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My 35w2d bump


You look so wonderful! Are you done organizing your nursery and buying the necessary things for the baby, or not yet?


Are you giving birth in a hospital? Have you decided what kind of birth you want? What about the baby name?


(Sorry, so many questions!)

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You look so wonderful! Are you done organizing your nursery and buying the necessary things for the baby, or not yet?


Are you giving birth in a hospital? Have you decided what kind of birth you want? What about the baby name?


(Sorry, so many questions!)




Nursery is almost done, today we put together the babycarriage. I bought all the things necessary for the 'flight bag', so I don't have to pack a bag for the hospital when I am entering labour. We're now washing the things for the bed and the clothes for the baby.


We have a name, I loved our babygirl name so much that that alone was a reason to jump for joy when we found out that it is indeed a girl haha.


Then, in Holland it is (for some reason unknown to me) very common to have a baby at your own home. We don't have a very practical home for an emergency- I'd have to be carried down two stairs in case it doesn't go well. In addition, I don't see why I'd want to be further away than necessary from doctors. So I will deliver 'policlinically' as they call it here. IN the hospital, but in a delivery room for people that don't have a medical reason to deliver in the hospital (i.e. high BP, needing pain medication, etc).


I plan on not using any pain meds (mostly because of reasons for the baby), but if I can't carry the pain, I will ask for it. I don't know how it will be, of course.


Ideally I'd want a 'water birth'. But they don't do that here. I'd have to go to a place far away for that and it would be expensive. But I will definitely give the chair a try haha.


Here's pics of the nursery:

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I love the nursery too. Lime green is such a great color. And the frogs are so cute.


That's why I asked about the hospital, Arwen, because I know a lot of women in the Netherlands give birth at home.


It sounds like you're all set! You must be counting down the days. Good luck for the last 5 weeks!

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Me too!! I am trying to avoid this thread too though, cause it reminds me of things I can not have even if I am SO happy for the ladies on this thread.

Yep, same here. I just find myself being drawn to this thread like a magnet and thinking "awwwwwwww, I want a baby in the house ...... awwwww", lol.

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I also got my quad test results back today - all negative. The downs was 1 in 1500, nurse said I set a new record for her lol. The highest she ever seen was 1 in 1200. I'm so relieved, I didn't have the NT scan so I was worried.

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I also got my quad test results back today - all negative. The downs was 1 in 1500, nurse said I set a new record for her lol. The highest she ever seen was 1 in 1200. I'm so relieved, I didn't have the NT scan so I was worried.


Congrats! That's wonderful news.


Can't wait to hear what you're having. Do you have a hunch?

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Congrats! That's wonderful news.


Can't wait to hear what you're having. Do you have a hunch?


Thanks!! I had a dream the day before I got a positive test that we bought home a baby boy, most of this pregnancy I been thinking boy, but some days girl. Me and my husband will be thrilled with either, but honestly I will be shocked (a good shocked) if its a girl.

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Me too!!! I find out next Monday woot! What week does your dr do the big scan?


Mine does it week 20 but I convinced him to do it week 19 haha.


He hasn't told me when exactly..but I go in on the 25th..i'll be nearly 15 weeks and that's when Trey's sister found out what she was having..but it's different for everyone..so if not the 25th, i'll for sure know in February.

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He hasn't told me when exactly..but I go in on the 25th..i'll be nearly 15 weeks and that's when Trey's sister found out what she was having..but it's different for everyone..so if not the 25th, i'll for sure know in February.


Feb is right around the corner! Are you doing the NT scan? A lot of girls that do ask the tech to peek then but I think at the point you can mistake a boy from a girl still.

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Feb is right around the corner! Are you doing the NT scan? A lot of girls that do ask the tech to peek then but I think at the point you can mistake a boy from a girl still.


See! That's what's so frustrating..my doctor hasn't even said anything about doing the NT scan yet..I really like him..but he doesn't really talk to me about anything! I'm writing down a list of questions for when I go in on the 25th, i'm sick of feeling like he's leaving me out of my preganncy.

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See! That's what's so frustrating..my doctor hasn't even said anything about doing the NT scan yet..I really like him..but he doesn't really talk to me about anything! I'm writing down a list of questions for when I go in on the 25th, i'm sick of feeling like he's leaving me out of my preganncy.


My dr never mentioned it to me either, I had to ask him about it - he said cause I'm not over 35 or high risk he usually doesn't mention them? That's probably why yours hasn't mentioned it either? In the end, I decided against it anyway.


You only have until week 13 and 6 days, after that they wont do it! If you are thinking of getting it done u can't wait until Jan 25.


I write down questions now too, I always forget what I'm going to ask LOL Pregnancy brain s*cks!

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My dr never mentioned it to me either, I had to ask him about it - he said cause I'm not over 35 or high risk he usually doesn't mention them? That's probably why yours hasn't mentioned it either? In the end, I decided against it anyway.


You only have until week 13 and 6 days, after that they wont do it! If you are thinking of getting it done u can't wait until Jan 25.


I write down questions now too, I always forget what I'm going to ask LOL Pregnancy brain s*cks!



Oh well, I guess I won't worry about it..he hasn't discussed doing anymore blood work or anything..like the quad test you talked about? He just doesn't mention it. It's not that i'm doubting his ability as a doctor, Idk..maybe i'm just being emotional..haha.

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Oh well, I guess I won't worry about it..he hasn't discussed doing anymore blood work or anything..like the quad test you talked about? He just doesn't mention it. It's not that i'm doubting his ability as a doctor, Idk..maybe i'm just being emotional..haha.


Well you are 19yrs old so your chances as it is are low. I doubt my dr would mention the quad test if I didn't bring up the NT scan. When I declined the scan he said you can do the blood work at week 16 instead if you want and then we scheduled it. I doubt you have anything to worry about being you are young and healthy Plus alot of women get false positives on that quad test, I was stressing everyday waiting for the results and kinda regretted doing it.

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Well you are 19yrs old so your chances as it is are low. I doubt my dr would mention the quad test if I didn't bring up the NT scan. When I declined the scan he said you can do the blood work at week 16 instead if you want and then we scheduled it. I doubt you have anything to worry about being you are young and healthy Plus alot of women get false positives on that quad test, I was stressing everyday waiting for the results and kinda regretted doing it.


maybe my age is the reasoning, I'm not gonna worry. I'm really glad yours came back so great though, that's awesome! Have you started buying anything yet? I feel like I should start stocking up on wipes and stuff..but I feel like i'm jumping the gun a little bit.

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maybe my age is the reasoning, I'm not gonna worry. I'm really glad yours came back so great though, that's awesome! Have you started buying anything yet? I feel like I should start stocking up on wipes and stuff..but I feel like i'm jumping the gun a little bit.


Nope haven't bought anything! We are waiting until we find out what we are having, plus me and my husband get our yearly bounses in Feb...which will help with buying everything. I think we both have plenty of time still. Then again I always do everything last minute lol

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Nope haven't bought anything! We are waiting until we find out what we are having, plus me and my husband get our yearly bounses in Feb...which will help with buying everything. I think we both have plenty of time still. Then again I always do everything last minute lol


Oh, believe me..I do too. It's really hard to even buy much without knowing what you're having [if you're finding out, that is]..

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Oh, believe me..I do too. It's really hard to even buy much without knowing what you're having [if you're finding out, that is]..


Yup, Im not sure what colors or what size of the store I should be on lol.


Oh wait...I did buy something. I got a "my first halloween" outfit for like 4 bucks at TJMaxx after halloween. lol I looked for a xmas one but couldnt find one, since everything is like 75% off after the fact. Other then that..nothing

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Hey girls,


Just chiming in on the NT discussion: we decided not to have one. It's a hard decision, that no one can make for you. Here's our reasoning:


- I am 29 and the chance based on age is 1 in 1000

- the result of the NT test (we call it combination test, it's bloodwork plus the NT test based on ultrasound) is an estimation.

- any chance that is higher than 1 in 200 (read: a chance of 0.5%) is considerd a 'elevated' risk.

- in that case, the next step is to have one of the two other tests that are definitive, but also risky for the fetus. There is a chance of 1:150 of miscarriage related to that definitive test.


In our 'february mommies' group over at the Dutch board I am a member of, we had one girl that took the test, and had a chance of 1:20 based on the NT/combination test. That seems VERY high. Still, I also told her to turn those numbers around: the chance that her baby was in fact healthy is 95%, against the 5% chance of Down syndrome. But obviously, once you had a test like this, you can't finish the rest of your pregnancy without being completely worried and scared. So she had the other test. She is expecting a fully healthy (as far as they can see, of course) babygirl. I don't know if she wouldn't have taken the NT knowing what she knows now, but I myself was happy that we didn't.


Note also that the NT test alone is not very telling: 30% of children with Down syndrome don't have abnormal measurements in the neck.


However, I must admit that sometimes I am scared too. You never know... now that I am close to having the baby, I have the weirdest thoughts, I am even scared that I'll still lose her right before or after birth. Luckily I am able to push these negative thoughts away most of the time...


Good luck in deciding!


And as for gender, I strongly recommend you wait to find out until they can see it better. At 12-14 weeks there is a larger 'margin of error' than at 20 weeks, for instance. A lot of people have a non-medical gender ultrasound at 16 weeks, personally I'd wait until the 20 weeks ultrasound. But then remember that we found out by accident, we didn't want to know, but we saw it ourselves and then had it confirmed


Wow. Long post. Sorry gals.


Good English (UK) resource (I think the 'norms' for what is considered as a higher risk is different) for the NT test:


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Nope haven't bought anything! We are waiting until we find out what we are having, plus me and my husband get our yearly bounses in Feb...which will help with buying everything. I think we both have plenty of time still. Then again I always do everything last minute lol


You should see us... me with my huge belly, still wobbling around in stores because the nursery not exactly complete.



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Arwen I love your nursery its so pretty! Love the frogs too. lol.

AC143 - Glad to hear your test results were good and that everything is working out for you. Its always a relief to know that things are going as well as can be


Dang - I hope your feeling well and morning sickness has taken a backseat now.

Lunar -how are you hun? getting ready to move yet?


Im good, I dont know if I posted about this last week but we had a emergency trip to A&E last week after some pains I had in my right rib were troubling me, baby is fine and still wriggling around, it turned out to be rib flare...not very nice but hey it happens. But the big shocker was that the emergency dr picked up a heart murmur....with me...now im really annoyed that my own NHS dr never picked this up and neither has anyone else. I have since changed over to Tricare anyway as they are much better at dealing with us, but the NHS dr surgery have been in a panic trying to get me to go back to them and I refused saying enough is enough, first you lose my bloodwork then when I had a emergency a month ago I couldn't get hold of a midwife who is suppossed to be oncall then you miss a heart murmur...I dont think so!

So im going to see my Tricare dr on base today about the heart murmur as I need to be monitored from now on.

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Arwen I love your nursery its so pretty! Love the frogs too. lol.

AC143 - Glad to hear your test results were good and that everything is working out for you. Its always a relief to know that things are going as well as can be


Dang - I hope your feeling well and morning sickness has taken a backseat now.

Lunar -how are you hun? getting ready to move yet?


Im good, I dont know if I posted about this last week but we had a emergency trip to A&E last week after some pains I had in my right rib were troubling me, baby is fine and still wriggling around, it turned out to be rib flare...not very nice but hey it happens. But the big shocker was that the emergency dr picked up a heart murmur....with me...now im really annoyed that my own NHS dr never picked this up and neither has anyone else. I have since changed over to Tricare anyway as they are much better at dealing with us, but the NHS dr surgery have been in a panic trying to get me to go back to them and I refused saying enough is enough, first you lose my bloodwork then when I had a emergency a month ago I couldn't get hold of a midwife who is suppossed to be oncall then you miss a heart murmur...I dont think so!

So im going to see my Tricare dr on base today about the heart murmur as I need to be monitored from now on.

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