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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Arwen...I also wanted to add that surprisingly my son has stretched out. lol He was a big baby at birth, in the 90th percentile. But he started getting really tall. Now, at 7 months his weight is perfect, right in the 50th percentile, but his height is still in the 90th percentile! He is tall and skinny and sooo cute. I'm surprised that he doesnt really have any "baby chub". He has a little on the tops of his legs, but other than that he's a skinny little stinker! lol

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Oh, a big baby doesn't mean anything about how they turn out. My father was enormous. Hahahaha. My poor grams, she was already in her forties (she had 8 kids in total), it was after the 'Hunger Winter' in WWII, and she delivered the biggest baby imaginable. And now... my father is a lean, skinny man that can eat anything he wants and never gains a pound

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Ah my baby is at the Doctors office waiting for her 4 month shots.


She is now:

13.13lbs 24in


Oh My Hubs, she is such a doll! Wow, my girl must be a chunker... she will be 4 months tomorrow and is about 14.5 lbs and 26" (by my crude measuring and home scale, we'll get the official stats next week at her 4 month appt.)

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I am completely wiped out today. But that's because I got a new corda in capoeira yesterday- I had to play, and it wasn't in my town, so it was a longggg weekend. I took a day off to rest but honestly I feel very crappy.


But hey, I have a yellow/white cord now and I had a lot of fun...

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Arwen - can you do Capoiera while pregnant still? I think it's really beautiful and neat.


Well I say I have more energy but Im still taking a quiet day today - my best friend was in town this weekend and had my shower so I played hard!! I feel better than I would've before taking the iron though. Its a rainy day and a nap is calling my name....

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Yeah, but it's hard. On more than one level: it's physically hard because you have to be careful to not do anything that relies too much on the straight abdominal muscles, I can't jump or do any acrobatics except cartwheel and standing on my head (hahah I still can). It's mentally very frustrating because there is no progress. While others learn cool new stuff I feel I am just watching I have to focus on what I CAN do (basic movements playing berimbau, the instrument, etc.) and after 10 minutes my ligaments will hurt so much that it's enough. But I still enjoy going to training, there is also music to learn and it's just good company


MollyElise, how was your shower??

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Sorry I haven't posted in alittle while, I have been so tired lately, completely wiped out! Even searching the web takes a lot of effort for me lol


The good thing is I have my first ultrasound at 8 weeks next monday & I can't wait! YAY!

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Shower was very nice, it was small - 9 people came, but one of them was my best friend who lives 3 hours away - seeing her was great. Their was a really cute cupcake cake, cookies, finger sandwiches and veggie tray. We played some silly games. I racked up some good stuff =) lots of cute baby clothes, toys, diaper bag, some diapers, a few bottles. A good start - now let the shopping begin! haha, except I have no money =) I'm starting to freak out a little bit about getting everything ready - the crib I had lined up didn't work out and the baby room is in shambles. Also, we are shopping for a new car b/c the car seat isn't safe in our compact pickup.

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