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Congrats lunarstar! Is the father excited!


I know it's a bit odd that I read this thread, as I'm not pregnant or wanting to be pregnant, but I love keeping up on all the preggo news.


Ilse, that picture is beautiful!


I hope I look like this when I'm pregnant: (apparently she's 8.5 months in that pic)

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Congrats lunarstar! Is the father excited!


I know it's a bit odd that I read this thread, as I'm not pregnant or wanting to be pregnant, but I love keeping up on all the preggo news.


Ilse, that picture is beautiful!


I hope I look like this when I'm pregnant: (apparently she's 8.5 months in that pic)


hahaha, me too

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Thank you!! I will be here writing about my progress....I was thinking of creating a journal but I don't want to write things that are gonna gross people out! hehe


phhhht, who cares.


Just be prepared if you start to get constipated..omg, i've had it so bad..it makes me crampy and SO irritable..because i've never had to deal with it until I got pregnant! The minute I feel the urge to go, I sprint to the bathroom like I have only a small 'window of time' to go..i'm so dumb, haha.


TMI, I know..but i've had a LOT of increased discharge..but it's not bad enough to need a panty liner..yet anyway. Don't worry about grossing people out, it's completely natural.

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phhhht, who cares.


Just be prepared if you start to get constipated..omg, i've had it so bad..it makes me crampy and SO irritable..because i've never had to deal with it until I got pregnant! The minute I feel the urge to go, I sprint to the bathroom like I have only a small 'window of time' to go..i'm so dumb, haha.


TMI, I know..but i've had a LOT of increased discharge..but it's not bad enough to need a panty liner..yet anyway. Don't worry about grossing people out, it's completely natural.


Haha, thank you so much!! I will be sure to watch out for all this stuff? Can you eat prunes when you are pregnant? Man I think I might need to buy a book or something I have so many questions...


I went to the doctor to confirm the three home pregnancy tests I took, and tomorrow I have my actual appointment....


Ugghh and I am moving with my fiance to Texas in a month....

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^^^ HAHAHA.... have you read "Belly Laughs" by Jenny McCarthy? She talks about the " Snail Trail" in that book... aka - the wonderful discharge us pregnant women have. Ever since I read that every tiem I go to the bathroom that's all I can think about. LOL


I'm 27 weeks and counting with my second child...and boy has it been different. And by different I mean MUCH MORE DIFFICULT. I was such an active person before I became pregnant. I was dead set on not letting this pregnancy stop me from going to my belly dancing, spinning, step and zumba classes.. that was until sciatica sidelined me around week 20. Now I can't wait for this to be over with!!!

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^^^ HAHAHA.... have you read "Belly Laughs" by Jenny McCarthy? She talks about the " Snail Trail" in that book... aka - the wonderful discharge us pregnant women have. Ever since I read that every tiem I go to the bathroom that's all I can think about. LOL


I'm 27 weeks and counting with my second child...and boy has it been different. And by different I mean MUCH MORE DIFFICULT. I was such an active person before I became pregnant. I was dead set on not letting this pregnancy stop me from going to my belly dancing, spinning, step and zumba classes.. that was until sciatica sidelined me around week 20. Now I can't wait for this to be over with!!!


Man how often do you guys eat? I am starving I ate some apples and some oranges and I am wondering what are some healthy snacks I can eat or keep throughout the day. Is there something I should always eat everyday?

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Man how often do you guys eat? I am starving I ate some apples and some oranges and I am wondering what are some healthy snacks I can eat or keep throughout the day. Is there something I should always eat everyday?


CONGRATS!!! I use to eat twice a day...I'm now 17 weeks and since I think week 14? I been eating like a horse lol I HAVE to eat every 2-3hrs. Throughout the day I eat probably 5 small meals and some healthy snacks (n not so healthy ones too lol) Luckily I only gained about 7lbs so far, I'm hoping not to go over 30lbs - maybe 25 BUT if I do I dont really care, I'll just work out hard once its all done


Make sure to take your prenatal vitiams, eat veggies, fruits, carbs etc.. My dr gave me a list of things like 1 cup at day of fruit and 1 or 2 cups of veggies etc.

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That's awesome! One of my friends is due May 21st, another June 22nd and now you on August 21st..haha. Crazy! I also recommend the website link removed


It's awesome..the forum is great!


Hey are you on that forum? I'm part of the June DDC there

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CONGRATS!!! I use to eat twice a day...I'm now 17 weeks and since I think week 14? I been eating like a horse lol I HAVE to eat every 2-3hrs. Throughout the day I eat probably 5 small meals and some healthy snacks (n not so healthy ones too lol) Luckily I only gained about 7lbs so far, I'm hoping not to go over 30lbs - maybe 25 BUT if I do I dont really care, I'll just work out hard once its all done


Make sure to take your prenatal vitiams, eat veggies, fruits, carbs etc.. My dr gave me a list of things like 1 cup at day of fruit and 1 or 2 cups of veggies etc.


Awww thank you! Congrats to you too this is also my first one!! I have been eating every few hours i eat feel good and then a little later I am hungry again...

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Hey are you on that forum? I'm part of the June DDC there


I've just been lurking the past few weeks..but i'm about to join. I mostly read since most of the stuff I would post about has already been posted, lol..I feel like i'd just be repeating everyone. I find it very beneficial to read though!


I feel so sorry for some of the women on there who are trying to conceive..I mean some have been trying for YEARS. I almost feel 'unworthy' in a way because I wasn't trying..IDK maybe i'm just being emotional, lol.

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I've just been lurking the past few weeks..but i'm about to join. I mostly read since most of the stuff I would post about has already been posted, lol..I feel like i'd just be repeating everyone. I find it very beneficial to read though!


I feel so sorry for some of the women on there who are trying to conceive..I mean some have been trying for YEARS. I almost feel 'unworthy' in a way because I wasn't trying..IDK maybe i'm just being emotional, lol.


That place is great, you should join. I dont really post anywhere besides the June DDC. Some did take yearssss to get pregnant & it is sad but they are all just happy they did eventually become pregnant - dont feel unworthy silly lol.

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I've just been lurking the past few weeks..but i'm about to join. I mostly read since most of the stuff I would post about has already been posted, lol..I feel like i'd just be repeating everyone. I find it very beneficial to read though!


I feel so sorry for some of the women on there who are trying to conceive..I mean some have been trying for YEARS. I almost feel 'unworthy' in a way because I wasn't trying..IDK maybe i'm just being emotional, lol.


That place is great, you should join. I dont really post anywhere besides the June DDC. Some did take yearssss to get pregnant & it is sad but they are all just happy they did eventually become pregnant - dont feel unworthy silly lol.

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Ok now I've just got through that colossal amount of new posts..


First off..CONGRATULATIONS LUNAR!!!! thats wonderful news and im thrilled for you! And its great to see your fiancee all excited too. awww its lovely watching guys when they are first time daddys...they get more excited than us I think.


Dang- its a relief when you start showing because people notice and then you dont feel so weird for having all the other symptons and people wondering what the hell is wrong with you...lol.


Im feeling good today, tried to do some packing yesterday and was so out of breath...DH told me to leave it til he gets home now. My 5 yr old is running riot too, he's in between schools now til we move. He was going to a british infant school and has already done what they call reception class but we're putting him into school on base here as its easier once we've moved. We'll be living on base and I dont fancy a long commute to a school off base and back with a newborn.

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