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For ENA moms and moms-to-be!!


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With my first I had preeclampsia in my last trimester so what started off as a healthy pregnancy turned into a bloated nightmare by the end. My starting weight was a very reasonable 130 for my 5'7 frame which, due to the water I retained shot up to 200lbs by the time I delivered leaving me with some pretty hellacious stretch marks.


This time around I'm really monitoring it although this sciatica I'm experiencing due to the position of the baby is preventing me from being active beyond a leisurely walkso I'm trying my best to control my weight and water gain through my diet. Last week was my first week of my 3rd trimester and I'm already noticing some swelling though so I'm just hoping that this won't be a repeat of last time!


But to answer your question - the first time I started out at 130 and got up to 200lbs. This time around I started off at 148 and am now 170.. a gain of 22lbs

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So excited to have found thread. Congratulations to all the mommies to be of this forum. I am 7 months pregnant and have a 18 month old daughter.


I'm due the end of march and am so excited for my daughter to be able to share with a little sister. The only thing I am not that excited about is how tired I'll be lol but that's part of parenthood right lol.


I am feeling soooooo tired, heavy, not sexy at all, regardless of blow-drying my hair, or trying on some new lipstick, i still feel big, and tired, and not sexy lol. My hubby has been good and supportive, though i recently posted a thread about how I could help him with his ''urges'' lol. I did get good advice, and one specially helped very much hehe.


I have been thinking about getting a makeover after I give birth, of course. I know it took me about 2 to 3 months to go back to my normal with my first pregnancy, so I wouldn't mind a change of hair color, style, some new clothes etc. Start working out, all that stuff that I KNOW it is easier to say than to actually commit to it. But it is a new year, with new goals and I for my sake, I should commit to a few at least.


I'm a natural brunette. I have only colored my hair once before, and that was about 8 years ago. I have been concern about my first pregnancy, and breastfeeding that I haven't touch my hair with anything. And plan not to until at least 2 or 3 months after birth.



Aren't we all at times???


How many of you feel the same?


Thanks from NJ

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what's wrong, lunar?


Here is the deal:


I am frustrated because now that my family know I'm pregnant they think that I should stay here with them and not move to Texas. How can I not be with the father of my child? I mean he wants to be with me during this time he wants to be there. However he is stuck where he is. He is in the military...my family say they won't force me but I can see they are not happy about me leaving....ugghhh I don't need this now!


I feel bad about me leaving but what am I supposed to do?

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Here is the deal:


I am frustrated because now that my family know I'm pregnant they think that I should stay here with them and not move to Texas. How can I not be with the father of my child? I mean he wants to be with me during this time he wants to be there. However he is stuck where he is. He is in the military...my family say they won't force me but I can see they are not happy about me leaving....ugghhh I don't need this now!


I feel bad about me leaving but what am I supposed to do?


your supposed to do whats right for you and what you want to do. Your right you need to be with your fiancee, I can understand your famliy being worried and all but your man sounds like he'll really look after you and they'll see that given time. They need to accept that too, your not always going to be close by not with him being in the military.

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your supposed to do whats right for you and what you want to do. Your right you need to be with your fiancee, I can understand your famliy being worried and all but your man sounds like he'll really look after you and they'll see that given time. They need to accept that too, your not always going to be close by not with him being in the military.


See that's what I think....when my sister got preganant she had the luxury to be close to home and be with my mom. I would like that but he needs to be with me too. I mean this is something for the both of us, and he does not deserve to only see me once a month.


I feel guilty for leaving and all but I need to be with him right now....its killing him too. He keeps feeling I wont go and I can see he is so sad. He is not forcing me to go but he says he needs to be with me and our baby....

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Here is the deal:


I am frustrated because now that my family know I'm pregnant they think that I should stay here with them and not move to Texas. How can I not be with the father of my child? I mean he wants to be with me during this time he wants to be there. However he is stuck where he is. He is in the military...my family say they won't force me but I can see they are not happy about me leaving....ugghhh I don't need this now!


I feel bad about me leaving but what am I supposed to do?


Well I am VERY close to my family & it was soooo hard for me to move to FL (they live in PA) with my then BF (husband now) but I did it because I knew our life here would be better. Now personally if I was in your situation I would want to be around my SO. Its not like he has a choice at this moment in his life. Ultimately its your decision & you should do what you feel is right for you and the baby.

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See that's what I think....when my sister got preganant she had the luxury to be close to home and be with my mom. I would like that but he needs to be with me too. I mean this is something for the both of us, and he does not deserve to only see me once a month.


I feel guilty for leaving and all but I need to be with him right now....its killing him too. He keeps feeling I wont go and I can see he is so sad. He is not forcing me to go but he says he needs to be with me and our baby....


Then go hun, its not like this is just some bf, he's your fiancee and your future life partner. It is very selfish of you family to want you stay just because they are worried about the baby and when they'll see it and they are prob worried you wont be looked after. But I can tell you now the Airforce really looks after their spouses and familys, housing is great, the healthcare is great and there are some brilliant support networks too. If you want to go to him then do it. Your family will understand and get over any greiveances they feel about it. This is your baby together and its only right you should want to be with him

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Well I am VERY close to my family & it was soooo hard for me to move to FL (they live in PA) with my then BF (husband now) but I did it because I knew our life here would be better. Now personally if I was in your situation I would want to be around my SO. Its not like he has a choice at this moment in his life. Ultimately its your decision & you should do what you feel is right for you and the baby.


See I now that my life with him will be great and we need to be together. I mean we are going to be starting our family, and he needs to be there. I am really close to my family and I know they want to be there but I need to be with him. I mean its hard as it is being away right now.


Then go hun, its not like this is just some bf, he's your fiancee and your future life partner. It is very selfish of you family to want you stay just because they are worried about the baby and when they'll see it and they are prob worried you wont be looked after. But I can tell you now the Airforce really looks after their spouses and familys, housing is great, the healthcare is great and there are some brilliant support networks too. If you want to go to him then do it. Your family will understand and get over any greiveances they feel about it. This is your baby together and its only right you should want to be with him


Thank you tiny, he has been assuring me the same thing and he has all these plans in case of anything. He says this is our future and he can't not be with me. He says its our baby and I want to be the one to take care of you. I need to be with you and our baby....

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Welcome to enotalone. Congrats on your pregnancy, I am glad that it is going well and I am jealous(in the kindest way possible) that it took you only 2-3 months to get back to normal after your first baby. It took me 2 years. lol You must be a very strong woman. You go girl.

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Hey L2009 congrats on your pregnancy, its a great thread we have going here.


Lunar i hope you got everything sorted hun and your family are being supportive.


Snow day for us today which was a pain as we needed to do some running around before the move this friday, I went out with our little boy to build a snowman but i could hardly bend over so it was a bit comical.

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Hey L2009 congrats on your pregnancy, its a great thread we have going here.


Lunar i hope you got everything sorted hun and your family are being supportive.


Snow day for us today which was a pain as we needed to do some running around before the move this friday, I went out with our little boy to build a snowman but i could hardly bend over so it was a bit comical.


Hey Tiny,


I spoke to my sister and at least she understands! That is half of the battle won there, now I just need to explian it to my parents!

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Well ladies, I think I feel the baby moving!!!!!! I'm alittle over 17 weeks so its possible, right?


Doesn't feel like flutters, more like jabs. At first I wasn't sure and thought maybe gas but its nothing like gas plus I felt the baby pretty much most of the night last night and today. Its pretty cool!

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Lunar glad you spoke to your sister and she understands you, it will make things a lot easier for you I should think now. Dont let it worry you though hun, you need to be calm and relaxed now.


AC143 thats brilliant! Isn't it exciting when you feel them move for the first time? prob not for a while yet but soon you'll recognise a pattern and can tell when they're awake and when they are sleeping

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Lunar glad you spoke to your sister and she understands you, it will make things a lot easier for you I should think now. Dont let it worry you though hun, you need to be calm and relaxed now.


AC143 thats brilliant! Isn't it exciting when you feel them move for the first time? prob not for a while yet but soon you'll recognise a pattern and can tell when they're awake and when they are sleeping




Thanks again. Last night I had a brief with my mom about the fact that just because I am pregnant this does not change things. I am still going to go, if anything this makes me leave even more I mean my fiance has to be there to see this as well, especially since this is our first one and he wants to be there!


She did not seemt too happy and she said she will not stand in the way, she is just concerned because we are both new parents and we have no idea what to do. To a certain degree she is right but there are a lot of couples who have been new parents and its just the two of them. If they have been able to do it and raise kids then I am sure we will be able to as well!

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Well ladies, I think I feel the baby moving!!!!!! I'm alittle over 17 weeks so its possible, right?


Doesn't feel like flutters, more like jabs. At first I wasn't sure and thought maybe gas but its nothing like gas plus I felt the baby pretty much most of the night last night and today. Its pretty cool!


I felt that at 16/17 weeks too It's very cool! And it will get very intense in the end, I promise you that! I am blessed with a very active girl, and sometimes I pray she will just sleep so I can sleep (or focus at work, lol).


Yay!! The best part of the pregnancy starts for you now

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awww lunar we're all new parents and whether you live near your mum or not makes no difference. Im sure she'll think diffrently when your moved and the baby is born and she sees just how well your coping. To be honest, living with your fiancee and having the airforce take care of you is the best thing you can do. In my opinion. We did use the NHS over here to start with, and they were horrible. So we started using our TRICARE plan and we now see a private dr who is the best in the county we're in.

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awww lunar we're all new parents and whether you live near your mum or not makes no difference. Im sure she'll think diffrently when your moved and the baby is born and she sees just how well your coping. To be honest, living with your fiancee and having the airforce take care of you is the best thing you can do. In my opinion. We did use the NHS over here to start with, and they were horrible. So we started using our TRICARE plan and we now see a private dr who is the best in the county we're in.


I agree this is going to be hard for them and for me as well but I want to do this. I know that God will help me along the way and I am sure that we will make mistakes but we will both be there!

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awww lunar we're all new parents and whether you live near your mum or not makes no difference. Im sure she'll think diffrently when your moved and the baby is born and she sees just how well your coping. To be honest, living with your fiancee and having the airforce take care of you is the best thing you can do. In my opinion. We did use the NHS over here to start with, and they were horrible. So we started using our TRICARE plan and we now see a private dr who is the best in the county we're in.


tricare is amazing insurance.

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