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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Well, this will be boring very soon I think! I ironed (do you call it that?) all the sheets for the baby bed, now I am washing the last bit of baby clothes... cleared away all other laundry, did the dishes...


Yay, lots of time to spend on ENA, finally!

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Thank you Arwen, that is what I have been doing. I am trying to not over exhaust myself! As soon as I get home I eat a small meal for dinner, something very light and then I rest for a bit. I usually read and then I go to bed like 3 hrs before I used to.


Work has not been too bad lately so there has not been much for me to do. They are now aware of the fact that I am pregnant so they stay off my back. My supervisor has actually taken it well, it might have to do something with the fact that I am also leaving here in three weeks.


The move is going well almost everything is ready. I can't wait to be with my fiance.


I know what you mean about meeting your little girl, when my sister was going to have her baby I could not wait either and it was not even my baby! Lol! I am sure this is the way I will feel when I get bigger even now I wonder what it will be and what it will look like.


By the way I loved your nusery it was beautiful. I am glad that you are able to just stay home and rest now, you are going to need it for when the big moment comes!

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I think your pregnancy will also be 'easier' once you live with your partner- it's something that really brings people together more.


It really does. If I didn't have the support and sweet/loving things Trey has to say..I think this would be a lot more difficult for me..it's nice to have someone who loves you even while you're bent over the toilet throwing up the breakfast you just ate together or if you want to go to sleep super early even if he doesn't, lol.

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Exactly... lol. It certainly adds a new dimension to the relationship! I can't believe how my husband takes care of me, it's really fantastic. I don't know how I could do even the pregnancy alone, but I know that many moms have to do it themselves... and then the baby isn't even there yet.

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I think your pregnancy will also be 'easier' once you live with your partner- it's something that really brings people together more.


I think you are right I only have three more weeks and this time apart has been hell. I think things will definitely be easier once I am with him, not to mention the fact that he is crazy to see since he has not seen me since I found out I was pregnant.


My family has been great and I love being with them but I think it is not the same as being with him especially now during this time.

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Arwen Im a SAHM so no maternity leave for me, just putting my feet up more, whilst trying to rein in satans little minion (my 5 yr old....he's been hell on wheels today). Luckily he goes to Kindergarten so I do get a break.


Lunar take it easy packing and get someone to help you hun, dont try to do it all yourself.


Dang - is your morning sickness still bad? Have you tried motion sickness bands. They do work and I swear by them


We have our first appt with new OB tom, i've heard good things about him so I hope they are true.

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Arwen Im a SAHM so no maternity leave for me, just putting my feet up more, whilst trying to rein in satans little minion (my 5 yr old....he's been hell on wheels today). Luckily he goes to Kindergarten so I do get a break.


Lunar take it easy packing and get someone to help you hun, dont try to do it all yourself.


Dang - is your morning sickness still bad? Have you tried motion sickness bands. They do work and I swear by them


We have our first appt with new OB tom, i've heard good things about him so I hope they are true.


It got better..and now it seems to be gaining momentum again..I take my pill every morning but i've been throwing up more frequently lately. I'm just used to it now..just trying to go with the flow and keep food down.

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Arwen Im a SAHM so no maternity leave for me, just putting my feet up more, whilst trying to rein in satans little minion (my 5 yr old....he's been hell on wheels today). Luckily he goes to Kindergarten so I do get a break.


Lunar take it easy packing and get someone to help you hun, dont try to do it all yourself.


Dang - is your morning sickness still bad? Have you tried motion sickness bands. They do work and I swear by them


We have our first appt with new OB tom, i've heard good things about him so I hope they are true.


Thanks for your concern Tiny, I actually haven't been the one doing the packing my mom has done it all. She has actually been very supportive and amazing after I talked to her. She wont let me do anything since she is scared due to me having a higher risk pregnancy and all.

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As for me I am exactly nine weeks today. Nothing new to report except for the fact that I can see that my breasts are definitely getting bigger. I have an appointment with my new Ob/Gyn on Tuesday and hopefully this one is better than the last one.


Nothing new with the move just getting excited for it, and counting down the days!

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Yeah, i'm gonna start taking them every week now..I feel like it looks so much bigger in real life but I guess it's just because it feels so different than what i'm used to, lol!


ac, is your stomach feeling harder..?


Yeah I thought at 6,8 & 12 weeks I was big lol because I'm use to having no belly. Now I feel huge! My stomach harder now then it was a few weeks ago. Yours?

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I want bigger breasts, but I don't want a baby bump....LOL




Yeah, for me the one came with the other, and I am hoping to get rid of the other...


Went from a small AA (really... it was embarrassing, I am over 6 ft tall and had virtually no breasts)... to a large C, almost D!!!


Please tell me I can keep them at least at B...


Danglet I love your little starting bump!!! Def. take pics every week. I now have a lot of them, simply taken with the little cam in my macbook.

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Yeah, for me the one came with the other, and I am hoping to get rid of the other...


Went from a small AA (really... it was embarrassing, I am over 6 ft tall and had virtually no breasts)... to a large C, almost D!!!


Please tell me I can keep them at least at B...


Danglet I love your little starting bump!!! Def. take pics every week. I now have a lot of them, simply taken with the little cam in my macbook.


Even when I was pregnant, I didn't get any bigger than a D cup and I was a C to start with. Pregnancy didn't do much for my boobies.

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