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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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Here it's recommended after 35 (so when you're 36 or older). I we'll be able to produce at least 1 sibling for this one before that time... maybe even 2! (lol, we still have discussions about the size of our family... I always thought about 3 kids, but he 'thinks in even numbers'. Hmmm... ).

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Here it's recommended after 35 (so when you're 36 or older). I we'll be able to produce at least 1 sibling for this one before that time... maybe even 2! (lol, we still have discussions about the size of our family... I always thought about 3 kids, but he 'thinks in even numbers'. Hmmm... ).


Go for four! That's enough to row a boat!

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Here it's recommended after 35 (so when you're 36 or older). I we'll be able to produce at least 1 sibling for this one before that time... maybe even 2! (lol, we still have discussions about the size of our family... I always thought about 3 kids, but he 'thinks in even numbers'. Hmmm... ).


Yeah, I think every country is different on that. Here I am pretty sure it is 30. I was 30 when I was pregnant with my first and 40 with my last. I think they like to see the nuchal fold to be under 2.5mm to 3mm. Above that is a big risk for Down's Syndrome. I think Liam"s was at 1mm and my first son's was 1.9mm. It is a good test just to be aware. I guess so you are not surprised or left unprepared if your child is born with Down's. I did not care either way,because I would keep any child no matter the difficulties. I guess they offer it while women are still able to abort if they wish to.

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Had my dr's appt today ladies, he checked my heart and said on a scale of 1 to 6 Im a 2+ so not to worry too much but obvs if I get chest pains to call the clinic and try to take it easy. They will give me a full medical when my baby has his wellbaby check at 4 weeks old. He also recommended some cream for my hands where its so dry its like eczema. Other than that heard the baby's heartbeat again and we have a appt with our obstetrician this friday.

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Had my dr's appt today ladies, he checked my heart and said on a scale of 1 to 6 Im a 2+ so not to worry too much but obvs if I get chest pains to call the clinic and try to take it easy. They will give me a full medical when my baby has his wellbaby check at 4 weeks old. He also recommended some cream for my hands where its so dry its like eczema. Other than that heard the baby's heartbeat again and we have a appt with our obstetrician this friday.


that's a relief, tiny. They found out my sister had a hole in her heart when she was pregnant with her last baby..and they said she had the defect since BIRTH..they found it when she was around 30! It's crazy how that stuff gets overlooked. Hopefully you don't get any chest pains or shortness of breath..that stuff can get scary..especially when you have a little one in your tummy.


I went to my primary care physician for a skin issue with my hands today..he gave me treatment for that..and then we discussed my pregnancy. He said he was worried because I weigh about 10 pounds less than I did a week before I found out I was pregnant, he said I really should be gaining more weight..he said he was sure it was because of all the morning sickness I had..but he hinted at wondering if it was my anorexic issue coming back. I told him that while that is in the back of my mind [about gaining weight and never looking the same] that my baby's health came first..I promised him that I do eat. A typical day of food for me is..


breakfast: bowl of cereal or a egg mcmuffin on the go.


snack: a baggie of cheese nips, fruit, pretzels or a fruit and yogurt parfait.


lunch: whatever I bring for lunch..today i'm having chicken parmesan and salad.


snack: pretzels, fruit or another helping of salad.


dinner: whatever is for dinner.


I just can't eat a lot at once..my stomach shrank due to throwing up so much food all the time..that's why I eat snacky things throughout the day..I guess i'm just not gaining enough weight as I should..bah..i'm trying though! He also said he couldn't believe how much I was showing for only being 3 months..which wasn't comforting..if i'm growing like this now..imagine 6 months from now.

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^ Dang that sounds like a really healthy daily diet your on, I'd say your eating right and just the right amounts too. Keep it up! You'll gain weight when you gain weight. So dont let your dr worry you.


Yeah, I just need to up my water intake..that's been really difficult because it makes me pee more than I want to!

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Do not worry. I gained no weight anytime I was pregnant.In fact I weighed in almost 40 pounds UNDER my prepregnancy weight the day after my son was born and he was perfectly fine. The last time I had gained a half a pound by 14 weeks and had lost it the next visit. As long as you eat enough food do not worry too much.

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Yeah, I just need to up my water intake..that's been really difficult because it makes me pee more than I want to!


Your diet does sound good! Water intake has been difficult for me too considering I NEVER drank water before I was pregnant but I force myself to drink at least 8 - 10 glasses a day.


I have gained probably 10lbs by now, maybe more since my last appt. I have a feeling Im going to be huge by June lol

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Your diet does sound good! Water intake has been difficult for me too considering I NEVER drank water before I was pregnant but I force myself to drive at least 8 - 10 glasses a day.


I have gained probably 10lbs by now, maybe more since my last appt. I have a feeling Im going to be huge by June lol


haha, i'm excited and dreading it at the same time..I'm gonna be pregnant most of the summer..i'm gonna look like a beached whale.

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I would talk to your OB about this but I wouldn't be too concerned about it at all. I actually lost weight and wasn't back to my prepregnancy weight until I was 20+ weeks due to hyperemesis. My OB told me that the first trimester the baby really lives off your reserves so not to worry with the weight loss and vomiting, but to try and up my protein intake once the nausea subsided (hopefully in the 2nd trimester). I was vomiting daily until around 15-16 weeks.

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I have been ok thank you for asking. I have just been sleepy and exhausted so I don't come on to ENA as much as I used to. All I want to do is sleep by the time I get home from work!


Yup just preparing for the move! I am going to be leaving CA on the 10th of Feb and I am headed to Texas. My fiance is super excited to have me over there and in all honesty I can't wait. I miss him very much.


So far things have been ok. I went to the OB/GYN yesterday and that person was awful. I have a new OB/GYN and I have an appointment set up for Tuesday of next week.


I can feel my body changing I know it is not the baby or anything but I can feel the changes. I have been lucky so far because I have not had any morning sickness the only thing I have really is a constant exhaustion all the time.


So far so good....a lot of changes are going to be happening.


Another thing is my wonderful amazing sister gave me a whole bunch of brand new (gender neutral) stuff that she had left over from when she was pregnant with my niece. My niece is only 7 months old but there is a lot of stuff that she got from people that she never used and she saved it all because she was going to donate it, but today when I got home she had arranged all of it for me and she told me it was all for me. I just started to cry and hug her, she is amazing!


How are you doing tiny?

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Aww thanks sophie!


No you really do! For a moment I thought my belly might be bigger than yours, and definitely not as cute!


That's lovely of your sister, Luna. It'll be so much for your baby to have a cousin who's just a bit older, and can take her under her wing. I'm sure they'll love having each other.

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No you really do! For a moment I thought my belly might be bigger than yours, and definitely not as cute!


That's lovely of your sister, Luna. It'll be so much for your baby to have a cousin who's just a bit older, and can take her under her wing. I'm sure they'll love having each other.


I sure hope so! Funny thing is I did not have any plans to have baby or even try to for another 3-4 years! She was praying and asking me to have a baby sooner so that my niece could grow up with a cousin. Now here I am pregnant...luckily they will both have each other!

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Awww thats amazing, its great to get clothes and saves a lot of money too. Yeah the first trimester, the exhaustion and tiredness really hits you hard, bless you. I remember sleeping constantly when I could get a nap. Sorry you had a horrible OB/GYN, but its good you changed to someone else, I have my first appt with our new OB this friday.


AC143 - your bump looks cute!

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I would talk to your OB about this but I wouldn't be too concerned about it at all. I actually lost weight and wasn't back to my prepregnancy weight until I was 20+ weeks due to hyperemesis. My OB told me that the first trimester the baby really lives off your reserves so not to worry with the weight loss and vomiting, but to try and up my protein intake once the nausea subsided (hopefully in the 2nd trimester). I was vomiting daily until around 15-16 weeks.


Yeah, I wish I wouldn't have spoke too soon..because it seems the vomiting is starting to come back more frequently now..not as bad as when it first started..but i'm vomiting at least once a day. I've also heard your metabolism is in over drive when you're pregnant so that may be why i'm not gaining weight either..


I'm not too concerned about it really, i'm not horribly thin..I'm weighing about 130ish..i'll mention it to my OB though when I go in.

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Hey all!


Tiny, almost 31 weeks, time's sure flying at the end, isn't it? Will you have pregnancy/maternity leave?


Danglet, don't worry too much about weight. I lost quite a bit in the beginning, and I was a bit on the skinny side when I got pregnant. The baby takes whatever it needs first- the nausea and its effect will merely affect you, not the baby (unless, of course, you get severely dehydrated or loose too much weight).


Lunastar, the exhaustion of the beginning can be really bad!! Just take your rest after work. I slept for 1 or 2 hours after work the first trimester, later on I got more used to the constant feeling of exhaustion. Hope the move will go smoothly!


Ac143, lovely bump


Here it's my first day of pregnancy leave, I am now 36 weeks pregnant. I worked quite hard these past weeks, and it got harder every day to drag myself to work, I am SO tired now. But I am very well overall. Ok, so I can't eat much because the baby is quite big, but she has dropped already, so at least I can eat more than I did around Xmas, when I actually lost weight


I am just SO much looking forward to meeting the little girl! I don't even care that I am uncomfortable now- now that I don't have to work I can just sleep whenever I please

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