt in the picture!! Do you have a website that I could order it off of..?

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It's not easy to find the kind of belly bands that I have though... hmm.


Oh and these are not supporting ones. The supporting ones you will only need when you have problems with your pelvic area or severe ligament pain. Those look like these:


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Those are not for decoration, lol. They can relief backaches, ligament pain and things like that. I use them sometimes now that it's really getting heavy.

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Hey, I saw your topic on the forum this morning and already wanted to send you a message saying you should join our little mommies club! Welcome!


It's exciting, you're due so soon (like Tinydancer and myself!). I am very sorry that the father bailed on you. I can't imagine how hard it is to do this kind of thing (even being pregnant) alon. I hope you have a strong support system around you, maybe we here on ENA can at least be a part of that circle!



And yes, thank god I have great support. Family is by far the best thing to have in situations like this. The father haven't even tried to know a single thing about the baby, which I am pretty happy about. My sister gave me a place to stay in her new house, and her, my mother and my grand mother has been helping me a whole lot.


I can't wait, to be honnest. but still nervous cause it's something new in my life, that will need all the love and affection possible. I am ready to give it all, but it just hurts the fact that a little boy without his father, is kind'of sad.


How ever, I do have someone in my life, it's been a few months now. He knew I was pregnant and didnt back off. He's been really supportive and said he will always be there for me and the baby. It's great to see some guys still have their heads on their shoulders...



And those shirts that you linked, are really nice! I like them!!!

Where did you say you got those again!?

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AC143 - yay a little girl! So pleased for you. Arwen am I really looking bigger than you? omg lol...I do feel like Im going to topple over.

Soucy22 aww hun its not nice that the father walked out but his loss hey? You have someone new in your life and it sounds like he's there for you. Your due a few days before me too so thats cool.


Had a funny day ladies, went to buy some nursing bras as I have just under 8 weeks left and I refuse to pay out for maternity bras again. So I went to a well known shop here - Mothercare - and the girl (who looked about 17 and like she'd never had a child) tried telling me that I'd got it all wrong and should come back a few weeks before the baby is born. So I very politely informed her this isn't my first time, I know my body and I know that now is a good time to get your nursing bras. Grrrr cheeky little madam. It turned out they didn't have my size in stock anyway, just little bras (A's and B's) or huuuuge bras (G's and F's) so I went home empty handed. : (


Then as we were walking round the mall I started to get these pains in my yoohoo, like where your pee comes out, and it really hurt. So I called my OB who recommended I go to the delivery suite (knew He'd say that) and we were there for over 2 hours!!! They were swamped and I just wanted to grab my notes and run, you could hear women not one woman...collective...women really moaning and screaming. Im not kidding you, one woman next door was really going for it...in the end I asked DH to take our son back out to the car. It turned out to be nothing and they said its probably just pressure from my uterus bearing down. All in all a eventful day....*sigh* lol

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